The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 157: Poisonous Dragon Slayer Slayer

"Okay, okay, don't struggle, I just put you down!"

Before entering the guild hall, because Eric was struggling fiercely, Eleven had no choice but to release him.

"Oh, by the way, my name is Eleven, and Elizabeth has nothing to do with me. Don't call me Elizabeth anymore. Hear you."

After Eleven put down Eric, he suddenly asked nonchalantly, not at all embarrassed.

Eric didn't say anything, but rolled his eyes a few times. He didn't care who Eleven was now.He needs to calm down a bit and think about his current situation calmly.

Just now Eric had actually secretly tried to contact Brian, but he found that the communication between him and Brian had been completely disconnected, and he could not even hear Brian's voice.

He knows that Bryan has a magic that shields all perceptions, but this magic should be let go of their Six Demons?Why is he blocked too?

After feeling a little in his body, Eric was surprised to find that even the living connection magic that Brian had planted in his body had disappeared.

Unexpectedly, Eric didn't have any sense of despair of being abandoned, but fell into a kind of ecstasy somehow!

'I am finally free?'This is the first time that came up in Eric's mind.

Although he did not repel the life of the former six demon generals, being ordered by Brian was not free after all.For these children born in the tower of the paradise, "true freedom" is like a kind of faith, which is hopeless and unattainable.

However, now Eric suddenly found that he had been out of Brian's control. Since the living connection had disappeared, Brian must have thought he had died on the battlefield.

As long as he can get rid of this annoying Elizabeth and Fairy Tail, then he can change his name and start the new life he wants!

As for the partners of the original Six Demon Generals, to be honest, Eric didn't know them very well.In the past few years, Brian has been training them separately, saying that they will not act together until they are promoted to the General of the Six Demons.So Eric had no intention of contacting them again.

Eric was poking his little abacus secretly here, while Eleven next to him was feeling the ecstasy he exudes, and patted Eric on the shoulder with some relief.

The little turkey has a future!Does joining Fairy Tail make you so happy?Not bad!

Eric was so enlightened that Eleven felt very happy. Originally, he was a little worried that Eric, who was born in the Dark Guild, would be very reluctant to join the Light Guild.

Unexpectedly, he would turn away from the dark with such joy, and the ecstasy was almost overwhelming.The old man's eyesight is great, this Eric is really a good boy!

Eric's shoulder was hurt by Eleven, and he looked strangely at the guy with the old father's smile.

God knows what bad idea this fellow Elizabeth is going to make, Eric doesn't want to cause trouble now, so he didn't say a word, and honestly followed Eleven into the guild hall.

"Everyone, we have a new partner here today, and we are here for the welcome meeting!" As soon as Eleven appeared, he pulled Eric up and shouted, grabbing his usual father's job.

"Hey! When did I say I want to join you?" Eric retorted loudly. Although he wanted to sneak away in a low-key manner and didn't want to cause trouble, he didn't know how to allow Eleven to sell him. what!

However, Eric's voice did not go too far, and was overwhelmed by the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami.

"Any new people have joined? Welcome!"

"Hahaha, you can drink to your heart's content again, I'm going to have ten barrels of wine today!"

"Why is he a half size boy again? Where did the president pick it up again?"

"Hey, leave him alone, there are already so many brats anyway, and this one is not bad!"


The already bustling guild suddenly exploded and began to warmly welcome Eric the newcomer, but they didn't care what Eric was saying.

Eric tried to refute a few times, but was suppressed by the loud voice in the guild. Even later, as long as he opened his mouth, someone would pour alcohol into his mouth and almost choked him to death. Speechless.

Who are these people?

How do you feel that everyone has the same virtue as that fellow Elizabeth?

This guild is too damn scary!

Today, the guild has an exceptionally large number of people, and most of them have not gone out to work, which is extremely lively.After the uncles had gathered enough excitement, they ran aside and went on their own so that the young people had a chance to get together.

Sister Mila, Kana, Naz, Gray, Elsa, and Lebby were all in the guild at this time, so naturally they all got together next to Eleven and looked at Eric with curiosity.

"You are welcome to join the guild. My name is Gray Falpasta. What name do you want?" Gray politely stretched out a hand to greet Eric, looking very gentleman, if he can put his clothes on It's even better.

"Cut!" Although Eric didn't understand why there was a naked man here, he didn't seem to have anything to do with Fairy Tail. He was too lazy to go into it, so he cut it to show his disdain for Gray.


"Hey! Do you guys want to fight?"

Gray was furious. He finally wanted a gentleman today. What kind of attitude does this little newcomer have?Both hands quickly made a combat gesture, releasing a deep chill.

"Grey, be careful, he is a poisonous dragon-slayer wizard, he is still quite powerful!" Eleven leaned on the bar and didn't mean to stop him, just reminding Gray lightly.

"Dragon Slayer?!"

Although Eleven's words are not salty, but his words still attracted everyone's attention.Suddenly, several eyes converged on Eric, and then moved to Naz, who was already excited, and swept back and forth between them.

"You are also the Dragon Slayer? Are you raised by dragons too? Are your dragons still there? Do you know Ignilu is there?" Naz suddenly rushed to Eric's side and said A series of general questions.

"Huh? Dragon?" Eric, who asked Naz's question, looked inexplicable, looked at Naz like a fool, and said disdainfully: "How can there be dragons alive in this world?"

"Then your dragon-killing magic was not taught to you by the dragon?" Naz was still reluctant.

"Oh, the dragon is long dead. The so-called dragon-killing magic is just implanting the dragon's magic crystal into the body. How stupid you are to believe that there is a dragon!" Eric glanced at Naz with contempt. , As the Dragon Slayer of Poison, the kung fu of the poison tongue is not conquered, and it did not save Naz any face.


"You nonsense! Ignilu is definitely still alive!"

Naz was not calm when he was stunned by Eric. The flames of the fire dragon rose above both fists, and then he rushed over with the eight punches.


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