The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 121: The Boat of Friendship

The four people didn't have any opinions about letting Eleven direct their path. They understood Eleven's ability, which was the most efficient method.

They also believe that it is absolutely impossible for Eleven to pit them against Kildas. They are now grasshoppers on a rope. No matter who alone is caught by Kildas, it is not good. thing.

As for whether Eleven could take them to any dangerous place, they didn’t even think about it. No matter how much they compete, they are all fairy tail magicians. Eleven cannot do it. Something like this.


At this time, Kildas had no idea that he was about to be attacked, and he was strolling in the courtyard to admire the wonderful scenery in the Grand Canyon. Although he had been here several times because of his mission, every time he came, he could be here. It brings him a new experience and makes him feel very happy.

However, he did not start to daze as usual because of this, but instead was focused and his expression sharp.Kildas at work will not relax his vigilance, even if it is for juniors to invigilate exams.The usual daze state is nothing more than a boring pastime in his spare time.

"I don't know how those guys are progressing? There are magical fluctuations, maybe they haven't encountered them yet."

"Hey, the topic of the president this time is really interesting. I don't know what choice they will make."

Kildas's mouth was mumbled, and he kept playing with a magic crystal similar to Eleven and others in his hand, but only this magic crystal was one-way induction, other magic crystals couldn't feel it. His existence is used by Kildas to find people.

At this moment, the magic crystal suddenly flickered, and it was getting brighter and brighter. It was obvious that someone was quickly approaching in his direction.

"Hey, this is the hapless guy, I ran into me so soon." Kildas raised his brows, and couldn't help but show a playful smile.

But he didn't plan to run into this hapless guy now. It was too early, and if he came up and eliminated one person, the assessment would be meaningless.So Kildas turned around and ran, intending to slip away to see the situation.

But something that made him feel puzzling happened. No matter which direction he ran, the magic crystal in his hand would become brighter and brighter, as if there were people approaching from all directions.

"This thing is not broken, right?" Kildas shook the stone in his hand vigorously, as if wondering if it was a bad signal.

"Purple rainstorm!"

"Smoke Assault!"

"Thunder pressure raging waves!"


While Kildas was still competing with the magic crystal in his hand, purple flames, white smoke, thunder, three magics with a destructive aura crashed down from different directions, shaking the ground.

call out!

However, although the momentum of the attack was not small, Kildas did not seem to have suffered any harm. He sprang out of the smoke with a slam, his clothes were not damaged at all, and all the magic hadn't even come close to his body. Has been crushed by him.

With one foot on the ground, Kildas, who was stable in shape, quickly swept his eyes across the three people who surrounded him, with a smile on his mouth: "Oh? I didn't expect you to choose this route. A good choice. "

After that, he looked around again and continued: "Since the three of you have appeared, then that kid Eleven must be indispensable. He is hiding because he wants to attack iiiii..."

Before Kildas's words were finished, Eleven's figure suddenly appeared behind Kildas as a ghost, and an ice blue light burst into his eyes.

"Super mental acceleration!"


Time froze in an instant, and Kildas's voice seemed to be still passing through the air, being stretched infinitely.

The long-supplied mind attack burst out. In the face of a big boss like Kildas, Eleven would not show any mercy to his subordinates. The amazing power directly patted the back of Kildas's head.


But the imaginary bombardment reaction did not appear. Instead, the thought force shot by Eleven became torn apart at the moment when it hit Kildas's body, it was shattered by Kildas' head like a ball of sand. No power!


The mentality collapsed!

What the hell is this?

Although Eleven knew that Kildas could smash his thought power, he didn't expect it to be passive!How to play this?The experience is too bad!

The mind was running fast, and the power of mind slapped every corner of Kildas's body again and again, but without exception, they were shattered into dregs and returned without success.


Finally at the last moment when time restarted, Eleven clearly felt that he had smashed something, and a crisp sound came into his ears along with the restart time.

"...Attack me? Huh?"

Kildas finally finished what he was saying, but in the next second he found Elevating who suddenly appeared behind him, panting, and was taken aback.

Eleven didn't stand by Gildas's side, but quickly backed away, and ran away in a blink of an eye, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

Kildas looked at the sudden appearance of Eleven, and the sloppy expression on his face gradually faded, revealing a trademark smile: "Is the sneak attack finished? It doesn't seem to have any effect!"

Eleven put on a cool expression and smiled: "Is that so? Kildas, look at the magic crystal in your hand. Without it, you can't continue to track it. Let's go!"

"Ah! When?"

After Eleven said so, Kildas discovered that the magic crystal he had held in his hand had been broken.This is the result of the last strike of Eleven, and the only result.

However, such results are still acceptable, at least it weakens Kildas' participation in the assessment, and then just play hide and seek...

"Well, but it doesn't matter."

While Eleven was still complacent about his victory, Kildas suddenly clapped his hands, flicked off the magic crystal residue in his palm, and interrupted his thoughts calmly.

"It doesn't matter whether there is this magic crystal, anyway, you have all appeared in front of me."

"It's really good that you want to work together to defeat me first, but ah, this is a wrong choice!"


As Kildas's voice landed, his aura exploded in an instant, and that seemingly endless magic pressure, like a huge wave, roared toward the four people who surrounded him.


Can't resist!

Can't escape!

can not breath!

Even standing upright has become a luxury!

Kildas in front of him came like a demon, a creeping urge to worship crazily eroding everyone's brain, and his thinking has become blank!

This is Kildas, this is the man standing at the top of Fairy Tail, the strongest wizard in the guild!

The four quasi-S-rank magical priests who had been crushed just by relying on their imposing coercion completely couldn't lift their heads.


Fortunately, Kildas' coercion came and went quickly, and it was only a moment that he converged his aura again and returned to his usual appearance.

Eleven, Laxus, Makao, and Wakaba, without exception, all of them fell to their knees at the moment of being liberated, panting with big mouths, and falling down with sweat, obviously Has reached the point of collapse.

"Now, do you have any plans to beat me?" Kildas still kept smiling, scanning the four people present.

"Ah~ No, it can't be won!" Macao suddenly sat on the ground with a buttock, his whole body limp, his expression unlovable.

The opposite Wakaba apparently agreed with his old friend very much, took a deep breath of cigarette, and then slowly exhaled it, apparently he had already accepted his life.

Eleven swallowed a mouthful of water, and didn't even dare to look into Kildas's eyes directly at this moment, his eyes swept across the decadent Macao and Wakaba, secretly calculating.

"How can it be repaired!!!"

Suddenly a roar broke the depressing silence, and I saw Laxus got up with a grim face, the magic on his body rioted wildly, and he kept roaring at Kildas, but Kildas still kept him. That classic smile.

Suddenly, Laxus moved, and his figure turned into a flash of lightning, too fast to capture.But his goal was not Kildas standing in the center, but rushing towards the outside, and he escaped!

No matter how unwilling, no matter how embarrassed, Laxus absolutely does not want to fail here, he still has to continue his assessment, so at this time he can only escape, there is no other way.

On the way to escape, even Wakaba, who happened to be blocking his route, hit a somersault, Laxus ignored it, and disappeared into the depths of the canyon in the blink of an eye.

The few remaining people on the field stared blankly at the direction Laxus was leaving, their faces full of inconceivable. Although it was undoubtedly the best choice to escape at this time, that Laxus would choose the first one to escape. It is so that everyone did not expect.

Kildas couldn't help but smile, and directly let Laxus leave.It seems that Laxus has finally grown a bit, and the president should be relieved.

"Ahhhhhhhh~ It seems that things are really difficult to handle!" Wakaba, who was knocked down by Laxus, was not injured, patted his butt and stood up again.

Laxus's arrogant temperament all ran away. It can be seen how desperate the situation is. They don't have the ability to move at high speeds like Laxus. How can this be done?

Thinking of this, Wakaba subconsciously took out the induction magic crystal in his pocket, thinking about whether there is any way not to be destroyed by Kildas, as long as it is not destroyed by Kildas...



"Damn! Where's Lao Tzu's magic crystal?" Wakaba rummaged his pockets all over his body with both hands, but he didn't even have any hairs, and his whole person suddenly became bad.

Macao on the side looked at his teasing old friend and couldn't help but complain: "Hey, hey, Wakaba, you won't lose even such important things, do you? Are you really silly of smoking? "

"You fart! How could I lose it by myself!" Wakaba jumped into a thunder, and the plane head on his head was shaking. "It must be the kid from Laxus. He just hit me and took my magic crystal directly. Stole! How can it be repaired!"

Makaou was also taken aback when he heard this, but when he turned his face, he showed a gloating expression and patted Wakaba on the shoulder to signal him to change in sorrow.

Kildas watched the scene with a smile from the side and didn't mean to interfere with the good friends.

"Damn it, that bastard from Laxus is really quick!"

At this moment, Eleven, who had been doing nothing throughout the entire process, suddenly yelled. He stomped his feet in a furious manner, and then shattered into starlight under the surprised eyes of Macao and Wakaba and disappeared directly. Up.

This Eleven who had been standing there turned out to be an illusion!

I don't know when it was dropped!

Macao stared at the place where Eleven disappeared for a long time, and suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart, and hurriedly stretched out his hand into his pocket.

Sure enough, there was also empty...


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