The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 230: The Guild's Faith

"Oh, long time no see, Lisa, dark night!" The expression on Eric's face gradually changed from vigilance to a grinning smile.

Maybe he did live a little too comfortably. It was so embarrassing that he was almost frightened by these two fascinating guys, and almost forgot how to get along with the dark guy.

I'm going to be with these guys again in the future, I have to adapt quickly.

Seeing the familiar smile on Eric's face, Lisa lost the thought of continuing to be provocative and returned to Brian.

"Zzz...Zzzzz..." The night was still sleeping.

Brian was still expressionless, and the fight between Eric and Lisa seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"Kebra, you left a message to Fairy Tail as I said, saying that you quit the guild voluntarily? I don't want to cause trouble because of you."

"I left a note, but you have to help me remove the mark on my face. I don't want to wear this ugly mark forever." Eric smiled slyly and pointed to the demon tail mark on his face.

At this time Eric had calmed down a lot, and gradually recovered the rhythm he had when he was a dark magister, coping with various problems of Bryan.

After knowing all the information he needed, Brian's mouth finally showed a smile for the first time, looking at Eric.

"Very well, it seems that you did what I said. Good job, Kebra."

Eric listened blankly, Brian's insincere compliment could not make him feel the slightest disturbance in his heart, and he even wanted to vomit. I really don't know why he admired Brian so much before.

"Don't talk about these nonsense Brian, tell me how to regain the identity of the Six Demons." Eric interrupted Brian with a cold snort.

In fact, Eric has no interest in the position of the Six Demons at all, but in order to survive in the future, he must show his value.And the most valuable position is to become the Six Demons and become a part of Brian's living connection magic again.

"Oh? It's up to you whether you can beat one of us." Brian's mouth raised slightly and looked at Eric coldly.

Lisa also instantly entered the state of preparation. As long as Eric made a little action, he would strike out with lightning. No one could beat his speed, let alone Eric, the soft guy who had thrown towards the Guild of Light.

"Zzzz..." The night was still sleeping.

"Defeat one of you?" Eric grinned and looked at Bryan and the others, full of fighting spirit.

In the Dark Guild, there is no rule not to harm your partner. At this time, it is the right choice to make an all-out effort.If he can kill one of the Six Demons just after returning, there is no doubt that his position in the Six Demons will become more stable.

At this time, there were only three of the six demons, and the others were not here.Even if they change their minds, Eric is confident that he can escape from the hands of the three.

So this is the best time to do it!

"Oh, it really made me burn!" Eric smiled grimly, his hands instantly turned into a pile of purple dragon claws, and he looked at Lisa at the front.

"The roar of the fire dragon!"


Just as Eric was about to attack, a big thick flame suddenly fell from the sky and burst directly inside the castle.

At this moment, Eric and Lisa who were facing each other were all dumbfounded.Lisa didn't understand when Eric learned fire magic, and Eric didn't know when he learned "fire" dragon roar.

I really just borrowed that fool's mantra in the guild casually!

Could this sentence actually be a spell that can summon the dragon flame?

Damn it!So hot!


At the same time, over the castle, Hobby was holding Naz and flying in the air. Naz looked at the castle that he had burnt red and laughed presumptuously.

"Natz, are you an idiot? Eric is still in the castle, do you want to burn him to death?" Hobby murmured at Naz with dissatisfaction.

"Huh! That guy wouldn't be burned to death so easily!" Naz pouted, refused to admit his mistake.

Not far away, Eleven, Elsa, Mira and Gray covered their foreheads in pain.It really shouldn't have let Naz out just now. If it accidentally burned Eric to death, how can they explain it back.

Although the speed of Eleven's flight is far less than the speed of light in Laxus, it is also very fast.It didn't take long to catch up with Eric and ran for the whole night to reach this castle.

Oh, it can't be said to be a castle anymore, and it's almost burned by Naz.

General Six Demon is really a deserted guild, it seems there are really only six people.Once such a large stronghold really had no staff, it burned for a long time, and only three of them, Eric, Brian, and Lisa ran out.

Dark night may still sleep in the flames...

"Eric, it's great that you're okay! Don't worry, we're here to save you!" Eleven people were surprised when they saw that Eric was okay, and shouted loudly.

Eric rolled his eyes as he watched the people in the sky, completely without the joy of being rescued.Before these guys came, he didn't have anything to do, they almost burned to death when they came.

Are these guys really here to help?

??)??Д?? (Will not come to public revenge!

Beside Eric, Brian also raised his head and looked at Eleven and others in the sky, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, obviously he had anticipated their arrival.

Eleven led the crowd to slowly fall to the ground, looked at Brian's gaze, and stared directly at Brian's dead fish eyes.

This was the second time that Eleven faced Brian head-on. The first time he was still young, he felt the threat of death from Brian and could only choose to escape.And this time, he has grown up, and Brian's oppression of him is no longer as terrifying as he remembered.

This feeling... can be a battle!

"Brian, let Eric go, he is our fairy tail wizard, what are you going to do to him?" Eleven shouted sharply.

Brian smiled coldly, and looked at Eleven with the brand new staff in his hands.

"This should be what I want to say, Kebra chose to return to the General of the Six Demons. What are you doing? The mere Guild of Light, should you choose to be the enemy of the General of the Six Demons?"

The dim light in Eleven's eyes flickered, and the power of thought began to stir the air around him unconsciously.

"Enough! Eleven, go back!"

Just when Eleven and the others were about to choose to do it, Eric suddenly roared, interrupting the anger of Eleven and others.

"I returned to the General of the Six Devils voluntarily. You just caused me trouble again. I chose to leave because I couldn't bear your partner game. Don't let me nauseate here anymore, okay, get out of here? "

At this moment, Eric laughed wildly, grimly, and his ugly face was undoubtedly boring.

However, none of the five people and the cat opposite him showed an angry expression. Even Naz, who was still barking before, fell silent and looked at Eric with a serious face.

"Eric, I will bring you back to the guild!" Naz's fist lit up with a solemn tone.

"How many times do you want me to say it, don't you..."


Eric just wanted to continue to say something, but was interrupted by Eleven's gracious drink: "I said that I have the ability to perceive people's hearts, and you can't lie in front of me."

"Moreover, you are not good at lying at all, even if you don't have my ability, Naz and the others can tell at a glance."

"Eric, maybe the old man has no chance to tell you, then I will tell you what a guild is now."

"Whether it's sad or happy... it's the damn thing to share with me! Do you think you can carry all the pain alone? Fart, the pain of one person is everyone's pain , Everyone can work hard to overcome the difficulties to usher in everyone's happiness, this is the guild! Remember, bastard!"

"Don't underestimate the fairy tail. We didn't look at General Six Demon. We will completely crush him in your so-called quagmire!"

"Now, come to me, Eric!"


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