The Third Reich

Chapter 1641: Use the advantage of generation difference to crush the opponent

What Germany is best at is probably to use generation difference to crush.

When other countries were still cute tanks the size of bean grains, Germany was already a big guy in the 20-ton class. When the opponents managed to get 30-ton or 40-ton tanks, Germany It has begun to dominate in a tiger style.

This is true on tanks and airplanes. The BF109 in those days slammed everything around. Now other countries have developed on propeller airplanes. Turning around, the Germans have no propeller butts. .

Dive down from behind the buttocks, three guns fired, 20mm shells, the Mustang fighter was directly blown up, and the Mustang fighter exploded into a fireball in the sky. At the same time, Karl also found that his situation was not good.

His plane is rushing towards the fireball.

The distance is too close and the speed is too high.

At this moment, in front of Carl's eyes, only the fireball was quickly coming towards him, and at the same time, there were countless flying fragments, leaping towards his fighter plane.

No matter how resistant the aircraft is, they don't like the flying debris. For a jet, flying toward the debris is even more dangerous.

The nose is the air intake. If the aircraft **** in the debris, the engine will be destroyed at any time. If a small piece of debris hits the blade of a centrifugal compressor with tens of thousands of revolutions, it will break the blade. The high-speed rotating blades will break the entire engine compartment to pieces, which is why the jets of later generations are afraid of hitting birds.

Now, the distance between Karl and the target is too close, so that he has no chance to pull up, so he can only change his tactics.

Carl pushed the joystick fiercely, letting the plane's belly face the ball of fire, and the plane rolled in the air, and then passed through the Soviet fleet.

Yes, since it can’t be pulled up, it can only be passed through. During the flight, Carl seemed to hear a few collisions. He didn’t know what kind of damage the outer shell of the plane was injured, but after passing through, his plane Still intact.

It's like throwing a stone into the water and splashing countless splashes of water. When Karl's plane passed through the American fleet, the American plane reacted and immediately scattered around.

Yes, they don't know what to do anymore. They were the best piston fighters of this era, but when they met the German jets, they were frightened by the opponent's style of play.

If you want to avoid being hit, you can only spread out, and in which direction to fly, it's not clear yet.

"Squad three, stay to entangle the German plane, Squad One and Squad Two, fly according to the original plan!" Major Michael shouted loudly on the radio.

In fact, by now, he should be able to guess something. Since the Germans intercepted them in this airspace, it means that their mission has long been exposed.

Everything about them is in the grasp of the Germans.

However, Major Michael did not want to give up the mission.

For them, this is a rare opportunity to shoot down Cyric's plane in the air, leaving Cyric's bones gone. As long as Cyric dies, the United States will have a precious breathing opportunity.

In this case, they must use a firm and fearless spirit to complete this task.

Even if they encounter heavy obstacles along the way, even if there is only one fighter left in the end, they have to fly to the German Air Force No. 1 plane. Even if they fail in the end, their bravery and fearless behavior will infect future generations and encourage them to continue to fight bravely and fight for a free and democratic America.

They will not give up.

Since Major Michael’s plane was at the forefront, he did not see it with his own eyes when the plane behind was shot down. He just heard the call in the headset. If he saw the German fighter plane, he would definitely give up this Unrealistic ideas.

They can no longer succeed.

After Carl's plane was inserted, it immediately turned into a climbing state. Amidst the red vision caused by the overload, Carl found a target again.

In contrast, the pitch attack is more suitable for the jet than the dive attack, because it is fast and the dive speed will be faster. After the target is attacked, there is no time to exit, but the pitch attack is not necessary. After that, he could easily turn around and avoid the wreckage of the enemy plane.

"Tom tom tom!" The three cannons fired together, and the enemy plane dragged up heavy smoke, and with a long buzzing sound, it fell down.

Killed another one!

Just when Carl was excited, a voice came from the headphones: "Antelope, hurry, turn left!"

It's the voice of the leader!

Without even thinking about it, Carl pushed the joystick and kicked the rudder on the left. Then, a trail of bullets appeared behind him, and a Mustang fighter was chasing him and firing.

At this time, the Americans did not give up. After the initial panic passed, they began to fight back.

The captain of the third team, Michael, was the first to enter the attack state. He found that the German fighters were very fierce, fast, and fierce. The only way to defeat the opponent was to launch a sneak attack from behind the opponent while the opponent was attacking. !

Michael did it. His 4 12.7mm heavy machine guns roared to form a terrible barrage and flew towards the opponent's plane, perfectly covering the back half of the opponent's fuselage.

However, the opponent turned at a critical time. Although his several bullets seemed to hit the opponent, they did not cause any damage, and the opponent accelerated to leave.

When the storm bird wanted to escape, it meant that the battle was over. The air battle between the two sides was impossible. I saw the flames from the tail of this fighter jet blazingly out, and it was like a ride. go with.

Michael's heart was extremely lost. His most powerful fighter was a toy in the opponent's At this moment, the sound of the unique 20mm gun shooting came from behind him. , In an instant, he knew he had made a mistake.

In air combat, straight flight for three consecutive seconds means death. In order to aim at the opponent and maintain a straight flight, there are German fighters behind him. In terms of quantity, German fighters are more. !

Helping his own wingman to kill this sneak attack fighter, Walter looked at the sky in front of him, and saw that there was a group of American fighter jets that wanted to escape?

Want to run at the speed of your slow snail?

"First Squadron, catch up and beat the Americans to the bottom!" Walter shouted on the radio: "Antelope, return to the team!"

Just lost his lead in the air battle, and was almost shot down because of his love for the battle. At this time, Carl had realized his mistake and followed Carl obediently. Their goal was those snails crawling. American plane that tried to escape!

In front of jets, all propeller planes are scum!

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