"Very well, I agree to your application for membership!" Makarov patted Geral's knee excitedly, a chrysanthemum with a smile on his face.

When Eleven brought this young man back, Makarov didn’t pay much attention. Even though Eleven mysteriously introduced him to a lot of things he didn’t understand, there was nothing in the young man’s body. The existence of magic, so no matter how special his identity is, Makarov did not take it seriously when he saw the wind and waves.

Although Fairy Tail has all kinds of people, it does not reject the weak, but it is also a guild of wizards. People who have no magic can only be recruited as handymen and receptionists. Basically, they don’t need much. Makarov worried.

It wasn't until Geralar used two magic wands inlaid with magic crystals to construct a 32-layer three-dimensional magic circle in front of Makarov, that Makarov truly realized the extraordinaryness of the boy in front of him.

There are no natural magicians in the human beings of Adras. There is no such thing as a source of magic power in their bodies, and naturally they cannot rely on themselves to generate and use magic power.

But it is precisely because of this that the humans of Adras have exceptional talents in manipulating magical equipment, and any magical equipment can play a greater role in their hands.

Just like Geral at this time, using only two wands, he constructed many complex patterns that magical wizards (such as Eleven) could not construct.

Subsequently, under Makarov's guidance, Geral successfully constructed several completely different magic circles, now learning and meeting now, success in one second.

This talent even made Makarov feel ashamed. Although this child has no magical powers, with the ability to control the magic wand with this hand, he is no longer inferior to Elisa and Mira in actual combat.

Even after systematic learning, it is possible to catch up with Eleven and Laxas, who are the first echelon of their peers, and the future is limitless.

This is another big baby!


However, some people are happy and some are worried, and the Eleven next to him is silly!

What is the situation of the horse?

How come the magic circle is so slippery without magic power?

Are you the Geral in this world?

Does the name Geral have a magic circle talent bonus?

Should I change my name to Yi Geral Levine?

How can it be repaired!Friends have to do it.I hate people who play magic circle the most!People who play the magic circle are dirty!

Glancing at Eleven, who was squatting on the ground and drawing circles, Makarov was in a better mood, holding a wine bottle to give Geral a new party banquet, very excited.

But Geral was sensible. He still remembered his promise with Eleven, and hurriedly said to stop Makarov: "Well, the chairman, the welcome banquet should be avoided. My identity is rather special. I want to know mine The fewer people, the better."

Makarov glanced at Geral. It seemed that Eleven had said before that he was a person from another world, and his identity had to be kept secret or something. Oops, it was really troublesome to be mysterious!

"Hiccup~ It's okay, it's okay. You can also not attend the banquet, but the guild must hold a banquet for new members to join. This is the guild's rules, understand?"

Makarov hesitated for a moment, and the deadlock was broken by his alcohol hiccup.

Whether you attend the banquet or not is your business, and it’s our business if we can’t open it. Do you really think the wedding banquet is for newcomers?Just looking for a chance to drink!


Seeing the turmoil, he ran out of the office and started organizing everyone to drink Makarov, as well as those guild members who didn’t know why, but were extremely emotional. Geral scratched his nose in embarrassment. He thought he was. Very important.

Haha is really a messy guild, no wonder I can cultivate people like Eleven, it seems that I accidentally joined an incredible place.

"Come on, I'll take you out of the back door.

I don't know when Eleven has been resurrected, his expression is as usual.

He has already looked away, isn't it the magic circle?Isn't it handsome?What is the use?

Anyway, his skill is that he has no name or special effects. Every time he faces a big move, he is very colorful. He is empty and embarrassed, but what's the matter?

Real men never rely on these bells and whistles. Those who play special effects must be dead girls!

To sum up, Geral is a deadly gun, no need to envy!

As Geral was walking, he was suddenly looked back and contemptuously by Eleven. The coolness of Geral's crotch that looked at him was inexplicable.

On the other side, Eleven, who had comforted him, seemed to suddenly regain his confidence, no longer feel nervous, and began to seriously play the role of senior.

"After joining the guild, you can receive tasks and get paid, and then I will show you the task board"

Geral listened very carefully, and remembered all the rules and systems in the guild that Eleven had said in his head.

Joining the guild is a completely new experience for him. In the original Edrass, he would never have the opportunity to come into contact with the wizard guild.

Not only because he is the prince of a country, but also because Adras does not allow the existence of an independent guild of wizards. All guilds are called dark guilds there, and they are targets that need to be eliminated.

Geral actually didn't expect that he would join the Sorcerer's Guild one day. This feeling was really subtle.It is like a group of hospitable, lively and cheerful people who bear the name of a terrorist organization, which always feels weird.

Only then did Geral truly feel the cultural difference between the two worlds, and truly began to integrate into this world that did not belong to him.The lives in other worlds saved by him are finally no longer simple numbers for him, but people who are alive, flesh and blood, wine and stories, which makes his faith a little firmer.

"Eleven, you are back. Is this mission difficult? I haven't seen you for a long time."

While Geral was still immersed in his sense of mission, his thoughts were interrupted by a heroic greeting.

Looking up, a pretty crimson figure came into view. Although she was saying hello to Eleven, the bamboo knife in her hand did not stop, sweating like rain, persevering in practicing the chopping skills.

Is this Elisa?

Geral's pupils shrank, and in his mind, the personal guard who had grown up with him in the palace appeared subconsciously, and his face inevitably showed a somewhat unnatural look.

"No, no, I have a temper."

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