The Third Reich

Chapter 1654: Brains wide open

It takes time to build a warship. After all, even if it is an **** aircraft carrier, the shortest construction period will take a few months. However, it takes seven or eight months to attack an aircraft carrier without a year. This is already the fastest.

Several ships were about to be built, but they were bombed again. The U.S. Navy was almost crying. Now, Nimitz gave an idea.

Since we cannot acquire enough naval fleets in a short period of time to build the U.S. Navy as powerful as Germany, then we simply pull the German Navy to the same level as ours.

It takes a long time to build a warship, but building an airplane is fast.

In this era, building airplanes and building tanks are almost the same, but unlike later generations of airplanes, which are so expensive, there are hundreds of them in a country, and there are tens of thousands of airplanes at every turn.

The next step for the Germans must be a sneak attack on Greenland. Then, simply set up an ambush in Greenland or nearby to attack the German fleet!

Nimitz’s proposal won everyone’s approval, and Roosevelt had an idea. In that case, he didn’t copy some German battles. In the past, the German air raid on Scarpa Bay was definitely the most exciting. That's it!

How could we organize a similar air strike from Greenland and bomb the base of the German navy? As long as they sink a few of their aircraft carriers, the United States will usher in a short period of peace, and there will be enough respite.

Roosevelt became excited when he thought of this, and his face was flushed, as if his life was renewed in the second spring, that is, why didn't he think of it?

Attack the German fleet and turn things around in one fell swoop!

In Roosevelt’s heart, this idea suddenly appeared, and he couldn’t take it back again. Looking at his staff, Roosevelt blurted out: “How about we attacked the German naval base? How about sinking the German main warship in the harbor. in."

Recently, Roosevelt seemed to be a bit too eager for quick success. His mind was full of wild ideas. For example, he was going to bomb Moscow in the first place. Fortunately, he was good at doing so and eventually changed to intercept on the route.

Now, the facts have proved that they have fallen into the trap. The Germans have long known their actions, and the sneak attacks have been attacked. If it is to bomb Moscow, the precious strategic bomber, I don’t know how much it will lose!

Now, Roosevelt didn't learn his lesson, and he was going to attack the German naval base!

Can this succeed?

The German attack on Scarpa Bay was because Scarpa Bay was isolated and helpless, far away from the British mainland, and surrounded by water on three sides. The geographical location determined that it was easy to be attacked.

However, Germany’s bases are different. German naval bases are mainly located in northern Germany and along the North Sea. Because the United Kingdom, Denmark and other countries have been conquered by Germany, it can be regarded as the depth of the territory. Its own bomber group is large. Flying over from Greenland a long way, must have been found far away.

Along the way, Germany had enough to arrange six or seven interception lines, causing heavy losses to the American bomber forces.

Step back 10,000 steps, even if you fly to a German naval base, what can you do, you may not be able to find German warships. Now, near the German port, it is tightly sealed, and there is no idea how many ships stayed inside. I don't know if there is an aircraft carrier, unless air reconnaissance is dispatched.

But as long as it is dispatched, it will definitely startle.

Where is the classic German tactics easily copied!

Nimitz frowned and explained the problems to Roosevelt. Fortunately, Roosevelt hardened his brows and listened.

"Yes, it seems that we must be cautious." Roosevelt said: "The navy has to demonstrate how likely it is to attack a German base. When necessary, we cannot be afraid of sacrifice, just like Du Lit went to Like the sneak attack on Tokyo, if our battle is successful, it will greatly boost our morale."

Roosevelt looked at it from a political point of view. After Germany conquered the Soviet Union, I am afraid that there was also an atmosphere of pessimism and disappointment in the United States. Once everyone thought that it was impossible to win, it was very likely that he would really lose.

A victory must be used to increase the self-confidence of the people!

"Mr. President, I still have a good idea." Nimitz's brain had already formulated a plan: "The cross-age bomb we introduced technology from the Soviet Union to develop, although it cannot be used in battle with the Germans, It's just for deterrence, but it should be no problem for the island countries and the midway island we are invaded? Once the island country's problem is solved, we will be able to deal with Germany."

Everyone opened their mouths wide.


The meeting lasted for a few hours and various action plans were determined. When everyone else had left, Roosevelt again left Marshall and Groves behind.

"Mr. President, our Manhattan project has been restarted." Groves said: "Those Russians are now fully engaged in their work. They are working hard to build our nuclear bomb as soon as possible."

Roosevelt nodded: "We have no time. Now, I look forward to our nuclear bomb every day. Once the Germans build it first, then we will completely lose hope of victory."

If there is a nuclear bomb, the German thermobaric bomb will definitely be thrown down without any hesitation. Now it is just a new balance. The United States does not use it, and Germany does not use just like before. The same as the gas bomb.

But the nuclear bomb will break this balance.

"In addition to nuclear bombs, we also need to develop rockets." Roosevelt said: "The Germans paraded in Moscow and showed their latest missiles. They can hit us across half of the earth. We must have the same weapons. Row."

Roosevelt had a hunch. If such a ballistic missile is equipped with a nuclear warhead or a thermobaric warhead, it will definitely be a disaster, because this thing simply cannot be intercepted!

Originally, Robert Goddard could be the leader of American rockets, but unfortunately, he was taken away by the Germans more than ten years ago. At that time, the Germans began to develop rockets, but he knew nothing about it. !

Unfortunately, the United States has no experts in this area.

In later generations, American rocket technology started with the German V-2 missile. Braun, a scientist who has served Germany for more than ten years, has transformed and became the father of American rockets, which is ironic. Of it.

"We lack experts in this area, but we have already inquired that the Soviets have experts in this area, and they are also secretly developing rockets. Two of them are called Korolev and Grushko. The leader of rockets and engines." Marshall said: "If we can get them over, we can set up this stall."

Although a large number of Soviet scientists have been invited to the United States for investigation, the prisoners in the prison are not counted, and now, these two men are still working in the No. 4 prison in Siberia.

Roosevelt's eyes rolled: "Well, you can find a way to get them over! Stalin now needs our support even more, and the Soviets now have no scientific research capabilities. Only we can do this kind of thing. come out!"

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