The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 175: Ice Shape vs. Steel Shape

"Damn, that fellow Hobby didn't even take me! I'm so angry!" Naz groaned and stepped on the ground.

Gray was also a little panting, wiping the sweat from his forehead while leaning on a big tree.

These two guys had completely lost their way in the woods at this time, and couldn't keep up with Eleven's speed at all.Only rely on Naz's nose to recognize the way.

In addition, it was these two enemies who got together and kept pushing, shoving, and screaming along the way, unknowingly, they had no idea where they were going.

"Hey, the underwear is abnormal, you stay away from me, I can't find my way because you are too stinky!" Naz could not smell Eleven and others at this time, and began to find Gray's fault .

"Huh? Do you still rely on me if you are useless?" Of course, Gray responded without showing weakness.

The two of them just quarreled and walked forward while entangled.

"Hehe~ Your relationship is really good! Hehe~" Suddenly, a sharp voice came from above his head.

Naz and Gray raised their heads at the same time, only to see a shaggy-faced Thunderhead's mouth on the branch above their heads, with long arms and a thin man squatting there eating bananas.


"Huh? Monkey?"

"Idiot, it's the enemy!" Gray reacted much faster than Naz, with his hands on his side, ready to fight.

Naz was still a little dazed, looking up at the man like a monkey.The "monkey man" on the tree also stared at Naz in a dazed manner, while chewing on a banana with his mouth constantly moving, it felt like a silly monkey.

"Ah, it's still a monkey." Naz finally defined it.


Suddenly, Naz didn't even react, and with a weird laugh, a banana peel was stuck on Naz's face.

"The shape of ice-battle axe!"

When Gray saw the monkey man take action, the magic that had been brewing for a long time was unconsciously released.However, the monkey man was unexpectedly flexible, his legs hung on the branch, his body fell backwards, hung upside down, and easily avoided Gray's attack, and his mouth continued to make giggles of monkeys mocking Gray.

"Wow! Wow! What is this? I can't see it! And, the banana smells so disgusting!!!" On the other side, Naz held his face and yelled.

"Idiot, stop playing tricks!" Gray was a little angry.

"But, but, this thing can't be taken down!"

Naz grabbed the banana peel on his face, his face was deformed, but the banana peel did not move at all, not even the slightest damage.

"Hehe~ Monkey Magic-Banana Skin Trap! Hehe~"

Seeing the monkey man's finger moved, the banana peel on Naz's face came off with a "pop~" sound, which made Naz, who had been fighting all the time, almost staggered.

However, before Naz could breathe a sigh of relief, the banana peel in his hand fell under his feet as if being pulled.



Naz, who stepped on the banana peel, slid instantly and slammed the back of his head to the ground.

"It hurts!!!" Naz rolled around holding his head, a big bag swelling up on the back of his head visible to the naked eye.

"Hehe~ hehe~" The monkey man seemed to be very happy because he successfully tricked Naz, he jumped and jumped on the branch, celebrating.


How could Naz stand this kind of grievance, even though the back of his head still hurts, he still sprang up from the ground and screamed in anger.

"Damn it, you bastard dare to play with me, look at it-the iron fist of the fire dragon!"

However, the monkey man was so skillful that he easily avoided Naz's attack, then swung the branches, and ran toward the depths of the jungle like an ape-man.

(#`Д??)??┌┛ "Wow, bastard! Don't run if you have the ability!!!" Naz was almost mad, and he followed after him without even thinking about it.

"Uh, idiot, don't chase it!"

Gray wanted to stop him, but Naz ignored him at all. By the time he finished speaking, everyone had gone away.Helplessly, Gray followed suit, and at the same time he cursed Naz this idiot.

At this moment, Gray suddenly felt a large shadow over his head.Before he could think about it, he hurriedly threw aside to hide.


A huge steel sledgehammer fell from the sky, and the terrible force smashed the earth a little bit. If Gray did not escape, he might be smashed into flesh on the spot.

"The shape of steel-heavy hammer!" A deep voice came from behind.

Gray hurriedly turned back to guard, only to see a man wrapped in steel armor came out from behind the tree.The man put his hands on his chest, his fingers touched, and the powerful magic power escaped, making people seem to be able to smell a smell of metal.

Gray was suddenly facing a big enemy, and he didn't care about Naz. He put his hands on his side and assumed the posture taught by Wulu, the magic condensed.

"The shape of ice-Lancer!"

Suddenly countless ice spears shot out from Gray's hands, rushing towards the armored man overwhelmingly.

The hands that the armored man placed on his chest touched his fingers again, the same magic condensed.

"The shape of steel-Wan Jian!"

Countless steel sword blades appeared out of thin air, and the ice gun fired by Gray was greeted frontally.


However, the evenly matched collision did not occur. The ice gun made by Gray was like a small cookie in front of the steel sword, instantly shattering, decayed, and unable to resist.

Gray at the back obviously did not expect this result. Facing the oncoming sword rain, rolling and avoiding embarrassingly, countless cutting wounds suddenly appeared on his body, bloody and terrible.

"It's really fragile modeling magic." The armor man's voice slowly came from the gap in the armor, his tone was very disdainful, as if he was looking at some inferior artwork.

"Why would anyone choose to use ice to create shapes? This material has neither hardness nor weight. It is simply the worst modeling magic in the world."

"Cough, cough, cough, shut up!" Gray coughed out a mouthful of blood, and slammed out a rapier from his thigh, rushing to the ground again.

"I advise you to stay still. If you continue like this, you will lose too much blood and die." The man in armor still speaks not salty or light. Although he seems to be concerned about Gray's injury, he can imagine it through his tone , How cold his expression behind the mask is.

Gray ignored the armor man, but pressed his hand on the wound. The cold magic power surged, and a thin layer of ice covered the wound. The wound instantly froze, and the blood stopped.

"How? This is something that only the shape of ice can do!" Gray raised his head to look at the armored man, a little proud, but the blood on his face made him look very vicious, "How dare you insult Wulu to teach magic," Unforgivable, I will definitely use my ice shape to teach you a severe lesson!"

"The shape of ice-ice and snow cannon!"


An ice-made rocket launcher was resisted by Gray on his shoulders, and the shells mixed with the force of ice came out of the chamber, and all the places they passed were stained with frost.

"The shape of steel-shield!"

A half-human knight's shield was held in the hand by the armor man, and the shield was erected to catch Gray's ice shells in the front.


The power of ice exploded in an instant, and the knight shield was covered with a thick layer of frost, but that was all.The exquisite shape and structure of the knight shield allowed the explosive force of the cannonball to only spread around, completely unable to damage the armored man.

"Perhaps this power of ice is indeed the advantage of the shape of ice, but you are too weak." The man in armor waved the knight shield in his hand and commented again.

"You are so much nonsense! The shape of ice-death's sickle!"

I don't know when, Gray has already rushed to the armor man's eyes under the cover of explosive dust, and almost ran into his arms.Holding an extremely sharp ice sickle in his hand, he cut down at the armored man without hesitation.

The armored man was still arrogantly judging Gray's strength and weakness. At this time, he had no chance to reflect.


The sickle in Gray's hand slashed fiercely on the armor man's armor, picking up a spark.


Then, under Gray's horrified gaze, the sickle was snapped, and it didn't even leave a scar on the armor.

"Oh~" The armor man sighed again, "I said, ice is too fragile. The armor on my body is also a product of my magic, how can you break it?"

"The shape of steel-ground thorn!"


A sharp steel thorn burst out of the earth in an instant, directly piercing the still-stupefied Gray, coming out through his body, and blood splashing again.


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