The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 204: Some fools are always just fools (four thousand)

The Anzu residents below had closed their eyes in despair, but the imaginary shock did not come. Instead, with a loud noise, Halfas' huge body was knocked into the air again.

Eleven’s figure has long been blocked in the center of Halfas and the town. With the heavy beatings from the bottom to the last, Halfas even wants to fall to the ground. Extravagant hope.

As the wizard of Fairy Tail, Eleven naturally made complete preparations before acting. How could he allow Halfas to fall and destroy the town?Ok!nonexistent!

With Eleven's attack, Halfas also uttered a series of painful screams.

It was not reconciled, thinking that Halfas, the dignified demon god, had existed for an unknown number of years. Today, it has been insulted by three humble humans to such a field!

"You humble beasts! How dare you! How dare you! Roar!!! You all have to die!" At this moment, Halfas was even talking, and the anger in his heart had reached its peak.

The magic wings spread out behind him, and he forcibly stabilized his figure, the monstrous demon energy rose up, his eyes became red.

"You all have to die! You all have to die..."

"Die your sister!"


Halfas was still brewing momentum, and Eleven didn’t know when he came over it. His majestic thought power crashed on its head, hardening Halfas’ unfinished words. He smashed back to the ground, head down directly to the ground.


Halfas' huge body crushed a large area of ​​houses, and the citizens fled in all directions, crying.Eleven patted his forehead in the sky, his face full of regret.

Really, I beat it down without paying attention.Damn Halfas, destroying the town, unforgivable!

Halfas was seriously injured, no matter how incompetent he barked, he could not reverse the fact that he was seriously injured.It is a naturally born demon, and does not have the special abilities of those demons in the Book of Jeff. It can at best play with human minds and absorb negative emotions. It is a very orthodox little demon.

Therefore, the next time is the time for the solo show of Eleven and Mira, and it is also the time for the suffering of Zuan Town.

The two demon gods are fighting in the small town of Zu'an. They have no time to worry about other superfluous things. Just imagine what kind of damage a behemoth like Halfas would cause when rolling in the city, let alone. Two more unscrupulous guys were helping.

Sometimes the citizens of Zuan even suspected that Eleven and Halfas were part of the team, and they were specifically dealing with them!

"Rock and Iron Wall!"


A rock wall rose from the ground, blocking a shot of Halfas, and successfully saved a seemingly luxurious building.

Hurry up, Jura has finally arrived!

However, Jura was dumbfounded at this time. Seeing the two fighting against Halfas in the city, Jura opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

He also knows that Halfas is very difficult to deal with, and it is inevitable to cause some damage, but...but ah, do you have to go to war in the city?

Can't we go to fight elsewhere?

Hey!That little bastard over there named Eleven, don't demolish the house as a weapon to hit people!

And that little girl over there, can we make it more accurate, and don't always spread to the surrounding buildings!

Jura really feels that he has gained a lot of knowledge today, and the two guys in front of him destroy the town without the demon god at all, and there is no sense of guilt.

Although I have heard of it, is it true that the wizards of Fairy Tail are so exaggerated?

Jura wanted to join the battle against Halfas again and end the demolition, but he couldn't do it. All his experience at this time was used to continuously release the rock and iron walls to protect the town.

Reluctantly reduced to a support, Jura felt even more tired than the previous C-position output. He had encountered this situation for the first time since he became a wizard.


Eleven pinched his hands in the void, directly detonating one of his own spiritual clones, and the violent thought power burst into Halfas's stomach, and the dark blood mist of the big canopy was scattered, blacking the surrounding streets.

"Mira! Take advantage of it now!" Eleven stabilized his body that was a little shaken by the self-detonation, and shouted at Mira.

Halfas's final madness was ultimately futile. It only swallowed a clone of Eleven, and it became the key to Eleven and Mira's counterattack.


Mira slammed to the top of Halfas's head, pressed her hands, a huge magic circle emerged, the demon factor in her body entangled, releasing the terrifying suction that only the devil could feel, and encroaching on Halfas. Every share of energy.


Halfas roared unwillingly, but all of this was irreversible, and it was no longer able to resist.

This time, the capture of the Demon God was simpler than Eleven had expected. It was mainly because of the big thick legs of Jura. The main output was actually completed by Jura, and Eleven was just making up the knife.

In just a few minutes, the huge body of Halphas had disappeared in place, and the monstrous devil energy was continuously being sucked into the body by Mira, until Halphas's last breath also disappeared from this world.

At this moment, Mira's appearance has undergone a great change. It is no longer the familiar appearance of Satan's soul that Eleven is familiar with, but has become another blue demon.The demon dress on his body is still very sexy. The wings behind him have turned into Halfas’ blue wings, and the big tail behind him has also turned into that fleshy feeling. The light blue looks a bit cute. .

Receive the whole body-the soul of the devil Halfas!

The moment Mira opened his eyes, Eleven was somewhat suffocated, and a monstrous malice was released between Mira's pupils, but Mira soon closed his eyes again.

"Mira, are you okay? How do you feel?" Eleven approached cautiously.

Receiving magic every time a powerful soul is received is a test for the user. If you are not careful, you may be backlashed and deprived of your mind.

This was the last battle between Mira and Halfas, and no one else could intervene, and Eleven could only watch with worry.

Fortunately, Mira didn't let Eleven wait too long. When she opened her eyes again, her eyes became clear again, and Halfas had been completely subdued by her.

"Well, I'm fine, but...just a little bit after taking over..."

Mila smiled at Eleven, and while talking, she put away Halfas’s reception and changed back to her original appearance, but the next moment her body fell weakly forward, Eleven hurried forward. Supported her.

"Hehe... it's not suitable..." Mila leaned in Eleven's arms and giggled.

"Don't be brave, idiot!" Eleven cursed irritably, really scaring him just now.

"Oh, is this the devil's receiving magic? It's really rare!" Jura also rushed over at this time, the battle was over, he was finally free from the endless anti-demolition operations, looked at Mira, grinning He smiled, "Congratulations, Miraj, you are here to receive Halfas."

"Yes, Mr. Jura, I really want to thank you for your help this time. Without you, we don’t know how hard it would take to subdue Halfas." Eleven offered himself to Jura Thank you very much.

"Hahaha, it's nothing. Originally, my mission was to defeat Halfas. Instead, I should be thanking you for helping me." Jura haha, he looked very nice and kind.

"I'm going to pick up the task from my employer next. I should stay here for a few days. Are you guys? Do you want to stay and have a rest?" Jura is actually quite optimistic about Eleven. He is young and lacks strength. Su, who is also the guild's wizard, really wants to talk to Elevando again.

"Haha, since you said that, then we will..."

Eleven smiled. Seeing that Jura was so enthusiastic, he didn't want to refute the kindness of others. He wanted to agree, but when he looked at the messy town, he said nothing. Can't export...

Huh?How did it become like this here?

Huh?Could it be that Me and Mira did it?

Huh?Do we really still have time to continue talking?

At this moment, Eleven's back was drenched with a rush, cold sweat broke out, and it took a long time for him to look away from the town.

"Um... that... since you said that, then we, then we will not stay, we plan to leave now!"

Jura: [??_?????]

"Mr. Jura! This time, count as one of the favors that Mila and I owe you. If you need to come to Fairy Tail to find us anytime in the future, thank you again! Then, don't pass it!" Eleven took Mila to Jura bowed deeply, and then the two turned and ran without any lingering feelings.

Jura: [??_?????]

These two babies are not so good at their brains?How to say it and ran away?Eh~ I really don’t know what young people are thinking now!

Jura felt very bewildered by Eleven's behavior and scratched his big bald head foolishly.But when he was surrounded by a group of angry Zu'an citizens, the whole person became even more dazed, and he even felt that the hair that had long ceased to exist on the top of his head began to fall off again!


Eleven and Mira didn't know how far they ran away, and when they stopped, it was already dark, and they didn't know that they had ran into that unknown grove.

Eleven leaned on a big tree and sat down, looking at left and right with some guilty conscience before feeling relieved.

Although I feel a little sorry for Jura, but...that's the compensation for most of the town!!Fairy Tail is really poor, almost out of pants!!

Anyway, this quest is also the quest of Snake Ji's Scales, so there shouldn't be anything wrong with it...probably!

Sorry...Uncle Jura...Amen!

Mira glanced at the babbling Eleven. She probably knew what he was thinking. She couldn't help but snickered and found a place beside Eleven and sat down.

Usually Mira didn't really care much about the compensation, anyway, it caused the old man to have a headache, and only Eleven would feel sorry for the old man a little bit when he was okay, and repented seriously and never repented.

Eleven talked about it for a while and then quieted down. He and Mira were very tired after the whole day of fighting. They sat quietly on a big tree and even chatted. The strength is gone.

As the night darkened, rain-like stars dotted the night sky. I don’t know when, countless small fireflies flew out of the grove, echoing the twinkling stars in the sky, forming an exceptionally beautiful and quiet picture. .

Mila raised her eyes and looked at the fluorescent light dancing in the sky. The little bit of memory kept flashing through her mind, making her eyes become a little blurred.

I still remember that night they were also living in a glowing night, and they were also doing this guy next to her.

Mira raised her head and glanced quietly at Eleven's side face, her body leaned against that side unconsciously, and the corners of her mouth were also raised in an arc.

At that time this guy was still a nasty kidnapper!


He is a particularly gentle kidnapper~

The gentleness of that moment was precious to Mira, just like a bright light in the dark abyss, giving Mira new hope.

Mira has always been grateful to Eleven for bringing the three of their siblings back to Fairy Tail, so that they have a home they can go back to.

In fact, Mira herself didn't know if she had any more complicated feelings for Eleven, and she didn't quite understand these either.At the beginning, she even deliberately went to read the book to check the information, but the book said more complicated, full of more confusing words like Stockholm syndrome.

After a long time, Mila gave up, it didn't matter what, she was not a good thinking character anyway.All she knows is that she feels very comfortable and at ease when she stays with Eleven, well...sometimes she is a little shy, but there is nothing wrong with this feeling anyway.

"Mila, look, it's a firefly! Hey, this scene is like how we felt when we were in the magic forest!"

Eleven did not know when he also opened his eyes. Faint light flashed in his light blue eyes. Looking at the fluorescent dots in the sky, he seemed to be also plunged into memories.

Mira looked up at the pensive Eleven with a little surprise, but he didn't expect this guy to remember things so long ago.

Seeing the way Eleven recalled, Mira's eyes gradually softened, her eyes shimmering, and there was some kind of hot and spicy look like a young girl.

But in the next second, Eleven's expression became weird, and he didn't know what he thought of, and even shivered.

"Oh~ When I think of the day we first met, I think of the group of monkeys! Oh my god, how many lumps I took with my mind that day... Uh, no, just think of it. so disgusting!"

Mira: (??_??)

Mira sat up silently, moved away from someone, and regained her former cool temperament.

Hmm... maybe staying with this guy is not as comfortable as you think!

Humph, what a fool!

(-, -)


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