The Third Reich

Chapter 951: Roar of laughter

Up to now, Germany and the Soviet Union have not forged any **** feud, and even when the First World War ended, Germany and the Soviet Union were still huddled together and had a lot of cooperation with each other.

As for Germany's actions in Finland, the Soviets were actually responsible. After all, the Soviet Union had bad intentions and wanted to benefit from Britain and France.

Now, according to his own inference, Molotov has determined that the enemy of Germany should be the United States. After all, the United States has been supporting Churchill until now, and the friction between the United States and Germany is even greater, and even Germany has been secretly Activities in the Pacific Ocean sunk American ships.

The United States has claimed that Germany bombed the Statue of Liberty in the United States. In this case, the contradiction between the United States and Germany is simply irreconcilable.

Now, Germany has occupied Western Europe and is building warships on a large scale. Warships like the Zeppelin-class aircraft carriers are under construction not only in German shipyards, but also in French and British shipyards. The Germans are exploding the navy. !

So, what do the Germans want? Of course they regard the United States as their imaginary enemy.

Now, although there is friction in Brest, this is not terrible. In Germany’s eyes, it is just a border conflict. If Germany really wants to take action against the Soviet Union, it is absolutely impossible to just stay A few tens of kilometers away from the border, it had already come!

Molotov analyzed all these reasons, and many of the people present nodded.

Yes, so far, Germany has not expressed absolute malice.

So what should the Soviets do?

If the Soviets do not increase their troops and continue to maintain the status quo, what is the face of the Soviets?

If the Soviets were to expand, would it be beneficial to the Soviets?

This conflict allowed the Soviets to see the current situation clearly. There was a big gap between them when they arrived in Germany!

"Perhaps, there will be a final war between us and Germany, but it is definitely not now. We should buy time to improve our army's strength and replace our advanced tanks in our army in large numbers. Now, We have no confidence to war against Germany." Voroshinov finally said something fair.

At present, the Soviet Union has no confidence in defeating Germany, and the gap in equipment is too great. This gap can only be filled with time.

It can be said that from another perspective, the conflict in the Brest Fortress has awakened the top Soviet leaders, and they finally began to face the gap between themselves and the German army.

This gap is not narrowing, but widening!

Although the Soviets already had T-34s and kV-1s, they were almost all deployed to the Finnish army. The troops in other military districts were too slow to change their outfits. The main force was still light tanks. How could they compete with the Germans? ?

Soviet, it takes time!

Stalin finally nodded: "Yes, we need time. Molotov, you go and negotiate with the Germans. If the Germans are willing to return to the original border and return the captives to us, then we can continue to maintain peace. Otherwise, be prepared to bear the anger of our Soviets!"

Hearing Molotov frowned, he was a loser! It is enough to keep the Germans as they are. Will the Germans return? Is it possible to negotiate on your own?

However, Stalin's order cannot be violated, so Molotov could only embark on a trip to Berlin.

Comrade Stalin's order was justified. On the way, even if Molotov understood it, it was actually testing the attitude of the Germans.

Molotov only analyzed theoretically that the Germans were preparing to fight the United States, at least to seize the sea power of the Atlantic Ocean, but what would prove it?

If the Germans are willing to give in, return the captives, and withdraw to the original border area, it means that the Germans did not intend to fight the Soviet Union, or even scrupulous about anything.

Comrade Stalin really had a more thoughtful mind. When he went this time, he had to adopt a superior attitude, as if he had won the battle!

Molotov's special plane landed at Berlin Airport, and was greeted by German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop and headed towards Yuanfu.

Sure enough, there is a show!

After entering the Yuan Palace, Molotov saw Cyric Yuan! He first expressed his courtesy greetings, and then began aggressive accusations of the recent conflict.

"At the beginning, our two countries had negotiated and demarcated the boundaries, but you have always occupied the Brest Fortress, which provoked this conflict. Now, you continue to invade our borders for more than ten kilometers." Lotov said: "Now, on behalf of Moscow, I lodge a serious protest to you!"

"Please retreat to the original border immediately, and please return to our prisoners in this conflict immediately." Molotov said, slipping in his lips, and added another sentence: "And compensate me. Fang’s loss in this conflict."

Hearing what he The Germans present were all angry. After doing it for a long time, are you here to play a rogue? I thought it was you who won!

"Then how much do you plan to make us compensate?" Scherner asked strangely.

"We have suffered thousands of casualties and lost a lot of equipment. We have to compensate at least 3 billion euros," Molotov said.

"Hahaha..." Molotov's words caused a roar of laughter from the people around him. Keitel, who had always been unsmiling, cracked his mouth. As for Scherner, he was slapped on the table.

"Go back and tell Stalin that if you really want compensation, it's not impossible. Our tanks and bombers will go to Moscow with compensation." Scherner said.

These words made Molotov's expression suddenly changed: "Do you want to provoke an all-out war between the Soviets and Germany? If this is the case, then I will come in vain. I came with sincerity. , But this is the result."

"Sincere? It's obviously the Soviets who provoked this conflict." Scherner continued: "You created a false impression in front of the fortress, and then you wanted to occupy our fortress, your plane, and cross the border and bomb ours. In the rear, this is your sincerity? Our Germany respects the friendship with the Soviets, but we will never associate with wolves."

"Don't deny these, the prisoners have already confessed. There are so many facts and the evidence is solid."

It seems that I have misunderstood the situation. After the victory over Western Europe, these Germans are already arrogant and do not put any country in their eyes. Sooner or later there will be a battle between the Soviets and Germany.

In this case, Molotov had no need to stay here. He just stood up to leave when he heard Cyric speak. ()

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