"Devil! Be honest with my old lady!"


The dark purple magic surging, the demon factor in Jack's body was continuously stripped off and sucked into Mira's body.Jack wanted to resist, but to no avail, he could only let out an unwilling roar at the last moment when his head recovered, and completely limp.

Jack, who had been drained of the demon factor, became as thin as a dead tree at this time, completely different from his previous majestic appearance.Falling there with wide eyes, his mouth greedily swallowed the air one by one, like a fish landing ashore doing a dying struggle.

Mira shook her hand, felt the power from Jack, curled her lips, ignored Jack, turned her head and walked towards Eleven.

"Cough cough cough~"

Eleven lay on the ground, clutching his chest, and coughed violently.Although he was often injured in the past, and such injuries are not particularly serious.But it still hurts after being injured!There are several broken ribs!

Oh my god, it really hurts!

Woo~ my forehead hurts too!!

Suddenly miss Ms. Polusica!I miss that small wooden house. I lived in it for ten days and eight days, and it won’t hurt anymore!

I miss Maria too!Missing Maria’s gentle hug, I feel that I was hugged by Maria, and it doesn’t hurt that much in serious injuries.

Just when Eleven was utterly insecure, he suddenly felt that someone was holding his arm, and then suddenly he lifted himself up.

"Hiss~" The intense pain made Eleven couldn't help taking a breath.

Turning to look around, she saw that it was Milla who didn't know what was going crazy, and she insisted on pulling Eleven up and putting his arm on her shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?" Mira secretly glanced at Eleven's close face, and asked proudly.

"Ahem, okay, thank you, Mila." Although Eleven was hurt by Mila's rude movements, he still expressed his gratitude.

"Huh!" Who knows, Mila snorted coldly, and she no longer looked at Eleven as she flicked her head, leaving him with a proud back.


Mila's attitude immediately made Eleven upset, what is this girl doing?are you crazy!

By the way, did she kick me just now?


I tried desperately to save her, and she even kicked me!

The dead girl really owes to clean up!

The more I thought about it, the more upset I got, and Eleven suddenly relaxed his body in revenge, and suddenly all the gravity of his body was pressed on Mila's back.The sudden weight caused Mira to stagger and almost fell.

"What are you doing?" Mira immediately turned her head and looked at Eleven with dissatisfaction.


Eleven also followed Mira's appearance, and arrogantly threw her a back of her head, and ignored her, the angry Mira straightened her teeth.

At this time, Jack, who was lying there half-dead, was also attracted by Eleven and Mira who were entangled and snarled.When he saw Eleven, a bit of expression suddenly bloomed in his muddy eyes, and two lines of blood and tears slowly flowed out.

There was a hint of joy in the weak voice: "Yes, it's Yili...cough cough cough... boss? Have you finally come to save me?"


Eleven was stunned, and stopped paying attention to Mila who had been trying to push him away, and looked at Jack who was like a dead tree.

Damn it!What did he call me just now?

Yili...the boss?Is he calling me Elizabeth?

Damn, who is this guy?

If he hadn't coughed twice, my identity would have been exposed!

There was a cold sweat on Eleven's back, and his mind kept reminiscing about the few people he had contacted during the Dark Guild Civil War, contrasting with Jack in front of him.

"Sure enough, you are the strong king Jack of the Broken Rock Gang, right!" Suddenly Elisa's voice sounded from behind, frightening Eleven.

I saw Elisa squeezing her chin, walked to Jack, looked carefully, and finally couldn't help sighing: "Oh, how could you make it like this?"

"The Broken Rock Gang?"

Eleven also gradually recalled at this time, it seemed to be Elisa's first mission, the mission seemed to be the strong king Jack...

Damn it!Is this Jack?This change is too great!Was he so strong back then?

Jack still stared at Eleven with blood and tears flowing in his eyes: "Boss Elizabeth, I miss you so much!"


Eleven looked at Mila and Elisa nervously, and found that the two women ignored him, but listened to Jack seriously, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Boss Elizabeth, thanks to your teaching, I have changed myself...cough cough cough..."

"Two years ago, I came out of prison. I wanted to find a job and start a new life, but... ahem."

"However, they were taken away by them...They transformed me into that ghost look, and they transformed me...cough cough cough!!"

At this point, Jack was suddenly excited and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.Eleven let go of Mira, walked slowly to Jack, patted him on the chest, and followed him: "Don't get excited, slowly say, what are'they'?"

Jack widened his eyes and looked at Eleven with emotions: "Hades...cough cough cough... Nine Ghosts Gate! It's demons, they are all demons crawling out of hell! Cough cough cough!"

"They transformed me into a demon too! Cough cough cough, boss Elizabeth, I am not a demon! My strong king Jack is definitely not a demon!"


Jack roared loudly. After finishing, as if he had exhausted all his strength, he spouted a mouthful of blood and slowly fell to the ground, losing his last life.

Eleven raised his hand, gently closed Jack's wide-open eyes, and muttered comfortingly: "Yes, you are a human, from life to death, you are a real human being."

The scene became a little silent, and the three of them stared at Jack's body in silence.

That underworld... Nine Ghost Gate, what is it?It was able to transform an ordinary person into a demon!Can demons be made artificially?

Is it the legendary Jeff?How could it be possible, that was a character four hundred years ago!


Just when Eleven was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Elisa's voice and suddenly looked up, but saw Elsa in a daze, as if she was reminiscing about something.

Feeling Eleven’s gaze, Elisa also recovered, looking at Eleven and sighed: "That, Eleven, Jack seems to recognize you and his former boss of the Rock Crusher Elizabeth. Mixed up."

"Elizabeth is also a respectable person."

"Hey~ I didn't expect Jack to die after Elizabeth. Although he was once an enemy, it also makes people feel uncomfortable. Those guys called the Nine Ghosts really can't forgive them for doing such a thing!"


Eleven stared blankly at the aggrieved Elisa, and she didn't know how to pick her up, so she finally sighed.

(????`): "Ah~~ It's great that she is a fool!!"


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