The Third Reich

Chapter 960: Carrier aircraft take off

As a backup force, the 50th squadron can operate few weapons. Most of the advanced specialized anti-ship bombs imported from Germany are on six specialized aircraft carriers, and only two are evenly distributed to them.

After all, this kind of tanker-modified aircraft carrier does not have a dedicated hangar at all, and the temporarily modified arsenal is also very narrow. Most of them are ordinary aerial bombs. There are only two such powerful weapons.

One is allocated to an aircraft carrier, whoever mounts this bomb must complete the mission!

Almost everyone is rushing to mount the bomb, and their sense of seeking war is very high.

Pearl Harbor.

It is located on Oahu, a family of the Hawaiian Islands and the seat of the state capital of Hawaii. There is only one dredged waterway with a depth of 13.7 meters, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, which is quite similar to Scarpa Bay.

Because the Hawaiian Islands are located in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, they are the transportation hub of the Pacific Ocean. They were initially independent kingdoms, then colonized by Spain, and then captured by the United States from Spain in 1898.

After that, Pearl Harbor belonged to the United States. Until now, the United States has built ship repair shops, dry docks, fuel supply stations, docks, and necessary naval facilities in Pearl Harbor. From here, it can easily radiate to East Asia.

With the rise of the island nation, the United States attaches more importance to Pearl Harbor. It has built submarine and aviation bases here. Last year, German submarines came to the Pacific to make trouble. Pearl Harbor increased its security level and sent a large number of warships to the Pacific. Search on it.

And now, as the Pacific Ocean calms down again, the Pearl Harbor base is the same as before.

The situation in Europe is extremely dangerous. However, in the United States, isolationism is still very serious. Not many people are willing to be involved in the war. For them, the warm sunshine, beautiful beaches, and countless exciting things Beauty, this kind of life is what they hope most.

Today, it is Sunday, most of the high-ranking navy officials have left their positions. The officers and soldiers are also human and need to rest. Most of their family members are on the island of Hawaii. This Sunday is the day they reunite with their families.

The genius was just getting brighter. At this time, a huge fleet was accelerating at full speed on the sea 220 nautical miles north of Oahu.

Thick black smoke emerged from the chimneys of each aircraft carrier, and the rear of the aircraft carrier’s deck was densely packed with carrier-based aircraft.

All the Stukas with inverted seagull wings. Since the German bomber was exported to the island country, the island country gritted its teeth and sent all of its 1997 naval attack that had just been in service to the shore, loaded on the aircraft carrier. Most of them are Stuka, and now the first ones to take off are all of this type.

Fujita Yi and Zang were sitting in his plane. A one-ton PC1000RS bomb was already mounted on the midline of his belly. He was very excited at this moment. Inside the flight cap, he tied a white cloth before the expedition. .

In the earphones, the command finally came. He fully opened the throttle and released the brakes. Stuka's engine roared, and the fighter plane rolled forward. With the help of the deck wind, the Stuka bomber was at the end of the deck and pulled easily. When he got up, he gently brought the joystick back, and the fighter continued to climb.

Behind him, the machine gunner was also extremely excited, watching the planes taking off from the deck.

Soon, hundreds of fighter planes flew up and formed in the air, flying in the direction of Pearl Harbor.

On the bridge of the Akagi, Nan Yunzhong looked at these planes with the same excitement. No matter how much he hesitated at the beginning, now, when the battle has begun, he, like everyone else, only looks forward to victory.

Beside him, Rudel was relaxed.

As a military adviser to the island nation, Rudel has provided one point of view. If this attack succeeds, there is no doubt that Rudel will be one of the heroes. If the attack fails, well, the island nation will die anyway.

Rudel has always been bold, because he doesn't have to worry about the loss of the troops.

However, now, he has a strong hunch that this attack will definitely go smoothly.

Roosevelt had long been eager to have an excuse to start a war. He repeatedly lied about right and wrong in order to transfer the United States into the wartime system, but it was a pity that he was disturbed by Germany again and again.

This time, I was finally bullied. What will the Americans do?

Let the United States and the island nations consume each other's strength in the war!

"The Tatsuta Maru also received the order. When we took off, the Tatsuta Maru was also flying its fighters. They should arrive on the battlefield earlier than our fighters." Nanyun Tadaichi said: "And, two hours ago, from In China, there are two G5N deep-mountain bombers that have already taken off. According to time calculations, they should be able to catch up with our second wave of bombing."

After the Deep Mountain bomber had to accept the German DB605 liquid-cooled engine, the original designer was not satisfied, but the test flight showed good performance.

This engine is quite mature and reliable. After being installed on the aircraft, it immediately meets the performance requirements, and the fuel consumption is low, which increases the actual range!

Historically, many bombers faced the problem of engine overheating during the development process, and the same was true for the American B-29. It was almost until after the war that the engine overheating problem was completely solved.

The liquid-cooled engine has this inherent advantage. The biggest problem that plagued the bombers was solved. The Shenshan bomber was almost finalized after it was installed on the plane.

This type of bomber is being produced intensively, and two prototypes have been eagerly participating in this operation. It takes time to fly from a remote homeland.

Rudel nodded. It was impossible for the islanders to import the German Junker-290, but the islanders developed their own bombers, and Germany supported them. All this was for Germany's benefit.

They want to replicate the successful experience of Scarpa Bay, so let them try, but there is one last question.

"When are you going to declare war on the United States?" Rudel said.

In the first attack on Scarpa Bay, it was the British who had declared war long ago, but the British were too careless and believed that Germany did not have the strength to attack them. Now, between the island country and the United States, it is only an economic dispute. If there was no declaration of war on the United States before the attack, that would simply be intolerable to the Americans.

"I don't know this, we are only in charge of fighting." Nan Yun Zhongyi said.

Declaring war is a matter for politicians. As a soldier, it's good to be only responsible for fighting. ()

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