The Third Reich

Chapter 1670: BF 109 vs. Mustang

When I saw the BF109, the pilot of the Mustang fighter was quite excited.

Lieutenant Richard-I-Bong, he was still a young hairy boy at this time. His face was a bit big and his skin was a bit dark. He sat in his cockpit, looking at the flying BF109 fighter. I was full of expectations.

Next to his canopy, there are two sun flag signs painted, which shows that he has shot down two island fighters, and now, he will continue to create his new results and shoot down those advanced German fighters. !

Next to him, there are three planes, and four escorted P-51s form a formation, flying towards the lone fighter plane. For them, this will be an easy air battle.

Saburo Okamoto also saw the four fighters clearly. At this moment, he was not at all scared. Although it was a lone fighter, he knew that behind him, a large number of aircraft had flown over.

From the point of view of later generations, it seems that the P-51 is a complete victory. After all, this is the pinnacle of the piston fighter. However, when comparing, it is necessary to see clearly that the two aircraft have various models.

The later models will be completely reborn.

At present, Saburo Okamoto is driving the latest model of BF109, and the P-51 Mustang is just an early model that has just been born. The German technology of this era is also quite abnormal.

Both sides are quickly approaching and approaching. In Saburo Okamoto's eyes, the pupils are slowly dilating, and the retinas, the planes, are getting clearer.

In the movable ring of the sight, the target gradually became larger, and Saburo Okamoto held his breath, and then pressed the trigger.

"Tom Tom Tom!" In the middle of the propeller of the nose, the 20mm shaft gun made a clear sound, and Saburo Okamoto relied on the advantage of the gun to speak first.

Fire head-on in flight is the most test of the pilot's psychological quality, because at this time, whoever quits first will die.

In an instant, Richard discovered that he had made a mistake, and he was actually in a situation where he was attacking the opponent head-on!

In the air, when fighter jets are fighting each other, head-on is the most common, but they all pass by in a flash. After that, it will become a fight. Whoever bites the tail first can gain the advantage.

Therefore, in the fierce competition between the two sides, it is the first to bite whose tail, rather than fire on the fly.

For flying, the time between the two sides will be very short, and the chance of firing will be very small. Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that who is hit is completely a matter of luck and has nothing to do with technology!

There are four planes on our side, and the other side has one. The other side is at a disadvantage, but in the head-to-head flight, this is the other side's advantage! Because one's own side is more likely to be hit.

What's even more hateful is that the opponent uses an aerial cannon. The 20mm aerial cannon has a much longer range than their 12.7mm machine gun. Therefore, the opponent actually got the opportunity to fire first!

All this made Richard feel depressed,

After discovering that the other party was firing, Richard's headset immediately heard the voice of the leader: "Attention, the others immediately turned to avoid, I will fight!"

With a fearless spirit, his lead pilot continued to fly towards the opposite BF109. He attracted the opponent's firepower and allowed other fighters to dodge calmly.

Otherwise, fly head-to-head, whoever avoids will die!

In air combat, you must strictly obey orders. Although Richard does not think that the command given by the lead plane is the most correct, he has no other way to push the control lever immediately to make the fighter turn sideways.

He wouldn't choose to climb. If he climbed, he would just expose his belly and increase the projectile area, making it easy to be hit by the opponent.

However, the plane behind the four-plane formation chose to climb, and as soon as it climbed out, Saburo Okamoto seized the opportunity.

He pulled the operating lever, the nose of the fighter plane was raised, and the dense 20mm shells fired at the climbing Mustang fighter.

"Boom, boom!"

The third shell succeeded in hitting the belly of the Mustang fighter. The shell immediately tore a large hole with a diameter of several tens of centimeters, and then the plane smoked.

If you make a few more shots, you can definitely shoot it down easily!

Saburo Okamoto has no chance.

As he raised the nose of the plane and attacked the opponent, his belly was also exposed to the leader of the opponent's four-plane formation.

The two 12.7mm and two 7.62mm machine guns of the long plane had already entered range. The pilot pressed the button, and the intensive rain of bullets instantly enveloped Saburo Okamoto's fighter.

The advantage of choosing a machine gun is its high firepower. Now, no matter how Okamoto Saburo tries to dodge, he can't escape this powerful and dense barrage.

Numerous bullets hit his plane, and the fuselage began to tremble Saburo Okamoto gritted his teeth, kicked the rudder, and hit the firing Mustang in the dense barrage. .

At the beginning, Zero War dominated the sky, and the US Navy was really depressed. Later, the Americans found their weaknesses. Zero war lacked armor protection, and it was a big lighter that exploded at one shot.

If it was a zero war, it would have been blown up just long ago.

However, the Bf109 is quite resistant to beatings. The pilot’s parts are armored, the fuel tank has self-closing technology, and the power of the machine gun bullets is too small. Therefore, there are more than 30 bullet holes on the plane just now, but they are not critical. .

The time for the two sides to fly is very short, only ten seconds. Saburo Okamoto fired first, injuring one of them, and then the other's lead plane fired. The distance between the two sides was already close at hand.

At this moment, this terrible BF109 was about to hit it?

When they saw the other party pressing the fuselage over, the lead pilot knew it was not good. Is this going to die together? This tactic is not what one wants.

Therefore, he can only push the nose of the aircraft and stagger the opponent. The fastest and most effective is to dive.

When the lead plane dived, Richard was on the sidelines. He had already begun to admire the other pilot. He was cunning, decisive, and not afraid of death. Now, with a one-on-four, he is still the main attacker, and he is definitely the most elite pilot!

This inspires his will to fight even more, and compete with this island pilot!

At this time, as his lead plane dived, the Bf109 also began to dive, and during the dive, it chased behind the lead plane.

Richard also began to dive, just chasing behind the opponent, and the three fighters dived like this, dropping rapidly downward from an altitude of 10,000 meters. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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