Just as Loki and Kana confronted Angel of the Six Devils, the Royal Bank in Magnolia rang out with a big explosion. The bricks of the houses splashed out like liquid, and countless gold coins and gems scattered. Out.

A tall, fat man in the clothes of a godfather, combing the head of a judge, and holding a Bible in his hand, stood on the street, smiling at his masterpiece.

This person is one of the generals of the Six Demons—Hot Ai "hot eyes", a villain who regards wealth as life.

"Oh ha ha, so money is the most important thing, and finding ways to make money is king!"

Under the magic power of Hotai, the earth squirmed as if it had life, and collected all the scattered money.

Seeing the gold gems piled up under his feet, Hotai's eyes were full of joy. There is nothing that makes him feel more happy than collecting wealth.Turning his head to look at the streets of Magnolia and the passers-by who fled in terror, Hotai suddenly felt that this place was pretty good, and everyone seemed to be rich.

At the same time, everyone in the Fairy Tail Guild also felt the magic power of the swaying mountains of Hotain, and felt his wreckage on the streets of Magnolia, all of which were extremely angry.Although this magical power was a bit scary, and even reached the category of S grade, everyone was not afraid of anything, and quickly organized a team, and Wuyang Wuyang rushed out of the guild.

Makarov sat in the deepest part of the guild with a gloomy expression. He didn't follow everyone on the march or stop them. He just slowly put on his Saint Ten shirt and looked at the door of the guild.

When the gang of angry youths ran away and the guild fell silent, a tall man wearing gold armor and a mask slowly stepped into Makarov's sight and walked into the guild's door.

"Oh, old man, it's been a long time." The man in golden armor saw the solemn Makarov, raised his hand and took off his mask, revealing a gloomy middle-aged face.

After seeing this familiar face, Makarov's momentum soared, and the terrifying magic power of the Saint Ten Peak level rose to the sky, as if to lift the roof, and rolled up a magical whirlpool.

"I should have said that you are forbidden to set foot in Magnolia, Ivan!" The old man who had been smiling all the time was angry and scary at this moment.

However, facing the angry Makarov, Ivan did not move much. The same magic power swept to resist this coercion, although under Makarov’s magic power, Ivan’s magic power was like a lone boat in the ocean. It's not worth mentioning, but he laughed arrogantly and a little frantically.

"Hahaha, you old thing is still so ruthless, shouldn't you be happy to see a son you haven't seen for many years? Father!"

If there were other people in the guild at this time, they would definitely be shocked by Ivan's words. Who would have thought that a person so hostile to Makarov would be his son!

When Makarov heard Ivan call his father, a complex look flashed deep in his eyes.Although he is a very good president, he is definitely not a qualified father.

Being busy with the guild's affairs all day, there is no time to care about the physical and mental growth of his children, causing his son to grow crooked and become a dark magister.Had it not been for Eleven to help educate Laxus, his grandson's character would not have been distorted.

In fact, Kildas was also a friend of Ivan back then, but it may be because Kildas’s goods were too enchanting, and the two of them didn’t get together at all. Ivan was unknowingly alone. One person is blackened.

The thoughts in his mind flashed past, and Makarov's eyes became cold again.Ivan was just an enemy of Fairy Tail at this time, nothing else.

"Ivan, I'll say it one last time, get out of Magnolia, don't force me to do it!" Makarov snapped.

"Hahahaha! What are you kidding me!" Ivan was not frightened by Makarov, but laughed wildly as if provoked.

"The fairy tail is supposed to be mine. Why are you immortal chasing me away? I will come back today to get back what belongs to me."

Ivan was very emotional, and as soon as his voice fell, he raised his hand and threw out countless dark shiki papers, whizzing towards Makarov.

However, in the face of such an attack, Makarov just waved his hand at will, the golden magic in his hand flowed, and Ivan's magic would instantly collapse with just a collision.

The old man swung his arms and formed a golden mask around him, walking leisurely in the black magic ocean of Ivana, without any harm, his eyes were scorching to his ineffective son.

"Fairy Tail has never been a person’s thing, this is everyone’s guild. Ivan, you disappointed me so much. I really didn’t expect you to fall into a dark guild like General Six Demon. I have no education. Good you."

While speaking, Makarov had already walked in front of Ivan. Compared to the tall Ivan, Makarov's height was unusually small, but he showed an indescribable majesty.

"Ivan, you should be aware of the consequences of actions that endanger the guild, this time I will not forgive you easily!"


A huge fist suddenly smashed through the gate of the guild and smashed out from the inside. Ivan was firmly pressed under the fist and a mouthful of blood came out.

Withdrawing his fist, Makarov walked out along the big hole he had smashed, glanced at Ivan who fell to the ground and bleeding, forcibly suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, turned his head and looked in the other direction of Magnolia.

Which side is another place where Six Devil Heteai made trouble, and I felt that the children seemed to be in a hard fight over there.

"Hahaha, are you worried about the trash? Even a Six Demons can't deal with it, so pitiful. Old thing, what about the S-rank wizards in our guild? Why didn't I see any of them?" He stood up and sneered.

Makarov frowned and looked at Ivan, wondering what the bastard was planning, or in other words, what the Six Demon Generals were planning back to the bottom.

First, he used Eric to take away the high-end combat power of Eleven, Elsa, Mira and the others, and then came to Magnolia to conduct a harassing attack. What was the purpose?

Although many of the arrangements were made by Makarov himself, it is not surprising that with the existence of his son Ivan, it is not surprising to anticipate these orders.

If it's just for Eric and the Dragon Slayer, then there is no need to make these extra actions. Does the General of the Six Demons seem painful?

Ivan seemed to have seen Makarov's doubts, and the smile on his face became a little bit stronger, and gradually became ugly.

"Old stuff, don't pretend, you are not a good person! I don't know that you are secretly researching dark magic in the guild underground? Hahahahaha~ Old stuff, are you afraid that I will discover your secret? Did you kick me out of the guild?"

Ivan's words hit Makarov's heart like a super magic.Although it is not what Ivan said, there is indeed something underground in the guild, and it is countless times more dangerous than black magic. This is the deepest secret of the guild!

"Ivan! How did you know about this? Who told you!"

At this moment, Makarov became extremely violent, with a heart beating wildly.If the previous Ivan was just an ineffective son, then at this moment, Ivan has become an enemy that threatens the foundation of Fairy Tail and needs to be wiped out by his own hands!

"Hehe~ I have felt that magical power before. It is definitely a magic that can threaten the mainland, right? Father!"

While talking, Ivan suddenly raised his hand. I don't know when a small magic box appeared in his hand, and the box released bursts of vibration like a heartbeat.

The opposite Makarov just wanted to say something, suddenly his pupils shrank, and he pressed his heart abruptly.He was frightened to find that the beating of his heart actually resonated with the sound in the box in Ivan's hand, and this resonance made his heart contract suddenly.

Ivan walked in front of Makarov and looked at the old man who was slowly falling to the ground holding his heart, and his smile was particularly rampant and ferocious.

"Hahahaha~ I'm not dead, you're old! The dignified tenth-level Great Magus has a heart attack. It's so funny! Hahahaha~"

"Ivan...you... asshole..." Makarov looked up at his son angrily, unexpectedly he would attack himself by inducing a heart attack .This bastard really wants to kill his father!

"Hahaha, the old immortal, you can't stop me! When I get that magic, I will be the master of the mainland, and the generals of the six demons are not even worthy of carrying shoes!"

Without looking at Makarov who was curled up on the floor, Ivan grinned and walked directly over the old man, completely crazy.

"No! Ivan...you...hehe...that danger..."

However, the old man, who was going into a coma, grabbed Ivan by the ankle, and said something vaguely inaudible.

Ivan tried to break free several times but failed. Finally, he lost his patience. He slowly lifted his other foot and kicked it down. This foot pointed to Makarov's heart!


However, at this moment, a golden lightning bolt tore through the sky and crashed down towards Ivan's position!

The violent explosion blasted Ivan away directly, and it took a few rolls to stabilize his figure.In the vicinity of Makarov, the violent current gradually turned into a humanoid, and picked up the unconscious Makarov.

A face somewhat similar to Makarov and Ivan appeared, showing a hideous anger.

(╬◣д◢): "Asshole father, what the hell are you doing?"


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