The Third Reich

Chapter 913: Stalin's anger

"Marshal, Comrade Stalin is already asleep, why don't you come again tomorrow." In the Kremlin, Stalin's captain of the guard Khrustalov said to Voroshinov who came in a hurry.

After all, Comrade Stalin is over 60 years old. People of this age are quite prone to insomnia. It is not easy to fall asleep. In order for Comrade Stalin to sleep well, his room is specially soundproofed. At the same time, the outside is also Quietly, creating an excellent environment.

And now, just as Stalin fell asleep, Voroshinov came over. Although he looked hurried, Khrustalov still felt that it was not a good idea to disturb Stalin now.

"The situation is urgent and I have to disturb Comrade Stalin." Voroshinov said: "We suffered a defeat in Finland, and our 44th division was eaten by Finland."

This was not the harassment of the Finnish guerrillas, but the sudden attack of the Finnish army. A Soviet reorganization division, an elite infantry division who was most capable of fighting, was actually eaten by the Finns.

After being shocked, Voroshinov knew that it is best to report the news to Comrade Stalin as soon as possible. This is not good news. If he reports earlier, he can still appear to be the most positive one.

Hearing Voroshinov's words, the captain of the guard who had followed Stalin for many years still shook his head: "No, as long as Comrade Stalin is asleep, no one can disturb, nor can I go in."

Stalin, the leader of the Red Soviet, launched the Great Purge campaign and sent millions of people to hell, killing blood. Now, although the whole country is united, it cannot be ruled out whether anyone still wants to assassinate. he.

Therefore, Stalin’s protective measures are very thoughtful. The guards who are on duty outside his room every day are the most loyal and change every day. Even the captain of the guard cannot go in again as long as he comes out. There is no Stalin’s. Hello, no one dare to go in.

(Historically, it seems that Stalin also died in this system. He fell due to a stroke, but without his order, no one would dare to go in. The treatment was delayed, and eventually he died.)

Even if it was Stalin's closest guard captain, Stalin did not trust him absolutely. In this empire, he only believed in himself.

Voroshinov was sad, indeed, it was not appropriate to disturb Comrade Stalin now, so he could only wait here.

"What's the matter? Come in." At this moment, a voice came from inside.

Stalin woke up.

"Yes." Voroshinov hurriedly walked in and saw Stalin lying on the bed with a book beside the bed. The sound just now woke Stalin.

"Comrade Stalin, the 44th Division, was eaten by the Finns." Voroshinov said.

Hearing this, Stalin's face became cold. At first, thinking that Finland was a piece of fat, he impatiently launched a war to invade Finland. What happened?

It took half a year to attack on the Finnish soil. However, the subsequent offensive was even more unsuccessful. Everything seemed to be against the Soviet Union. Now, there has been a situation in which a reorganized division was encircled and annihilated.

This is simply slap in the face of the Soviets, slapped!

Voroshinov was the most anxious, because he recommended this unit.

Stalin uncovered his quilt, put on his army coat, got out of the bed, and lit his smoking pot.

"Finland has absolutely no such ability. Their ability to launch a sniper war is already their limit. Now, the Finns definitely have a helping hand!"

It is not that our army is too incompetent, but that the enemy army is too strong. Now, Voroshinov needs to make excuses for the failure of the army.

Finns have helpers, but now, looking at the whole world, who will help Finns?

Is that still necessary?

"Call Beria over," Stalin said.

Soon, Beria walked in calmly. As the actual head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he knew what kind of materials Stalin needed most.

"Comrade Stalin, after careful analysis, we found that there are many strange phenomena in the Finnish army." After screening the collected materials, Beria summed up the most simple and clear results.

"The Finnish Volunteer Army is a rather strange force. The armed personnel who came from various countries to join in the name of the Volunteer Army are all rigorously trained fighters. They definitely come from the regular army, and, now, their Weapons are even more special, such as the 6.8mm submachine gun and the 75mm recoilless gun."

Germany joined the Finnish War to test how effective its weapons can be in actual combat conditions in cold weather. Therefore, Germany must use its main equipment, 6.8 mm submachine guns, in order to be able to test. Is it reliable?

In this way, leaks are inevitable. The Soviets are not fools. A large number of 6.8 mm bullets popped up on the battlefield. What does it mean?

Even if Germany did not actually participate, but only secretly exported weapons, it was the Germans who were making trouble!

As for the 75mm recoilless gun, this simple and lightweight weapon is only equipped by the German army! If the Germans used to be sneaky and wanted to fool with French or imperial weapons, now the Germans are already using their weapons to a great extent!

Hearing this, Stalin's eyebrows moved. Anyone who is familiar with Stalin knows that at this time, Stalin has moved really angry.

At this moment, other people also received news one after another, and they came to the Kremlin one after another, and the bad news came one after another.

"After the 44th Division was encircled and annihilated, the Finnish army began to move towards the 163rd Division. If we don't want to do anything, the 163rd Division is also in danger. We must send troops and send them immediately!"

" Our team has not done well to deal with the extremely cold Finnish weather. In the past, it can only end up like the 44th Division."

"Then we will watch the 163 division also be eaten?"

"Just got the news, the commander of the 44th division is back." There was another voice.

Hearing this news, Stalin even gritted his teeth: "Shoot me the commander of the 44th Division!"

This is a shame for the Soviets, the entire motorized infantry division has been systematically killed! If the teacher died in the battle, he could still be a martyr, and now he actually ran back alive. What use is there to keep such a person?

He must be rectified on the spot and shot him!

Stalin's words were not high-pitched, but with immense anger.

"Comrade Stalin, the sovereignty of the Brest Fortress is pending, and it should be resolved now." At this moment, a gloomy voice came out and everyone looked over. The speaker was Khrushchev.

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