The Third Reich

Chapter 935: Righteously running away

Brother Timoshenko looked at Pavlov with a sharp gaze. As a leader of the army, he left his troops and fled first. This behavior is quite shameful.

Even if Khrushchev is gone, after all, Khrushchev is not an army commander, he is just a political cadre. Although this guy has been brutally interfering in the command of the army, his escape will not affect the overall situation.

If Timoshenko and Pavlov also left, the problem would be serious. The troops who stay here, because they are not under command, will definitely fall into chaos and eventually be captured by the Germans.

Brother Timosin couldn't do such a thing.

Pavlov was anxious: "Moscow did not decide to fight a major battle at all. This battle was at best a border conflict. If we were not here, then diplomatic mediation would be very simple. If we It has also fallen into the hands of the Germans, and Moscow will be very passive."

Only Pavlov is the only one who speaks of escape so violently, but his words are not unreasonable.

Moscow has not yet planned to smash the Germans. Starting last year, Moscow just wanted to retake the fortress and fool the British. Moscow was not ready to fight a world war. They are now just a border conflict.

If, in a border conflict, all Soviet generals were captured by Germany, it would be difficult to explain. It means that the Soviets were definitely prepared and it was not an accident at all.

Although they know each other well, at least on the surface it makes sense.

Pavlov spoke with great righteousness, and at the same time, he said it exactly in line with Brother Timosin's wishes.

No one wants to be a prisoner, especially as a high-level commander.

In history, Timoshenko was a tragic person who turned the tide. The Soviet-Finnish war was messed up by Voroshinov. After Timoshenko at least got up, he stabilized the war so that the Soviet Union was so swollen and fat. , Said he was a winner.

After the start of the Barbarossa plan, Pavlov’s front army missed a big hole, and Timoshenko was also in danger, although he kept retreating, at least he was not completely defeated.

It is a pity that Timoshenko was defeated by Germany in Kharkov and finally faded out of people's sight. He was originally a figure with the same name as Zhukov, but in the end he was unknown.

And now, Timoshenko, who was born in cavalry, was instigated by Pavlov in the face of impending defeat. In order not to be captured by the Germans, Timoshenko decided to retreat immediately.

And his order has just reached the front line.

Under the bombardment of Carl's cannon, every shot was a terrible sight, with heavy casualties. After a few shots, the courage of Soviet soldiers had long disappeared.

The infantry lost their morale, and the tank unit was still advancing according to the original plan. In this way, the tank and the infantry were out of touch. In front of the fortress, the tank unit suffered a devastating blow.

"Boom!" The German 75mm anti-tank gun fired shells from the fortifications. The accuracy was quite high. The KV tank at the front emitted black smoke and was blown out!

Only the driver ran out from the front, and the people behind were killed!

The driver dashed backwards quickly, but he still did not escape the shadow of death. A chainsaw-like sound rang out from behind. The MG light machine gun shot a dense rain of bullets, and there were more than a dozen holes in his body. !

He turned his head back and saw a terrible scene. The suspension bridge of the fortress was lowered, and a large number of German soldiers emerged from the fortress. They were counterattack!

Later, the German tank troops had intercepted the retreat of the Soviets. When the news reached the fortress, the commander who guarded the fortress immediately issued an order and the whole army attacked!

They are waiting for this time!

The offensive momentum of the Soviets has long since disappeared. Now that our morale is high, we will go out and capture all the Soviets. Those who refuse to surrender will be killed!

Due to terrain constraints, there are no tanks deployed inside the fortress, and infantry divisions are guarding the fortress. Now they are bravely rushing outside with their submachine guns!

At this time, the Soviet soldiers also just received the order to retreat.

Because of the fear of the supervising team behind them, the Soviet soldiers could only bite the bullet and rush forward. Now, when the order to retreat came, they were excited instantly.


Shifting their bodies, their pace is fast, not as slow as they were when they came. Everyone is rushing, because the Germans are behind them!

And their escape quickly turned into a rout, and no one stayed to cover. The people behind were shot and killed during the escape, and panic spread rapidly.

At this time, in the other direction, the German tank troops have entered the new city of Brest!

The resistance of the Soviets was not brave. Many of them raised their hands and surrendered after a little resistance. Bauman didn't care about these prisoners at all, leaving it to the troops behind to guard him. His mission was to rush to the Soviet Union. Go inside the human headquarters!

The city is not big, but the streets are very wide. This is the advantage of the new city.

The tracks of the Tiger tank are crushing the solid ground. Inside the tank, Karl Bowman carefully observes the front from the observation hole.

The turret is rotating back and forth. This is the normal way of tank search. According to the tank soldier’s regulations, after entering the war zone, the tanker must stay in the tank and cannot play personal heroism. After entering the army, his life is no longer his own. , But belong to the entire country.

Just after the turret turned ninety degrees, his gaze was suddenly attracted. There was a stadium on the right side of the tank. At this moment, in the stadium, a biplane aircraft was running at full power and was about to take off. !

In an instant, his eyelids jumped Many combat experiences told him that this aircraft must be famous!

"Stop, fast, high explosive, at nine o'clock, ready to shoot!" he shouted loudly.

The cooperation of the car group is incomparably tacit. When the driver in front stepped on the brake, the loader squatted halfway, and as soon as the car stopped, he immediately loaded the shells.

It was only two seconds before and after, and the gunner, who had already fixed his eyes on the sight, silently estimated that he had advanced.

Tanks hit planes, I haven't done it before, but tanks have been abused by planes, but now, it is finally going to reverse!

The 88mm high explosive bomb has a killing radius of more than ten meters, so as long as it explodes near the opponent, it is enough.

"Aim is over."


Following Bowman's order, the gunner stepped on the firing device severely, and there was a loud bang, and the whole tank was shaken, and a high-explosive shell flew out of the muzzle.

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