The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 148: Respect and Respect Makarov


God fucking Lalazi!You are called Lalazi!, Laxus heard Eleven tell him to pull the lazi, the whole person is not good, and he almost failed to maintain the elementalization of his body.

What kind of bad name is this?

Even a temporary pseudonym can't be so random!It's too fake!Who would believe it!


Sure enough, after Eleven yelled out the name, Laxus keenly caught everyone's discussion.

"La Lazi? Uh... you deserve to be the boss, the names are so personal..."

"Lalazi is pretty good too... right..."

"La Lazi! La Lazi... Lala... Nothing, I can't shout, so shy!"


Although the dark guild wanted to give Laxus a little bit of face, but I really didn't know how to praise it, a bit embarrassing.

The council is much simpler. They glanced at the big-waisted Laxus in the sky, turned their heads and spit, with a look of contempt.

"Bah, it's disgusting for such a big man to have such a name!"

Laxus: (╬)


This is the sound of someone's mental breakdown!

The pressure that has always been caused by not being promoted to the S grade, the pressure caused by not keeping up with the logic of Eleven, the pressure caused by not enough sand sculptures, the pressure caused by the name is too ugly, finally broke out completely at this moment !

"Your uncle! You bastard has the ability to say it again! Who do you say is sick?"

Lalazi went wild!After screaming, he rushed towards the Senate's camp again.

"Pull... Lalazi! Calm down, don't get excited, they didn't mean it!"

Eleven was taken aback, and hurriedly wanted to stop Laxus.However, Laxus at this time was like a husky that had taken off the rein, no matter how Eleven pulled the leash, he couldn't stop his indulgent pace.

At the same time, in the rear of the Senate camp, the presidents of the major guilds that played a role in suppressing the formation finally arrived on the battlefield.

Involving in such a big event as the Dark Guild War, the Senate wanted to take credit for it alone, but it also knew the dangers involved, so it simply pulled all the major guilds down.

The presidents of these big guilds also knew that they were just a town hall, pretending to be, they didn't need to take action at all, so they all had a relaxed expression and did not pay attention to the noisy battlefield.

"Oh! Really! Why should I stay in a place like this! Give me a circle!!"

The president of the Scales of Snake, Barbara, is a very noisy old lady, her hands are turning like Parkinson, her mouth is constantly broken, complaining about this The formation of trouble.

Makarov walked aside, glanced at the old woman with a bit of disgust, and hiccuped: "Hiccup! Old woman, you are still so long-winded!"

"Ah? What did Makarov say? Do you want to be circumscribed by me?" Oba Barbadosoma reluctantly turned to Makarov.

A group of old men and old ladies walked together, not at all feeling mature and serious, but as noisy as a group of little kids.

"Oh? I didn't expect such energetic young people in the Dark Guild!"

On the side, Goldman, the president of the Four-Headed Hounds Guild, held his pointed wizard hat with one hand, wearing a pair of large sunglasses, and looking towards the center of the battlefield. He happened to see Laxus and Eli who were entangled in the air. Wen duo.

Eleven finally stopped Laxus from running to the Scourge Council, but had to take Laxus' anger and accompany him to go crazy. The two people fought again inexplicably, and the more they fought, the more they became. The brightest boy in the center of the battlefield.

Makarov, who was fighting with the old woman, was immediately attracted by Goldman's words. He liked the energetic young people most.Immediately leaving the old woman aside, he put his hands on the lotus beside the dangling runway Goldman and looked towards the center of the battlefield.

"Come on, let me see what kind of young man it is~"



After seeing the two people dancing in the middle of the battlefield, Makarov was soaked with a brush on his back, and he was dripping with cold sweat.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, secretly pray that all you see are hallucinations, and reopen...


Sure enough!Just those two little bastards!What evil did I do?

Why are they here?

Makarov is too familiar with Eleven and Laxus, both of whom he watched grow up.Even if two people deliberately cover their looks and magic, Makarov still recognizes it at a glance. This is his own bear child.

"Oh, Ma Jiang, what's wrong with you, why do you sweat so much all of a sudden?"

Bobu, the chairman of the Blue Pegasus, is a fat ladyboy (aunt?) who speaks sullenly, but he is very good. Seeing Makarov behaving abnormally, he immediately became concerned.

"Uh... nothing! I'm fine, I'm fine! Hahahahaha...ha..."

Makarov turned his head stiffly, scratched his head and laughed awkwardly, which immediately attracted the strange glances of many guild leaders.

Fortunately, Eleven and the others had concealed their identities, and did not run to the dark guild battlefield with the banner of Fairy Tail to mess around. This was the only place that made Makarov feel relieved.

In that case, it's okay to pretend that they don't know them. Anyway, if the House of Representatives pursues them in the future, as long as they are killed and don't admit it, they probably have nothing to do.probably......

"Hahaha~ The two little ghosts in the middle of the battlefield are really amazing! It's a pity that I don't know them at all! Hahahaha~"

Makarov smiled awkwardly with no silver three hundred taels here, which made Goldman's eyes more interesting when they saw him, and they couldn't help but look at Ileven and the others.

Looking at Makarov like this, the two little ghosts are not the wizards of Fairy Tail, right?


Haha, they really have their style!

Makarov has been the president of Fairy Tail for so many years, it is really hard~

After all, they have been old friends for many years. Bobb and the others didn’t want to watch Makarov continue to be embarrassed, so they casually took the stubborn words: "Really, Ma Jiang, how could you know the people over there~"

"Yeah, that's right!" Makarov glanced at Bobu gratefully, and nodded repeatedly to express that he was a good person.

Makarov's antics immediately caused a group of old men and old ladies to laugh, and this little old man was ashamed and left home today.

At this moment, the joking guild leaders suddenly calmed down and turned their eyes to the center of the battlefield.

There, Eleven and Laksas, who were fighting fiercely in the air, fell abruptly from the air to the ground as if they were oppressed by some kind of force.


A suffocating magical power suddenly spread from the center of the battlefield, and the air became thick and heavy wherever the magical power passed, and the oppressor couldn't straighten up.

A man with a monkey face and a long braid walked out in a white coat.The magic power around the man was so strong that it almost formed a substance. All the objects he stepped on were crushed by the powerful gravity and the ground was as smooth as it was crushed.

Brunot Stega!

Known as the Great Sorcerer who never grows wherever he goes, he is very famous in the dark world.Possessing the magic that can freely manipulate gravity, it is powerful and suffocating!

"Crap! The kids are in danger!"

The moment Makarov saw Brunot appear, his pupils shrank sharply.I didn't care about acting anymore, so he rushed out and went straight to the center of the battlefield.

Goldman and their old friends smiled bitterly at each other and sighed.This old man is still so impatient, and he still needs to let them wipe his butt at such an old age.

"Oh, there really is an incredible young man in the Dark Guild. This magic power can be compared to the top ten magicians!"

"Oh yeah~ Ma Jiang is so true. We obviously don't need to take action, so she still took the initiative to help."

"Only the pony can stop him, it's a pony!"

"I have to praise and reward him for turning around!"


A few old guys talked to each other and talked like the truth. They just praised Makarov as a powerful, dedicated, self-sacrificing, and overall saint.

Those young presidents who were unfamiliar with Makarov heard Goldman and the others say this, and they started talking, and the image of Makarov's old and rude little old man instantly became tall in their hearts.

I did not expect that His Excellency Makarov was such a good and respected president!


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