The Third Reich

Chapter 1687: Still Mexico

The Americans should know that Germany has an absolute advantage in the air. Whether they are bombing at high altitude or flying at ultra-low altitude, the losses are quite heavy, making their bomber forces unacceptable. Then, in this case, Will the United States continue to try to use bombers?

Cyric felt that such a possibility was unlikely. Now, even in Germany, it would not rashly use bombers to bomb the United States, because the United States already has high-altitude fighter jets, and the German Junker-290 has lost its ability to bomb the United States. Advantage.

So, if you want to destroy the German shipbuilding industry and the existing fleet without using bombers, what other weapons can you use? The answer is already ready.

So, next, it's time to strengthen our defense.

Cyric continued to put forward suggestions one by one, let his subordinates arrange, and waited for countermeasures against the United States.

Americans, want to come? Then just wait and cry.

Cyric was still busy after arranging for the coastal shipyard. For him, there are more important things waiting for him.

"Great head of state, I just came back from Mexico." Taking off his hat, Ribbentrop looked tired. Just after getting off the plane, he came to report to Cyric.

"Well, how?" Cyrek motioned to his assistant to pour water for Ribbentrop. He watched Ribbentrop gulp and drank the water clean, then his face was angry. : "Mexico, even now they don't agree. They firmly expressed their neutrality. It seems that the Americans scared them."

In Cyric’s strategy, landing directly in the United States will cost Germany an unbearable cost of casualties. Therefore, Cyric intends to find a springboard. This springboard is definitely not Iceland, nor Greenland.

Just look at the map. These locations are too remote, close to the North Pole, and the sky is freezing. Now it is not bad to operate some air forces and dock a few warships. There is no way for a large number of troops to temporarily live.

What Cyric looks forward to most is Mexico. If Mexico can obey Germany and let Germany land in Mexico, then Germany can calmly kill from the southern United States.

However, unlike his expectations, even if he sent his most capable diplomat to Mexico secretly, promising various benefits, such as allocating the southern United States to Mexico, the Mexicans still dare not.

A group of extremely stupid guys!

Cyric couldn't help but cursed. After hearing Cyric's words, Scherner on the side immediately suggested: "Simply, let's dispatch an army and force a landing in Mexico! Control the Mexican government and see what they do!"

With the current capabilities of the German team, it is possible to deliver the entire formed army unit at one time. Therefore, if they suddenly run over and land in Mexico, the Mexican government will not have a temper at all. If they dare to say nothing, then change it. New government!

Cyric shook his head: "Forget it, just like World War I, these old Mexican guys don't want to get ahead."

This is the lesson of the First World War.

At that time, seeing the United States eager to try and plan to make a big splash on the European battlefield, Germany felt the crisis and hoped to find new allies to contain and deal with the United States. Mexico, adjacent to the United States, has naturally become Germany's first choice.

After all, in history, the massive occupation of Mexican territory by the United States and the unreasonable invasion of Mexican sovereignty and territory during the Mexican Revolution aroused the strong anti-American consciousness and national spirit of the Mexican people.

Therefore, the then German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Artur Zimmermann, secretly telegraphed the German Minister Von Eckhardt in Mexico, claiming that "if the United States participates in the war against Germany, it should seek to form an alliance between Germany and Mexico, and invade and Conquer Arizona, New Mexico and Texas", Germany will give Mexico its usual aid, and demand Mexico to ally with Japan against the United States, and so on.

As a result, Mexico was tempted at that time. Just because of the lack of American troops, President Wilson ordered General Pershing to withdraw troops from Mexico. Mexico’s good opportunity came!

As a result, at this moment, the British came to bad things. The "Zimmermann Telegram" linking Germany and Mexico was intercepted, deciphered and transferred to the United States by the British. After the telegram was made public, strong anti-German sentiment aroused in the United States. Not only did Germany fail to achieve its goal of disrupting US-Mexico relations, it accelerated the pace of US participation in the war. President Wilson is determined to declare war on Germany.

In this way, as the back garden of the United States, the United States also exerted tremendous pressure on Mexico. Under the pressure of the United States, President Carranza announced to the German Minister Eckhardt that Mexico had decided to strictly observe neutrality under any circumstances and refused. Zimmermann's proposal completely failed the German plan.

During the First World War, Mexico strictly guarded its neutrality, and stomping on their northern neighbor's powerful neighbor would make them frightened.

This kind of fear lasted until World War II, and now, even if Ribbentrop personally dispatched him, he did not persuade Mexico.

It is not appropriate to directly use troops to land in Mexico. This will arouse the resentment of the Mexicans. Once the support of the locals cannot be obtained, Germany will not be able to use Mexico as a springboard.

"Now, we have negotiated with Argentina. If we land from Argentina, Argentina would welcome it." Ribbentrop continued.

The matter in Mexico was not settled, but Argentina was okay. After World War II, many senior German officials went to Argentina to provide for their retirement.

Argentina is okay, but Argentina is too far, conquering all the way, across the entire South America, to reach the United States.

How long does this take? When it comes to the United States, I am afraid that the United States will expand its army by 20 million.

If you take a boat from Argentina to the United States, it is almost the same as the distance from mainland Europe.

Therefore, Argentina is just an alternative.

So, after looking around, Cyric looked at Mexico again, and he said to Reinhardt: "How is our intelligence system in Mexico established?"

Cyric had already started decorating, and at the same time, he believed that Reinhardt would not let himself down.

"Head of State, please give me the task, we will definitely be able to complete it." Reinhardt said.

"To provoke the conflict between the Mexican people and the Americans, and stimulate their domestic anti-American sentiment." Cyric said: "Now, it's time to add medicine to Mexico." 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's school

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