The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 202: The Frightening Jura

Eleven stared at the huge creature in front of them in a daze, and couldn't find any connection between this thing and the demon god.


The big baby fish was lying on the ground and still screaming stupidly, as if he still didn't understand the situation.

"Uh... this is the legendary Demon God Halfas?" Jura turned to look at Eleven and Mira, he obviously didn't believe it very much.

Mila and Eleven nodded in a daze at the same time. Both of them felt more keen. At least the devil could not admit it. The silly baby fish in front of them is definitely a demon.

"Ah! Stop it! Stop it! What are you guys doing to Master Halfas?"

When the three of them looked at each other silently, an anxious voice rushed to the three of them from far to near.I saw that the old priest, who was still distressed by the big hole in the church wall, ran over now out of breath and stood in front of the big baby fish.

"You villains dare to be so disrespectful to Master Halfas! What a crime!" The old priest looked very angry, trembling with anger, and yelled at Eleven and the others.

Eleven frowned when he looked at the old priest. He could feel that the old priest was full of angry emotions, but this angry emotion did not surround the old priest's side, but drifted behind him. That big baby fish.

Is Halfas a demon that can absorb human anger?

Eleven stared at the old priest who was talking endlessly and wondered.It stands to reason that since the anger has been absorbed, the old priest’s emotions should have stabilized, but the situation at this time is just the opposite. Just like every Zuan, the kind old priest is constantly saying Dirty, swearing, still looking angry.

"But it's a demon! As a clergyman, do you want to protect the devil?" Mira was already a bit unable to bear the priest's verbal attack, and couldn't help refuting it.

"Stupid!" Although the old priest is an authentic Zuan, he is still educated and will not call people stupid.

"God tolerates everything, even the devil can be forgiven by God! Although Lord Halfas is a devil, he can indeed appease our souls. It is kind..."



The big baby fish behind the old priest didn't know whether it was impatient to hear, or absorbed enough anger, and opened his mouth casually, as if yawning.

Then, the upper body of this old priest who was talking about it exploded into a pool of blood without warning!

The bright red blood splashed on Eleven's faces, and the three of them were a little startled at this moment.It happened so fast that there was no time to do anything, and there was only half of a living person left.

The big baby fish took a boring breath, and blew away the two thighs that blocked its vision.

After all, the devil is still just a devil!


The big baby fish gave a silly cry again, and Eleven suddenly shrank his pupils, and his thoughts slammed on the ground. The whole body ejected like a cannonball, and took Mila's slender waist along the way, and the two of them turned sideways together. Fang fell down.

I saw a bubble burst out of the place where Eleven and Mira stood just now, and the bubble instantly expanded, and the touched objects directly turned into nothingness, even the soil on the ground was no exception.When the bubble expanded to a certain extent, it burst open, leaving a terrifying scar on the ground.

If Eleven hadn't evaded in advance, the ghost knew what they would be like when they encountered the bubble.

"It's too dangerous here, you two stay away, I will deal with it!" Jura suddenly yelled.

The battle was on the verge of coming, and it came too suddenly, even if Jura was used to thinking deeply, there was no chance to think any more at this time, his palms closed in front of his chest, and the magic of horror burst forth.

"Rock Array!"

Along with Jura's roar, countless sharp-edged rubble floated in the air, surrounding the big baby fish, Halfas, the demon god, forming a 360-degree lore array without any dead ends.

"go with!"

The rock sword rain smashed down, and the big baby fish surrounded by the center kept uttering the painful cry of Ababa.However, although it is called loudly, it doesn't actually feel much.This kind of attack of the degree of greeting is nothing but a demon named after the devil.


Halfas suddenly yelled and shook away the rubble around it.Opening his big mouth, a group of dark purple magic balls condensed.At the same time, the evil breath that belonged to the devil also spread, and the air seemed to become thick and disgusting.

Until then, this big baby fish finally has what a devil should be!


The dark purple magic ball was compressed to the extreme, or sprayed out as a thick beam of light, across the ground, leaving a dent in a bowl.

"Rock Iron Wall·Chain!"

In the face of Halfas's attack, Jura's reaction was also extremely fast. With two fingers lifted, dozens of rock walls made of hard rock suddenly rose from the ground and stood in front of him.

The speed of this spell is incredible!

Accompanied by the loud rumbling noise, Halfas' mouths bombarded Jura's rock and iron wall without hesitation, blasting the first few walls to pieces in a blink of an eye.

However, Jura’s defense is not covered. Every rock and iron wall has a hardness comparable to steel. Even if Halfas’s attack can break through the first few walls, he wants to break through dozens of rock and iron walls in one go. It's just a dream.

It only broke through half of the rock and iron wall, and Halfas' mouth shot lost its power and its weakness dissipated.

Jura, who is experienced in combat, would naturally not let the gap between the interruption of the enemy's attack, grabbing with one hand, and all the rocks deformed again and turned into countless thick rock pillars, smashing towards Halfas.

"Multiple columns of rain!"

That kind of rock pillar weighing several tons actually fell like raindrops at this time, and even the ground beneath his feet screamed because it could not withstand this terrifying offensive.Halfas, the demon god at the center of the attack, was smashed and couldn't lift his head. It was suppressed by countless rock pillars and turned into a big ugly spike ball.

Jura of Rock Iron!At this moment, the power of horror is revealed!

Eleven and Mira on the side were already shocked by this shocking attack, they could only grow their mouths and watch what happened in front of them.

From the moment Eleven dodges the attack, Jura begins to fight, when Halfas is suppressed by Jura, it is really just a few short breaths, but the magic that erupts in this short period of time makes Eleven feel Some suffocation.

This is the first time that Eleven has seen other top powerhouses in the Illuminati Guild, feeling that Jura's strength, I am afraid that only Makarov and Kildas can compete with it in Fairy Tail.

This kind of strength is really terrible!




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