The Third Reich

Chapter 974: Operation Swallow


In this era, India has not yet been divided. It belongs to a vast South Asian subcontinent. Churchill, who fled here, and King George VI, and some of his men are discussing American intelligence.

The reason for bombing the heavy water factory in Norway has been initially explained to them. The Germans want to make a terrible weapon, which requires heavy water to produce. If the heavy water factory is blown up, the Germans can be This terrible weapon manufacturing process has greatly slowed down.

If this kind of weapon is manufactured, there will be no need to fight even the United States, and the war will be over.

Therefore, the consequences are serious.

"What we can use is Greenland. If we take off the bomber from here, we can reach Norwegian Vemok." The escaped Special Operations Minister Colin Binges said to the people present: " However, the Vemok factory is surrounded by mountains. If planes fly over, accurate bombing cannot be carried out. This requires a large number of bombers, and Greenland cannot take off and land too many planes."

Greenland was originally a Danish territory. In the last year's war, Germany occupied Denmark almost effortlessly. At that time, the British immediately sent troops to occupy Greenland, which was considered as keeping a forward base.

After that, in accordance with an agreement to exchange weapons with US bases, Greenland was handed over to the US for management.

If you only look at the map from the map, Greenland is a good base. Using Greenland as a springboard, it is easy to attack the German mainland, but this is just taken for granted.

Because almost most of Greenland is within the Arctic Circle, the whole island is cold all year round, which is a typical frigid climate. The summer temperature in coastal areas can reach above zero, and the inland parts are frozen all year round.

In such an area, personnel activities are very sparse. The entire island of Greenland, a huge area, has a total population of less than 50,000. It is a world of ice and snow, and it is simply not something ordinary people can bear. If the American bomber force is allowed Entering here is definitely a nightmare for the ground crew.

At the same time, planes taking off and landing on ice are also full of risks. Therefore, it is possible to send one or two planes to fly by specialized personnel. It is impossible to send a large number of bombers to bomb.

There is no room for more fighters, so Germany will always allow the United States to occupy Greenland. Its strategic significance is not great, and now, Germany does not want to have a head-on conflict with the United States.

Now, it happens that Greenland can be used as a springboard so that our personnel can pass smoothly!

"Vemok Chemical Plant is located on Mount Balen. We can first airborne several commandos to Mount Balen. After these commandos arrive near the factory and make corresponding preparations, we will send a commando team to join them in a glider. As a result, the chemical plant was blown to ashes in one fell swoop." Stevenson, head of the Security Coordination Bureau, said on the side.

His idea is to copy the special operations of the Germans. No matter what, the Germans do the best! This is really depressing.

"We have to choose Norwegians to complete, it is best to live there, this is the most convenient." Churchill said.

Norway also obeyed Germany, which did not affect the lives of Norwegians too much. The locals are still locals. Therefore, if they send familiar people back, they can easily get local support.

"The action plan is called the swallow, and it must be done beautifully." Churchill said.

Compared to last year, Churchill looked even more old-fashioned, with a lot of gray hair on his forehead, but until now, he still has not given up on his ideals.

The Swallow Action Plan began soon, because they couldn't wait long ago. Unfortunately, they didn't know that their seemingly rigorous plan was actually full of loopholes.

The DGA-15 Nightingale is a small and flexible single-engine aircraft.

This was manufactured by Howard's Hughes Aircraft Company. After it was put on the market, it was praised by all quarters and the output was good. And now, the plane is equipped with skis in the snow below, specially prepared for taking off and landing in the snow.

The Pratt & Whitney R-985 "Little Hornet" engine has been improved to specifically use fuel pipe heating technology to prevent gasoline from solidifying at low temperatures. It is already night when the plane takes off from Greenland.

Although it has not yet entered the summer, but in the Arctic Circle, there is less night time and a lot of daytime. This moon night, the moon is scarce, it is the good weather for flying!

The cabin is not large, it can accommodate five members, except for the pilot, there are four passengers.

Bjorn-Erik, a Norwegian, has lived in the Vemok area since he was a child. This time, in Operation he signed up without hesitation and became the captain of the first team to enter. .

By his side, the other three people were also Norwegians. After the King of Norway was forced to flee, they wandered with them and finally reached India. Now, they can finally return to Norway to perform a major mission!

Eric was very excited. He closed his eyes and thought about his task again. To him, it seemed a very simple task.

The cabin was very cold. In order not to be spotted by the Norwegian Air Force, the plane was lowered and almost flew over the sea.

Germany already has radar, and in Norway, although Germany does not have a large-scale garrison, it still has air force and navy stationed, and there must be detection radars on the coastline.

Therefore, they have to use small planes and fly at very low altitudes to avoid being detected by radar. This is very important, and it is related to their life and death.

You can see pieces of floating ice on the sea, drifting along with the ocean currents, and finally, in front of you, you can see the land dimly.

The pilot pushed the joystick, the small and agile Nightingale aircraft into the mountains, because Norway is a long and narrow country, so almost after drilling into land, you can reach the target.

"Ready to parachute!" Eric shouted: "Throw our equipment down first."

As the first squad to enter, they also need to bring some things, such as food to eat, for example, a radio to communicate with the rear, for example, a bright flashlight to guide the subsequent entry of the aircraft, and so on.

These equipment are big bags one by one, with parachutes hanging. Several people work together to push these things down, and then, holding their heads, jump off the cabin door one by one.

Below is their motherland. ()

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