The Third Reich

Chapter 976: Prince Wei Yangen

Norwegian port.

For an ordinary tractor, a huge antenna is deployed on the upper end of the car body. At this time, the antenna is slowly rotating, and the target data will be refreshed every time it rotates.

In the radar operating vehicle on the side, two German radar soldiers were watching the screen in front of them.

With the widespread use of transistors, German radars are shrinking in size, power consumption is also decreasing, and the heat generated is also greatly reduced. In the past, the radar car was like a steamer, but now, The heat is greatly reduced, and Norway is also cooler, so it is more comfortable to perform similar search tasks.

Most of the time, there is nothing on the screen.

Germany does not have a large-scale garrison in Norway. However, due to Norway's special geographical location, Germany has deployed navy and air forces in Norway, and there are radar guards next to these bases.

Once they had antagonized the Soviet Union, they would be dispatched at any time to cut off the Soviets' sea routes.

This is definitely an accident.

Outside, the moon has not risen, and the sky is dark. In this case, the night flight will hardly be detected, but it will be detected by radar!

Because of the glider behind, the new British sneak attack echelon aircraft cannot fly too low. After all, after the glider leaves the carrier, it needs to glide and fly. They need enough altitude to reach their destination. Otherwise it is very sad.

Now they are flying at an altitude of 6,000 meters, and they are already on the screen when they are 100 kilometers away from the Norwegian radar station.

At this time, it was ten five in the evening.

"No, there are two suspicious targets found." The radar operator shouted loudly: "It came from the direction of Greenland! Alert, there is an enemy attack!"

Although it did not occupy Greenland, the German defense against Greenland is quite strict. The Luftwaffe has firmly guarded their skies. Now, suddenly a group of suspicious planes have been discovered!

The entire air defense network was triggered, and three minutes later, the order was passed to the nearby night fighter unit.

Yes, it is a night fighter!

Last year, the German night fighter force performed well and successfully intercepted the night bombing of British bombers, which caused the British to suffer a big loss.

After that, the German night fighter force was further expanded.

With the gradual strength of Germany, it is now only Germany to bully others, and then, Germany is about to challenge the Soviet Union and the United States. These superpowers are crazy to retaliate, and the only way these countries can use is night. Sneak attack.

Therefore, Germany must be prepared!

In Norway, there is also a night fighter force stationed. The 6th Squadron of the 3rd Night Fighter Wing has a total of 12 He219 night fighters.

The airspace in Norway is very empty, which is convenient for the deployment and training of fighter forces. In the night fighter force, at least two night fighters are on standby every night.

When the alarm sounded at the base, Prince Heinrich Zu-Xiayan-Weitingen immediately grabbed his flying cap and rushed towards the plane.

Yes, he is a nobleman among aristocrats, a member of the royal family.

Of course, the German royal family has long since fallen, and Prince Wei Yangen, like other contemporaries, is full of fanatical love for the head of state. When he was in school, he became a follower of the head of state. He was led by 150 Hitlers. A group of young people organized incentive activities in the camp. In the activities, he also attacked his shortcomings wholeheartedly. After that, he did some imperial labor.

He started his military career in the Bamberg 17 Cavalry Regiment in April 1936, after which he promised himself to be a good soldier.

A year later, Prince Wei Yangen was included in the Air Force and was promoted to lieutenant in June 38. He later added his own mission to various known military airports and flew multiple types of aircraft. Last year When he was promoted to captain, he flew a night fighter.

Historically, when he was killed in action at the age of 27, he had already scored 83 aircraft down. He was the absolute trump card of night fighters.

From the appearance, Prince Wei Yangen is an absolute German handsome, but in the night battle, he has nothing to do with the handsome, he is just a cold hunter.

The he219 night fighter quickly started the two engines. After the engines warmed up and the oil temperature came up, Prince Wei Yangen started to taxi.

The speed of the aircraft is getting faster and faster. When it reaches the take-off speed, he pulls up the control stick. This twin-engine fighter is more flexible than many single-engine fighters. For example, its maximum speed has reached 600 kilometers per hour. hour!

It was dark all around, and Prince Wei Yangen and his wingman formed a formation and followed the instructions of the radio to head towards the direction where the target was flying.

Behind him, the radar operator has begun to fiddle with the airborne radar.

With the continuous breakthroughs in electronic technology in Germany, the performance of the airborne radar used by night fighters has improved greatly. It can search for aircraft about ten kilometers ahead, and the accuracy is quite high, and it can be guided to the visual distance. !

The radar crew was very nervous. When he took off, he began to warm up the radar. Now, the radar has reached a normal working state. With the last switch turned on, strong electromagnetic waves flowed from the eight antennae on the front of the nose. The radiation went out and flooded the airspace ahead.

"Ground guidance tells us that we are still 20 kilometers away from the target and we are about to enter a contact state." Prince Wei Yangen said.

If you want to intercept at night, you must rely on radar. Ground radar provides general guidance, and airborne radar provides precise guidance.

After speaking, he pushed the accelerator to the slow position, and the noise of the engines on both sides suddenly became quiet.

Now it is flying head-to-head, and the speed of one's side is reduced, which can make the window of interception larger.

Soon, the aircraft dropped to 200 kilometers per hour. For such an aircraft, the speed is already very low, but it still flies smoothly.

The night sky was still dark. In the rear cabin, the radar crew was still watching the small cathode-ray tube in front of him. Finally, two bright and dark bright spots appeared on it.

"Find the target, straight ahead, ten kilometers!"

Ten kilometers, it was almost an instant distance for two relatively flying planes. Prince Wei Yangen opened the weapon insurance and switched the weapons to the four MG151 cannons under the belly, and let himself use the violent Come and greet each other with bullet rain! ()

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