Eleven actually wanted to hear Makarov's explanation of the second source of magic, but he didn't have that time, because Laxus had rushed over like a mad dog.

"Thunder pressure raging waves!"

A thunderball with a diameter of nearly ten meters was lifted over his head by Laxus, and then it was thrown down at Elevin.The huge thunder ball shone with golden thunder and lightning, hanging in the sky like a small sun.

Faced with the sudden attack of Laxus, Eleven subconsciously wanted to continue the old tricks and split the illusion.

But when he wanted to cut his mental power again, there was a violent tingling sensation in the sea of ​​consciousness, which made Eleven had to stop.

The series of clone attacks just now caused Eleven's mental power to suffer some damage, and repeated cutting in a short period of time will inevitably have some side effects.

Of course, this kind of injury is not serious, which is similar to a muscle strain, but for the sake of caution, Eleven gave up the idea of ​​continuing to divide his mental power.

After all, it was only an S-level assessment, and it was not desperate. There was no need to die. Could it be that he couldn't beat Laxus without the real fantasy.


There was a loud noise, and Laxus's thunderball did not hit the ground, but was caught by Eleven with mental strength, and was deadlocked in the air.

Because he just failed to cast the real illusion, it delayed a lot of time for Eleven, and made him miss the best time to dodge, so he could only make it head-on.

(╬◣д◢): "Ahhh, Eleven, go to death for me!!"

Laxus looked hideous in the sky, and his magic power broke out. While roaring, he madly pressed down the thunderball.

Eleven also flickered in the dark light in his eyes, his thought power turned into a big net, and the money was gushing out, trying his best to resist this Laxus offensive.Compared with the offensive side, the defending side's Eleven is obviously at a disadvantage. Not only must he resist the physical force of the thunderball, but also beware of the leakage of the thunder power. In short, it is very troublesome.

That poor thunderball was sandwiched between the two big guys, unable to advance or retreat, and could only continuously compress its own potential, becoming smaller and smaller and flatter...


In the end, the little thunderball could no longer bear the weight that life could not bear, and it burst into pieces between the two.The lightning energy that was compressed to the extreme swept across the sky and the earth, and countless towering huge trees around were uprooted and blown up and down.

Mira, Elisa and Kana who were watching the theater in the distance also exclaimed that they were blown out by the air wave. If Makarov hadn't pulled them, they wouldn't know where they would be blown.

Makarov was actually quite shocked. The growth of the children has greatly exceeded his expectations.Especially the two little bastards, Laxus and Eleven, are really amazing!

Ok!It is indeed the child I taught!You really deserve to be the wizard of Fairy Tail!

The smoke and dust of the explosion have not yet dispersed, but the two figures have already broken through the dust and rose into the sky.Among them, the golden figure was as fast as lightning, tracing zigzag scratches in the air, and collided with another gray figure countless times.

The gray figure didn't move as fast, but it was able to respond to changes in the same way, receiving the collision of golden lightning again and again, and the roaring and blasting sound was endless, just like the thick sky rolling in the sea of ​​clouds.

Looking at the two people who fought farther and farther, Elisa and Mira on the ground, and even Kana clenched their fists.Only at this moment did they really feel the gap, and realized the gap between themselves and people like Eleven and Laxus.

It turns out that Eleven was really just teasing them!It turned out that even Laxus hadn't exerted all his strength on them before.

Not reconciled!Super unwilling!

The strong unwillingness was almost written on the faces of these little girls, they did not want to be left behind by Eleven and Laxus.As for Eleven who is two years older than them, Laxus is even four years older than them. They have already automatically ignored them.

It is their own ability to give birth to others, and it cannot be an excuse for me to be stronger than others!

"President, I want to follow along!" Elisa looked at Makarov with a serious face, and Mira and Kana on the side also agreed. They also wanted to witness Eleven and Laxus. fighting.

Makarov looked at these stubborn girls with a grin, his old face full of relief.These children’s eyes are full of belief in becoming stronger. They are indeed my fairy tail wizards, and they are indeed the good children I taught!


"Well, okay, then we will go to see the end together."


(╬◣д◢): "Eleven, don't run, just take it to death!" Laxus roared ferociously.

(#`Д??)??: "You fart, which one of your eyes saw me running away?" Eleven retorted loudly.

The two chased and beat them, all the way from the periphery of the forest to the center.The battle along the way can be described as disastrous and tragic. I don't know how many flowers and plants have affected cats, dogs and dogs.

Eleven and Laxus also showed their own supernatural powers, super-accelerated spirits, electric movement, illusionary tricks to lure enemies, and dragon slaying. They almost fly all over the sky, and they are constantly using strategies, but in the end no one can kill each other .

Laxus has just suffered a big loss by the pit of Eleven. Naturally, he should be careful and careful. Even if Eleven uses the real illusion again, he will not be hit again, and he will directly pull away from the big move. It doesn't matter if he is a real Eleven, just blow it all up.

Eleven also has nothing to do with Laxus. When a big fool starts to use his brain, it is the most difficult time.This product is not only fast and high in attack, but also very resistant. It has almost no weaknesses. If you become more cautious, then Eleven really doesn’t know how to quickly defeat the enemy, and can only do it with Laxus. Consumption.

Fortunately, even if Laxus turned on the second source of magic, he was not really resurrected in a state of full blood. Even if his magic power was restored a lot, the injuries and fatigue from previous battles still exist.

Therefore, after a long battle, Laxus and Eleven are still in a stalemate state, and no one can do anything about it.

"Laxus, what exactly is the second source of magic? How did you turn it on?" Eleven fights with his brain, so his mouth is idle, and he even has time to talk to Laxus.

"I don't know! The roar of Thunder Dragon!" Laxus didn't want to pay attention to Eleven, and made a real shot.

A thick thunder and lightning pierced the earth, and Eleven hit the ground with force, leaped up and turned in a beautiful 720-degree roundabout in the air, perfectly avoiding the roaring attack range, watching it explode in the depths of the jungle Beautiful mushroom cloud.

"Cut! You must be afraid that I won't tell me after learning how to activate the second source of magic and can't beat me, right? Right?" Eleven curled his lips and expressed disdain at the furious Laxus.

"Broken Fist of Thunder Dragon!" Laxus didn't care, and rushed up with his fists in turn.

In many confrontations, Laxus has also had a lot of experience in dealing with Eleven. One of the most important is to ignore any word that Eleven utters in the battle, just as if he was farting. All right.

Talking to that slut is not doing any good besides making yourself irrational. Don’t try to beat Eleven verbally, because no matter what you say is reasonable or not, Eleven won’t listen. He’s always just Say your own, and then bring you into the rhythm of his sand sculpture, and then use his rich sand sculpture experience to defeat you.

Laxus knew this well, so he didn't take Eleven's words at all.Not to mention that he really didn't know how he opened the second source of magic, even if he knew, he wouldn't be chatting with Eleven now.

Eleven was also a little annoyed when he saw Laxus not speaking, only attacking.Today's Laxus is particularly difficult. Although it used to be difficult, it is a bit different today. Today's Laxus seems to be fighting with the determination to win, almost dripping and cautious to the extreme.

Gradually, Eleven also put away the last bit of playful mood. Laxus wanted to win, and he also didn't want to lose.Since he was young, he fought with Laxus all the way, and he never wanted to lose to Laxus.

Go all out with the determination to die!This is the battle between Eleven and Laxus!

(`Д??)??: "Come on! Laxus, today I will let you see the gap between you and the real S-rank wizard!"

(╬◣д◢): "If I want to die, I will fulfill you, Eleven!!"


At this time, a roar of a beast that shook the world sounded in the jungle, and a large swath of birds flew away. The birds fled in all directions, as if something terrible was about to come.

Just where the roaring bombardment hit by Laxus, a flash of fire burst into the sky, and then a huge flame lizard rushed out of the ground burning.

Fiery Dragon!The absolute overlord of this forest!Although it was only a lizard monster, but because of its powerful strength, it was named a dragon abruptly.

Originally, the forest lord was taking a nap in his home beautifully, but who knew that when disaster came, his luxurious cave suddenly exploded!

The burnt-headed and earth-faced fiery dragon was extremely angry. Looking at the cave that turned into ruins, it vowed to crush the murderer's body!

Therefore, he appeared in front of Eleven and Laxus, and only these two little guys had the magic power to destroy its cave!

Looking at these two small bugs that were not as big as their toes, the flames spurted from the eyes of the Fiery Demon Dragon.Such a weak existence dare to provoke it, and such a bug dare to disturb its sleep?!

I will kill you!!

Although he could not speak, the angry roar of the Fiery Demon Dragon clearly conveyed this meaning.

"Get in the way! Get out of here!"

"Thunder Dragon Fang Tianji!"

"Giant's Fist!"


There was no sound of ruining the world, and the head of the fiery dragon suddenly exploded!

Then Eleven and Laxus didn’t even look at the little animal that was killed just now. They stepped on the huge body, one holding a square halberd, the other wielding a mind-power glove, and ding-ding-dong again. .

Before the poor forest overlord even had time to report to his home, he no longer had to worry about being disturbed by someone's sleep. The flame on the huge body gradually extinguished and crashed to the ground.The golden magic circle appeared quietly, and a golden card slowly emerged.

If it were at the beginning of the assessment, this scene would definitely be crazy, but now, this golden card has become uninterested, floating there alone, looking a bit pitiful.

Elsa and the others who later caught up looked at the golden card and were lonely and silent. They had already lost the qualifications for the assessment, so naturally they would not play any bad attention, but they looked at this card worth a thousand points. The cards are just thrown there, and my heart is still a little complicated.

Obviously, Eleven and Laxas must have already forgotten all the S-level assessments. In the eyes of those two people, winning each other is obviously more important than the result of the assessment.

Laxus on the other side didn't know that he had missed a hundred million, and he was still fighting with Eleven.Unsurprisingly, Eleven had already neglected the rules of assessment. He didn't even think about picking up the qualification card on Laxus' chest, completely forgetting that he was an examiner.

That's how the long-running battle between these two big fools was able to continue.

So, after 24 hours...

"Huh~ha~hu~ Laxus, are you dying? If you are dying, I can spare you." Eleven said, lying on the ground.

"Hehe, Eleven, I think you don't even have the strength to stand up, so just shut up the waste." Laxus retorted with a bruised nose hanging on the branch.

Mira and the others had already set up a tent, set up a campfire, and even cooked a pot of magic dragon curry. The taste was not very delicious...

Philip also returned, cheering for Laxus in tears.This day and night, he was not beating soy sauce, but really obeyed Laxus's words to collect the score card. At this time, there was a big bag in his pocket.

It wasn't until Felid appeared that Eleven remembered that this was an S-level assessment, and Laxus had a helper to help him do other things.But at this time, Eleven had no strength to tear up the Laxus brand.

The blow that hit Laxus to the tree was the last bit of strength for Eleven.

"Well, the assessment time is over!" Makarov, who was full and drunk, announced loudly, "Now is the time to count the points in your hands."

After speaking, Makarov looked at Felid. Anyway, only Laxus was still alive.Philip quickly handed the cards of various colors in his pocket to Makarov respectfully. The old man didn't count them, so it was just a cutscene, anyway, more than Mila and Elsa.

Makarov took a deep breath. This S-level assessment was finally over. He was a little annoyed, mainly because the meat of the big lizard was really not tasty, hard and firewood.

"Very good, then I announce that the advancer of this S-level assessment is Luck..."

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly, Makarov's words were interrupted weakly by Eleven.

"As an S-level examiner, I have something to say!" Eleven didn't know where he was, and struggling to sit up from the ground.

Makarov twitched the corners of his mouth, but did not stop him, beckoning Eleven to continue.

"Ahem~" Eleven cleared his throat, looked at Laxus hanging on the branch, and smiled slightly: "As the invigilator of this assessment, I fully tested Laxus's ability as a wizard. Although Laxus still has many shortcomings, I believe he can be competent for S-level tasks and can become an excellent S-level wizard."

"Congratulations, Laxus, as a senior of the S-rank Sorcerer, I recognize you!" Eleven nodded with satisfaction, looked at Makarov, motioned to return the microphone to the old man, he can continue Up.

Makarov: (??_??)

Laxus: [??_???]

What the hell?

What the fuck is that?

Makarov was a little speechless by Eleven, and Laxus was even more inexplicable. God is damn recognized, do I lack your approval?Do I need you to recognize me?

Let Eleven say this, it feels like this S-class was approved by Eleven, making Laxus particularly unhappy, and he almost quit in anger!

by!I really want to beat this kid to death!


On the other hand, Eleven doesn't care what others think, he is really good at it, and finally did something that echoes his identity as an invigilator, happy!proud!



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