The Third Reich

Chapter 1689: Tanker attacked

In the Gulf of Mexico, the waves are calm.

The Crilu is an oil tanker with a displacement of more than 20,000 tons. In this era, it is already a giant with a considerable displacement. Now it is slowly sailing in the Gulf of Mexico.

Thick black smoke came out from the chimney at the top, and the boiler was burning prosperously.

Although the oil tanker has a huge displacement, it does not have many operators. There are only more than 20 sailors on this ship. Now, sailor Roy is standing on the deck of the bloated tanker and looking into the distance.

Their destination this time is South Africa. Originally, most of the steady production of Mexican oil was exported to Europe. However, with Germany’s large-scale oil extraction in Libya and the continuous expansion in the Middle East, the oil production of these oil fields has already It is enough for the whole of Europe. Therefore, Mexico’s oil can only be exported to other countries. South Africa is under continuous development and the oil needed is steadily increasing.

In addition to South Africa, their oil is also exported in large quantities to the United States, South America and other countries. Especially in the United States, the demand is very large. Under the stimulus of the war, although the domestic oil industry in the United States has been activated to the extreme, it still cannot meet the demand.

This time going to sea will be another long voyage of two or three months. Roy has long been used to it, but under the shroud of war, everyone's heart is heavy.

Germany has completed its occupation of Europe and is at war with the United States. Although Mexico is now strictly neutral, it is always dangerous in the vast ocean.

Thinking of this, Roy shook his head. What does this world war have to do with a little sailor himself?

Roy looked at the sea in the distance. Under the blowing of the sea breeze, the sea was swaying up and down, and seagulls were flying on the sea. This picture is so spectacular.

Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by the movement of the sea.

How come a series of small bubbles suddenly appeared on the sea?

Little Bubble is constantly advancing, the goal is to point to his side!

This is definitely not an ordinary little bubble, it seems to be? Thinking of this, he felt every hair on his body stand up.

"Attention, torpedo, starboard, a torpedo is attacking us!"

Roy yelled loudly. His voice reached the cockpit behind. The captain with a beard inside, looking towards the starboard side, saw the small bubbles swimming quickly towards his side. For a moment, he also knew that his sailor's judgment was correct.


If they were a warship here, they could also avoid it by turning at high speeds, but it is different now. They are just an ordinary oil tanker with a maximum speed of less than ten knots, so they can only watch. With this torpedo, it came towards one's own side, and then, it pierced to one's starboard side.

It's over, everything is over.

At this moment, the captain was extremely desperate in his heart, and the other crew members were also desperate. They were a tanker! Without various protective measures, as long as it is hit, it will definitely sink the ship, and there will be a large amount of fuel leakage.

After entering the oil age, there is a terrible risk of leakage when transporting crude oil by sea, which will cause serious ecological disasters.

The captain closed his eyes, waiting for the terrible moment to come.

However, after a few seconds, he opened his eyes.

Without the expected terrible explosion, there was nothing. He lowered his head and looked at his side of the ship, where everything was normal.

Is it just a misjudgment? Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Just then, Roy heard a voice again: "Second torpedo!"

The terrible bubble popped up again, rushing over the sea quickly, and in everyone's eyes, this torpedo made close contact with the hull with a fierce offensive.


This time, not as lucky as the last time.

The first time it came, it was a stinky bomb, which did not explode, but the second one, it exploded.

Along with the huge explosion, there was a shaking of the hull, and then, I heard a gurgling sound.

The crude oil carried inside the ship began to leak outside!

"Quickly, send a signal for help!" the captain shouted loudly.

If it is outside on the high seas, they are in trouble. Now they are only in the Gulf of Mexico, not far from the coastline. They still have the possibility of being rescued. They can be rescued before the ship sinks completely.

Roy was leaning on the boat gang, the hull slowly leaning, he watched the black crude oil flow into the sea, he watched the blue sea, which was dyed black.

Marine fish are struggling in the black crude oil. They can't breathe, they can't swim. They are dying helplessly and sadly. Their corpses are floating on the sea, staying with the crude oil.

These marine fish caught the attention of the birds in the sky. A seabird swooped down from the sky, just like before, ready to pick up one of the fish with his mouth to complete a perfect predation action, but when its beak After contacting the marine fish, it was immediately discovered that it was not good. It was too late to turn, and its inertia made it rush into the crude oil. Then, every feather of it was stained with crude oil. Crude oil is integrated.

Looking at all this, Roy's mood is extremely Who did it?

Mexico, a neutral country, actually uses submarines and torpedoes to attack ships of neutral countries. This is simply blatantly undermining international norms and international order!

The oil tanker Crilu was attacked by an unknown nationality torpedo in the Gulf of Mexico, the tanker sank, and a large amount of crude oil leaked. This news immediately became the headline news of the day in the newspaper.

The atmosphere in Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, is also very depressing.

"It must be the Germans. We have already started the accident investigation. All the spearheads are directed at Germany."

After receiving the news, the US ambassador to Mexico rushed to the presidential palace to explain the situation to President Camacho.

Apart from the Germans, who can be so frantic? It is simply intolerable to take the initiative to attack a tanker!

"The goal of the Germans is to stop Mexico's oil transportation and destroy Mexico's economy. The goal of the Germans is to rule the world. Now Mexico has no choice but to stand with us, the United States." The Mexican ambassador continued.

"Mr. Ambassador, why are you so sure?" said President Camacho, suppressing anger.

"Of course, are there any questions about this? It wasn't the Germans who did it?" The US ambassador to Mexico said: "The torpedoes we use are all electric torpedoes. The tanker that was hit this time can Seeing the clear bubbles, it is a thermodynamic torpedo, which must be owned by German talents."

The Mexican ambassador was relaxed. It really gave them a great opportunity. The Germans actually came to hit Mexican tankers. Now, can Mexico follow the United States?

"The truth, we will find out, no one can hinder our oil development." President Camacho said. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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