The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 228: Don't Want to Run

"Is it because of General Six Demons?"

Makarov, the little old man in pajamas, looked at Ileven who was sitting in front of him with a serious face, and asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know, Eric won't say anything." Eleven shook his head.

After a brief exchange with Eric, Eleven couldn't relax.Although I don't know what happened to Eric, Eleven felt that this matter could not be let go.

Although Eleven looked stupid usually, as if he was more heartless than Naz, but once something happened to his partner, he was the one who cared more than anyone.

But heart to heart, Eleven thinks it is safer to ask the elderly at home for this kind of brainstorming.So poor Makarov was pulled from the bed in the middle of the night.

But Makarov actually has no good solution for Eric's problem.It was originally intended to rely on the atmosphere in the guild to improve Eric subtly, but it seemed to have no effect.

Eric was willing to talk to others about everything, and was unwilling to contact people in the guild, which made it difficult for Makarov to really understand Eric.

In fact, the reason why Makarov didn't let Eric participate in the S-level assessment last year was because he felt that Eric was hiding something in his heart and his mentality was unstable.

The old and the young masters sat on the bed and discussed it for most of the night, but they didn't talk about it. Later, Eleven got bored, and even planned to beat Eric directly to the end.Although he said that he didn't want to interfere with any decision made by his partner, more often Eleven still believed in the basic law of the universe that "hypothesis is equal to lack of cleaning."

However, this plan was finally rejected by Makarov. If Eric's problem could be solved with a few beats, his old man would have done it himself, and then it would be Eleven's turn.

In desperation, Makarov could only decide to talk to Eric early tomorrow morning.


At the same time, outside of Magnolia, Eric connected the speaking crystal in his hand.

"Brian, I will withdraw from Fairy Tail and return to the General of the Six Demons. Now you are satisfied!" Eric said the words blankly.

There was a moment of silence in the magic crystal, and then a man's grim laughter came out: "Hehehe, Kebra, good boy, welcome you home."

Eric hadn't heard the name Kebra for a while, but he still didn't show any expression, bowed his head and said a word, and directly crushed the message crystal in his hand.

"Huh! I hope you don't forget your promise and don't go to trouble with Fairy Tail!"

Brian just wanted to say something, but the chanting crystal in his hand had no sound, he didn't care, smiled and threw the crystal aside.

"Hey, Brian, why are we so concerned about a traitor? Wouldn't it be okay to just kill him? We are not bad at this waste."

A barely dressed girl with white hair sat down on the arm of Blaine's chair, and looked at Blaine with an unhappy expression.

"Hehe, don't worry, Angel. Only when Kebra comes back, what we really want will follow by ourselves."

Brian looked around, looked at the other five figures in the room, and smiled slightly.

"Be prepared, we will have things to do soon."


Early the next morning, Eleven and Makarov arrived at the guild early, and then hurriedly sent people to call Eric for psychotherapy.

Both Eleven and Makarov were sitting in a dreadful manner, and they looked like they were waiting. The other guild members I saw were a little nervous, and they didn't know what they were going to do.

However, before waiting for a while, a staff member rushed in suddenly.

"President, it's not good, Eric left a note saying that he has withdrawn from the guild!"


Everyone was shocked when they heard the news. They didn't understand why Eric wanted to run away so secretly. They talked about it, and Ginana even cried out directly.

The moment Eleven heard the news, he slammed his punch on the table, then stood up and looked at Makarov with a serious face.

"Father, Eric will never leave silently like this. He must have been threatened by the General of the Six Demons. I'm going to bring him back!"

Eleven's words surprised everyone in the guild again. In the guild, few people except Eleven and the old man knew that Eric had been in contact with the Six Demon Generals.

Originally thought that Eric ran away from home only because of a quarrel with Ginana, but unexpectedly there were other conspiracies behind this, and everyone in the guild suddenly became angry.

This Six Demon General feels the man who threatened us Fairy Tail, I'm afraid it is not too tired!

Makarov ignored the excitement of Eleven and the crowd, but looked at the note left by Eric very seriously, and then slowly spoke.

"This is indeed Eric's note, he left the guild voluntarily..."


Eleven yelled and interrupted Makarov's words. Makarov didn't care, but closed his eyes and muttered for a few seconds. When he opened them again, a pair of drunken old eyes bloomed Sharp cold light.

"But! As the president, I did not approve his withdrawal application! So Eric is still a member of Fairy Tail, our partner, and family! No one can take our family away forcibly, no one can! !"

"Eleven, Elsa, Mira, the three of you are going to bring Eric back to me! Tell him if he wants to retire, he will personally come and tell me this old man that he will not even hold a farewell party, I am He will never be allowed to withdraw from the guild!"

"Good! I must bring him back!" Eleven smiled.

Makarov stood up and glanced across the faces of everyone in the guild.Everyone in the guild was also watching their guild leader at this time, and Makarov's short body looked unusually tall at this time.

It is precisely because of the presence of such a guild that Fairy Tail can really give them a sense of security like home.


At this time, a flame in the guild rose into the sky, directly burning a table into fly ash.Naz directly stood in the flames with excitement, roaring loudly, and startled the others.

"Ahhhhh! Father, I want to go too! I'm going to beat Eric, the duel between that kid and me has not yet been determined, it seems like a walk away, it is really disgusting Go!!!"

After howling, Naz looked even more excited, and the flames went up again.However, in the next moment, a suffocating cold air spread, neutralizing the heat wave of the house.

"It's so hot, don't set fires in the room, bastard!"

Gray glared at Naz with excitement, then looked at Makarov and smiled coolly: "Master, let me go with Eleven. I also have an account with Eric. Not counting!"

Naz was naturally very upset that Gray jumped out again to grab his limelight, bumped his head, and fell in love with Gray again.

Naz and Gray usually find Eric to challenge, but they have never won. Now Eric has won and they want to run. There is no reason!

Eleven looked at the two guys who were pushing and shoving silently, some wondering whether they wanted to save or kill, how could it seem that they both had enemies with Eric?

Makarov didn't care what Naz and the others said, after thinking for a moment, he nodded and agreed.

"Well, Naz, Gray, let's go together! The enemy may be very powerful, remember to listen to what Eleven and them say, don't make a fool of yourself!"


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