The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 143: A Coincidental Encounter

[Raksha evil ghost is going to die?what do you mean?Eleven grasped the point and couldn't help asking.

The information that Brian had brought was really amazing. It was hard for Eleven to imagine that the dark empire-like Great Guild of the Rakshasa ghost could be destroyed. How much power would it take?

However, Brian, who was still talking about it just now, did not say anything more, did not answer Eleven's question, but laughed.

[Haha, why not, let me change another condition!You don’t need to join us, as long as you do something for me.

whats the matter?] Eleven asked warily.

[It’s not a difficult thing. I have an important train station that was robbed by your Raksha evil spirits. I want you to help me get back. Isn’t it difficult?

Even if Eleven didn't need to look at it, he knew that Brian on the other side of the call definitely showed an evil smile. Is there any difference between his request and letting him betray the Raksha evil spirit to join them before?

Isn't it a derailment as long as it is not mentally derailed?

Sure enough, dealing with old fritters like Brian is tiring, and the whole process is being taken with rhythm.

Fortunately, Eleven had nothing to do with that Rakshasa evil spirit. Brian was digging into the air almost the whole time, but the skill of wielding a hoe still made Eleven astounded.

[Well, I promised you, which station?Eleven agreed to pull down with little hesitation.

On the other side, Brian showed a knowing smile and couldn't help but praise his wisdom again!Look, I dug out a peerless genius from the evil spirits of Raksha in just a few words. I'm so awesome!Akimbo!

This Elizabeth is also a kid who knows current affairs, with good judgment, and appreciates him more and more!


What did the gang of idiots fight against me?Does it depend on the group of mercenaries they hired?joke!

Wait, it won’t be long before your wealth, resources, and connections will be in my pocket!

This dark world has been silent for too long, let me let him renew his chance!

Ha Hiahiahiahiahia

He is laughing wildly!


At the same time, the other direction.

"Thunder bullet!"

I saw that Laxus released countless thunder and lightning balls in his hands, floating swayingly, seemingly powerless.But once an enemy passes by, the ball of light will gather on the opponent at a very fast speed, and then explode in one breath, causing huge damage to the enemy.

In this chaotic battlefield, Laxus's group attack skills are absolutely beyond imagination.The enemies in front of him were like wheat ears waiting to be harvested, falling to the ground in waves, arousing warm cheers from his teammates.

"Laxus, good work!" Even Felid, who is usually calm, couldn't help but yell. I have to say that Laxus’s magic is full of violent aesthetics. Watching him harvest enemies is definitely A kind of enjoyment.

"Hey ha! Follow the blond brother!"

Behind Laxus, followed by hundreds of wizards who looked equally nondescript, licking sharp knives and laughing wildly, followed the gap opened by Laxus and rushed up.

Laxus looked at the people passing by, stopped his attack, and stepped aside in disgust to avoid contact with them.

"Laxus, hard work! Thanks to you, we can open this gap." Philip walked to Laxus graciously and flattered him. He was completely overwhelmed by the power of Laxus.

However, Laxus did not show any complacency. Instead, he frowned and looked at their teammates, and asked in a deep voice: "Filide, is our opponent really the Dark Guild? Why do we feel that our teammates are nothing like this? What a good person?"

After Felid told Laxus some secrets that the Dark Guild could only see, Laxus decided to follow along.He didn't have any kind of justice, he just wanted to experience it.

The wizards of their regular guilds actually didn't have many opportunities to contact the dark guild. Coupled with Makarov's intentional protection, Fairy Tail rarely participated in this kind of chaotic battle.

Therefore, Laxus naturally thinks that this will be a rare experience, and no one else has his experience, so in the future, the days of punching Kildas and stepping on Eleven are just around the corner!

Philip and the others were tasked with attacking several railway stations occupied by the Dark Guild. As for who entrusted the task, Philip and the others didn't know. The mercenaries only needed money to do things, and they never asked more.

At this time, Laxus seriously suspected that they were just helping one dark guild fight another dark guild.Because these guys around them are really not like good people, each of them not only has nasty means and looks nasty, but also has very dirty magic power. At a glance, you can know that they are definitely not serious wizards.

However, Laxus just said that, and didn't mean to delve into it.Anyway, he doesn't know each other, and everyone is the same. As for the conflict of interest between the dark guilds, let him be alone!He only needs to hide his guild emblem and don't make trouble for the guild.

Soon, under the offensive of Laxus, their team was so powerful that it took almost no effort to attack the train station.

Although the seized train still needs to be seized, the train passengers who were originally detained were released safely under the overbearing and tough threat of Laxus.

"Hey! Are you their leader? I want to take a train to the Fairy Tail of Magnolia to see fairies. Now that the train is impounded by you, how can you compensate me!"

Just when Laxus was about to turn around and leave, a brutal figure suddenly jumped out of the group of passengers. Pointing to Laxus' nose was a scream, and he looked very cute.

"Hey! How can you talk to Laxus like this!" Before Laxus had any reaction, Philip first stepped behind him, looking at the person in front of him with an aura, licking the dog. Is very conscientious.

The magic wizards around who were abducting jujubes also looked at the little girl who didn't know how to live or die with a wicked smile, and they dared to provoke this grumpy little brother, really tired of life.

However, Laxus didn't go wild like everyone thought, but pushed Felid away, stepped forward and asked with a weird look: "You just said Fairy Tail? What are you going to do?"

"Of course I went to see the fairies!"


Laxuston was a little disappointed at the time. I thought it was a cute newcomer who was about to join the guild, but I didn't expect it to be a lunatic. It was a pity.

"What's your name?"

"Hahaha, my name is Eba Green, and I am the most beautiful fairy in the world!" Eba Green started his performance again.


Laxas had nothing to say, and once again felt inferior for his lack of sand sculptures.It would be nice if the kid Eleven was here at this time, at least not so embarrassing!


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