The Third Reich

Chapter 1668: Step on Midway Island again

Cyric does not want to support the island countries excessively, such as providing them with real offensive aircraft carriers so that the island countries can upset the United States in the Pacific. However, Cyric does not want the island countries to be sacked by the United States so quickly.

The existence of island states is to contain the United States, forcing the United States to be forced to fight on two fronts, and to contain part of the US naval power during its own cross-sea landing.

Now Cyric thinks of the island country again. After the island country has occupied Midway Island, the demand for offensive aircraft carriers is no longer particularly urgent. After all, with Midway Island as a base, the air force of the island country can radiate all around. In the Pacific Ocean, Midway Island, as an unsinkable aircraft carrier, allows the island nation to defend the western part of the Pacific Ocean. In this way, the island nation has the capital to continue to exist.

Now that the island has its own fighter jets, it can also defend Midway Island.

It's just that, until now, the island countries really don't have much ability to pay off Germany's debts.

"The significance of Australia lies in the iron ore on it. The conditions we negotiated at the beginning were also the mining rights. Now, as long as we advance to the Ural Mountains, there are as many excellent iron ore as necessary. Therefore, the iron ore in Australia Stone is not particularly important to us anymore.” Cyric said: “If the island countries cannot take Australia, let them continue to use Southeast Asian rubber to repay their debts.”

In the history of World War II, Germany's scarce resources included rubber. Because it was unable to obtain excellent natural rubber, it was forced to use recycled rubber. For example, ME262 tires often exploded when they landed, which is a ghost of recycled rubber. .

Now, Germany is no longer lacking. Germany has reached the Middle East. The waterway to Asia is smooth through the Suez Canal. Therefore, it is possible to transport rubber from Southeast Asia. Now, the time is right.

Natural rubber has been harvested in a small amount since February, and in August, it will reach a peak. It happens to have negotiated an agreement with the island country, and the peak of natural rubber harvest is ushered in.

At the same time, with the expansion of the area controlled by the empire, it is also necessary to find suitable areas in the controlled area to plant rubber trees. As a strategic resource, if it is always imported, it is still worrying!

Cyric considered far-reaching.

The other side of the earth, the Pacific Ocean, Midway Island, one of the three islands, Thunder Island.

Here, the Henderson Airport, which was originally established by the US Navy, is a runway that runs through the entire island, enough to take off and land strategic bombers.

After brutal fighting, the island nation finally occupied this place. At the same time, after the entire airport was rebuilt, it served the island nation again.

At this time, on the runway of the airport, a fighter aircraft with a fully enclosed cockpit was preparing to take off.

This kind of aircraft seems to be a circle larger than Zero War. At this time, as the front three-blade propeller starts to rotate, the two rows of horizontal exhaust pipes on the side of the nose begin to emit a puff of black smoke. , And then came a rumble voice.

With the roar, the pilot operated the fighter plane, taxied, and took off almost in one go.

"Commander, our imported fighter has excellent performance, and anyone who flies over it will praise its performance." At this time, on one side of the runway, a group of people were watching the plane take off.

They are not tall, and the commander in the middle is the Fifty-Six Pheasants with the highest prestige in the island country.

Now, the strength of the Imperial Navy has been greatly lost. With the sinking of the main battleship, they have no plans to attack for the time being. As long as they defend the existing territory and at the same time force the United States to negotiate peace, this is their main goal.

Yes, it is peace talks.

The islanders are arrogant, but they are absolutely not arrogant enough to think that they can conquer the United States by themselves.

So, what is the strategic goal of the island country? It is to allow the Americans to recognize the island nation’s current occupation area. The island nation has worked so hard to lose so many equipment and fighters. The territories that have been defeated cannot be returned.

And now, it happens to be an absolute good opportunity. Germany is preparing to launch an offensive against the United States. Under such tremendous pressure, can the United States fight on two fronts?

As long as the United States and the island country sign a peace agreement and recognize the island country’s current occupation, the island country will be relieved. You can watch Germany and the United States fight to the death and life, while the country continues to develop. When their war is over, the island country’s strength will be restored again.

This is the calculation of Pheasant Fifty-Six, and the overall plan of the entire island nation is to negotiate after eating enough territory.

As to whether Germany will feel betrayed, that is another matter. Germany has not fully supported the island country anyway.

Thinking of this, Pheasant Fifty-Six continued to look at the plane, and his heart was full of imagination.

In the island country, the navy and the army compete for resources with each other is very serious. With the sinking of one of the island’s aircraft carriers, the construction of new aircraft carriers will cost a lot of money.

Therefore, the pheasant has offended the Army by 56. It is the time to give all of the 100 to the Navy. There are 80 deployed here. They rely on this batch of aircraft. , In order to protect the territory here.

However, Pheasant Fifty-Six also made a promise. Another treasure brought back from Germany, the high-horsepower aero engine technology, was handed over to the aviation department of the Empire to develop a new fighter around this engine. First equipped to the army.

At least it will take a few months!

With the arrival of these German planes, Pheasant Fifty-Six felt his heart lighter. Today he went from the naval base camp to Midway Island, where he led the fleet and seized the territory. Now, he is stepping on The land under my feet smelled of the sea breeze in the air, very satisfied.

On the nearby Spitt Island, a field mobile radar imported from Germany was operating, monitoring the situation in the sky, and the radar soldiers carefully watched the signals on the screen.

A few days ago, the fixed radar position here was destroyed again. Fortunately, this imported mobile radar vehicle did not lose sight of the sky.

Suddenly, a group of bright spots appeared on the radar screen, and in an instant, he became nervous.

"Attention, air strikes, there are a large number of fighters flying from the east, the height is 10,000!"

After occupying Midway Island, they were psychologically prepared. Such a situation has occurred several times before, but this time is the most unusual. The other party dispatched too many planes.

In the sky, Saburo Okamoto piloted this BF109, originally intended to do a flight demonstration on the ground, to show the excellent performance of this aircraft to senior officials such as Shanji 56. But now, when he heard the call on the radio, he immediately replied loudly: "Received, intercept immediately!" 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's school

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