A gleam of excitement flashed in the eyes of Eleven who flew into the air, and the numb touch in the air made him miss a little bit, and it had been a long time since he had a fight with Laxus.

In the usual tasks, even if it is an S-level task, it is actually rare that Eleven can use his best skills.On the contrary, he was able to go all out in every battle with Laksas since he was young.The two people are fighting each other on the principle of fighting to death if they don't die, and they don't know if they are friends or enemies.

"Hey~ Laxus, since you want to fight, I'm not welcome! Just let you see what I have learned."

Eleven chuckled, pointing both fingers on his forehead, releasing his mental energy with a hum.

"President Robin Lu personally teaches-real fantasy!"

Before the words fell, the Eleven in the sky had disappeared without a trace. At the same time, dozens of Eleven suddenly appeared out of thin air beside Laxus.

The same look, the same voice, and the same smirk made Laxus in the center feel a little sick.Originally, he suffered from Eleven irritability, but now so many Eleven surrounded him, causing him to feel a strong physical discomfort.

"These little tricks are useless, Eleven, many years ago I wouldn't be fooled by your illusions."

Speaking of Laxus, a circle of invisible electromagnetic waves radiated out from his body, covering all the Eleven Phantoms in it.

This is a method used by Laxus to find Eleven's true body in illusion.Because illusions generally have no entities, electromagnetic waves can easily penetrate past them.In principle, it is similar to bats using sound waves to find things, very inhuman.

However, this time, Laxus was completely overwhelmed by the results he felt.In his electromagnetic induction, all the dozens of Eleven present were entities!

What the hell is this?Isn't these Eleven the result of illusion?Did Eleven learn what splitting magic failed?Oh my God, can that annoying guy keep getting more!


The Laxus side was surprised and stared in a daze. The Elevens were not idle. Perhaps it was to further increase the reality of Laxus. Eleven did not use his mind, but the one closest to Laxus directly licked. Raised his fist, he drew it towards Laxus' face.

Laxus still didn't believe that Eleven's illusion possessed an entity, so he didn't evade. He took a solid punch and was hit with a big black eye on the spot.

However, Laxus reacted very quickly. After confirming that the Eleven who had attacked him was really an entity, he directly lowered a thick thunder and submerged the attacking Eleven.

I saw that Eleven struggled for a while in the thunder and lightning, but soon could not withstand the damage of the thunder and lightning, and turned into nothingness with a bang and disappeared.

It really is illusion!It's the illusion with entity!?

Only then did Laxus truly realize the essence of these Elevens, and he couldn't help showing a look of surprise. He really hadn't seen anyone who could create the illusion of a real entity.

"Hey, Laxus, are you really stupid? I told you it's really the environment, what else can you test. Fool." Another Eleven who was not far from Laxus hehe laugh it out.

Laxus stared at the talking Eleven, as if analyzing whether the deity was the deity. After that, he suddenly broke out, magical power gathered, and several waves of thunder fell from the sky, once again turning several Eleven into nothingness. .

After doing this, the corners of Laxus's mouth curled up again, and he sneered: "Oh, it's just useless tricks, Eleven, although your illusions have entities, they are too low in intensity. Do you think this Is there any use in planting something that breaks with the touch?"

With that, Laxus punched another Eleven, feeling a little refreshed.Although he was always scolded by Eleven for being a fool, he was not really stupid, on the contrary, he was not good enough, and he was immediately separated from the shock of the physical environment.

Although these illusion Elevens possess entities, their strength is very low and basically has no physical attack power, so apart from making it difficult for Laxus to distinguish the real body, they are actually no different from ordinary illusions.

And to deal with such a large number and crispy enemy, the range attack is the most suitable, which happens to be the attack method that Laxus is very good at.

The crackling thunder and lightning flickered, and a golden thunderball spread rapidly with Laxus as the center.

Seeing the confident discharge of Laxus in the field, the Elevens all flew back, but they all smiled knowingly.A fool is indeed a fool, and I haven't analyzed the key points for a long time.

Is defense really that important?Haven't you heard of punching the teacher to death?Have you experienced the thrill of being hit by dozens of sledgehammers?

Just as Laxus was happy to discharge, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis in the back of his head, as if something had hit him.

This feeling is too familiar to Laxus, isn't it just the sneak attack used by the bastard Eleven!

"Heh, finally can't help it?" Laxus sneered, and immediately lowered his head to avoid.

Eleven's counterattack against Laxus has been long awaited, because in his cognition, as long as Eleven launches a mental attack, that is the moment when his body is exposed.

But this time Laxus was wrong again, and the wrong tense spectrum.

Laxus did not expect that the hammer of thought power attacking him was far more than one, but there were many.As he lowered his head to avoid the attack from the back of his head, a new hammer of thought power emerged out of thin air in front of him, and then Laxus hit his forehead.

Then there was a whole set of combo combs, dozens of small hammers hit Laxus's skull, knocking him into the sky.His head was constantly swaying in mid-air, and the face that was smashed like a pig's head showed a puzzled look.

Perhaps for others, the magic of real fantasy really doesn't help much in battle, and can only be used as auxiliary magic.

Because this magic is just a way of manifesting spiritual power. The magic power contained in each individual is not much, and the intensity is very general, just like exquisite glass works of art. Just broken.

However, when this magic fell into Eleven's hands, the effect was completely different, because even with only mental power, Eleven also possessed a decent attack power.

There may not be a second person in this world who can simply use mental power to make physical attacks like Eleven. The magic of real fantasy is like tailor-made for Eleven, which makes Eleven like it.

Although this type of attack has reduced the power of a single attack a lot, the frequency of attacks has increased.

And the most important point is safety!

Look at that fool of Laxus, he hasn't been like a headless fly yet!In this way, Eleven felt that he could play for three days and three nights.


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