The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 138: It seems that something terrible is about to be involved~

"Oh? It turned out to be a mercenary." Laxus squeezed his chin and nodded, then suddenly he turned around and assumed a fighting posture, "Okay, I see, continue fighting!"

Philip: ∑(O_O;)?Still fight?

"Well, I don't think we need to fight at all. We have surrendered, can we not fight?"

"No! I haven't beaten you to amnesia yet!"

Philip:??_?? Hasn't this matter been over yet?

Why on earth do you want to beat us to amnesia?

Is there something wrong with this man?

In fact, the anger in Laxus's stomach had long since disappeared. Thinking about Philip and the others approaching from behind, it was impossible to see his facial expression.It's just that the militant Laxus became interested in Felid at this time, and simply wanted to continue fighting.

After finishing packing up the puppets, Pigusello stood up and heard the nonsensical conversation between Laxus and the others. He couldn't help but interject: "Brother, are you stupid? How can anyone be beaten into amnesia?"

"Idiot, open and shut your mouth..." Felid hurriedly tried to stop him, but he didn't stop him.

Laxus: (╬)

"Oh? Then I'll let you try it now!" Laxus squeezed his fist and walked towards Pigusro.

However, Laxus hadn't taken two steps before, suddenly his ears moved and he looked at a big tree not far away.There are people hidden in that tree canopy. When did they hide there?

"Big Brother Big Brother, I think we have been discovered!"

"Shhh! Hold your breath! Believe that you are a stone."

"Report! Brother, there should be no stones in the tree!"


"The third and thirdest, I think it's great for you to complain!"

"Report! Brother, thank you for your compliment!"

"Hush! Hold your breath, hold your breath, don't be found!"




A flash of golden lightning struck the canopy of the big tree directly, and then three screams were heard, and three silhouettes with mushroom heads rolled down from the canopy.

"Report! Brother, we were discovered!"

"Big Brother Big Brother, I think I'm in trouble!"

"Shhh, hold your breath, prepare to fight! Brian's mission is not completed yet, a quick fight!"

After talking about these three inexplicable mushroom heads, they rushed towards Laxus and them murderously.

Although Laxus hadn't figured out what they were doing, it was obvious that the visitor was not good. Laxus was ready for the battle at the first time. Since it is the one to find the door, let's fight it first.

However, before Laxus could do anything, when the three people just ran to a distance of one hundred meters from them, they suddenly breathed a series of complicated words from under their feet, and then they saw that the three people suddenly covered themselves in pain. His neck and face turned into a sauce purple in pain, as if suddenly suffocated.

It didn't take long before the three of them all fell to the ground suffocated to death!

Seeing this scene, Laxus's whole body's hairs suddenly stood up, jumped a long distance back suddenly, and turned to look at Felid and Pigusrow.

"This is the technique I set up, and the rule is'Melicious people will suffocate to death'." Philip said lightly, and after speaking, he took a deep look at Laxus.

Philip could finally be sure that his technique hadn't failed, so the blond boy really didn't have any bad intentions, he just wanted to fight with them.

What kind of thing is this, too stupid, right?

Pigusrow was accustomed to the inexplicable death of someone under the Philip Surgery, and he didn't have much reaction. Instead, he calmly stepped forward and started examining the corpse to see if it was necessary. Supplement or something.

"Huh? Isn't this the mushroom head that is very famous in the dark world assassinating the three brothers?" When he turned the corpse over and saw his face clearly, Pigusrow couldn't help exclaiming.

"It was Bigu who assassinated the three brothers." Philip also calmly walked up and took a look, then he squeezed his chin and thought.

"It doesn't seem to be for us. It should be a coincidence that I met here. But I didn't expect even them to be dispatched. What the hell the Dark Guild guys want to do? Biguslo, look for any clues."

"Good!" After speaking, Guthro fumbled on the three corpses.

Laxus looked at the two people who were chatting calmly around the corpse from behind, and couldn't help but raised his brows.You really deserve to be a mercenary. This psychological quality is not a boast.Although Laxus has not never killed anyone, he rarely goes to search for corpses, let alone stand next to the corpse and analyze it. It can only be said that there is still a big gap between the nature of the work of the wizard and the mercenary. of.

But Laxus's dictionary obviously didn't retreat these two words, and there was no reason why he couldn't do what others could do.So he pretended to be indifferent and walked to the side of the body, watching how Philip and the others searched the body.

"I just heard you say something about the Dark Guild. Has something happened?" Laxus asked.

Philip raised his head and glanced at Laxus, then lowered his head and started rummaging in the corpse's pockets, and said in a deep voice, "I advise you not to inquire about it. There is no benefit to those who are not involved."

Laxus: (╬◣д◢)

Damn this kid actually looks down on me, it's because my Laxus fist is not strong enough, or you are floating!

However, even though his heart was not upset, Laxus knew that it was not suitable to do it. He suppressed the anger in his heart, gritted his teeth and said: "I am the wizard Laxus of Fairy Tail. I also have the right to know the information of the Dark Guild. !"

Philip raised his head again and looked at Laxus carefully. To be honest, he really didn't expect Laxus to be the wizard of the guild.He had seen a lot of guild wizards before, all of which were spineless rookies, which caused them to look down on the guild wizards a bit.

However, Laxus is obviously not in the ranks they despise. It is the first time that Felid has seen his peers who can suppress both him and Piguslou at the same time without any effort. With strength alone, Laxus is worth it. He got his respect.

"Huh, okay." Felid saw the stubbornness in Laxus' eyes, exhaled, clapped his hands and stood up and said, "Then I will tell you some information I know, but let me say it first. , Knowing these things really does not benefit you at all."

"Stop talking nonsense, speak quickly!" Laxus was a little impatient.

Philip really had a good temper and was not angry, and continued: "The dark world is very unstable recently. It seems that a war is about to break out between those dark guilds!"



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