"Cut! Didn't you hit it! But it's okay, that woman is also quite dangerous, it's okay." Angel curled her lips, commenting on the results of her shooting at will, but Aliyes, who was shot through by her at the same time, she even watched Without a look, she let her disappear and return to the astral world.Anyway, the Protoss will not die, just toss about it.


On the other side, the few people in Fairy Tail were jumping around. Wendy and Polusica, who had been hiding, didn't care about anything, and rushed out to heal Kana. If such injuries are not treated quickly, people will be killed. of.

Loki stared blankly at Kana, who was in a pool of blood. If Kana hadn't pushed him, he might have been shot through.Turning his head to look at Aliyes, whose pain disappeared with tears, Loki felt a cracking sound coming from somewhere in his mind.

Sorry, Aliyes...I still failed to protect you...


This is how we use the Protoss as a tool-like master!!

Loki reached out to grab Aliyes's hand, but only caught a piece of starlight. Aliyes' body completely collapsed and returned to the astral world.

Protoss is also emotional!It will hurt too!

We...we are not tools!!

"Damn it, bastard! I can never forgive you!"


Loki, who had always been cool, suddenly roared, and a golden magic burst exploded from his feet. The originally flowing mixed dress gradually turned into a handsome black suit under the corrosion of magic.

At this moment, the temperament of Loki's whole person has undergone a huge change. There is no usual cynicism, and a touch of kingly domineering and majestic.

At this moment Loki is no longer that Loki, but the head of the legendary zodiac, the strongest fighting protagonist, Leo Leo!

Leo watched the golden light blooming from his fist, squeezed his fist, and felt the familiar power, but this power no longer belonged to him.He has been expelled from the astral world, and using the power of the astral is tantamount to seeking a dead end. It consumes not magic power, but vitality.

But... it doesn't matter!Anyway, he is also a guilty person, just use his limited life to do something more meaningful!

Angel stared at Leo, who was shining brightly. She had coveted the key to Leo for a long time.Although she doesn't know how to make the wild Leo her own protagonist, she wants it!!

In short, there is nothing wrong with half-dead first!

"Open it, Scorpio's door-Scorpion! Get rid of this guy for me."


As Anjie's words fell, a cool guy with a scorpion tail and a hip-hop dress appeared in front of Leo.

Scopien's mood was very high, he was still singing freestyle when he appeared, but when he saw Leo in front of him, his complexion condensed and he greeted a little helplessly.

"YO! Long time no see, Leo."

"Yeah, Scopien, it's been a long time." Leo smiled, his tone was calm, "Are you ready, I'm going to shoot!"

The brilliance of Leo's hands grew stronger and stronger, ready to go.He didn't try to persuade Scopien to make way for him. They were Protoss, Protoss had Protoss rules, and other people didn't need to share any responsibility for him as a sinner. Protoss blocked the way and defeated them.

"Weare...Come on, I'm ready." Even though he felt uncomfortable, Scopien chose to obey his master's orders, and a monstrous sandstorm rose up behind him.

"Lion Glory!"

Leo stopped talking nonsense either, his whole body released a dazzling golden light and plunged into the sandstorm of Scopien.Leogen in this state had no cost to delay, and he wanted to fight as quickly as possible, killing him with one blow.

But Leo obviously overestimated his current power.

The sandstorm that was supposed to be able to be broken with a full blow was not able to be broken, which caused him to be swallowed by Scopien's sandstorm. This time, let alone a quick fight, it even needs to consume more vitality. Just to resist.

"Brother Rocky, I'll help you! Tianlong's roar!!"


Just when Leo was anxious, a tender and tender voice came from behind, and then a blue whirlwind blew past him, and it abruptly blew the sandstorm open a big mouth, even if only It lasted for a moment, but it was enough for Leo to rush out of the encirclement.

"Thanks, Wendy!"

At the back, Wendy was pushed aside by a roar of her own, and sat on the ground with a smirk.

She can finally help everyone in the battle!

Even if she is only nine years old this year, even if she herself is afraid of death.

But don't forget, she is also a little dragon slayer!

She can also fight!

Leo rushed out of the sandstorm and hit Scopien's face directly, his fist was wrapped in golden light, and he smashed it.

Scopien did not resist either, allowing Leo to spin upside down.

Hmm...It's not that he wanted to complete Leo and was beaten deliberately, but that he really couldn't.Although Scopien looked like a tall man and a small gangster, he was actually a long-range mage with a duck skin that was weak in melee combat, so shocking!

"Weare...yeah~~~" Scopien exited bleakly.

The sudden death of Scopien made Angel a little dazed, and everything happened so suddenly that she could not react.

Gemini Gemini, Aries Aries, Scorpio Scorpion... These are obviously the strongest celestial spirits of the zodiac, why are they coming out of nowhere? Did you defeat the little characters one by one?

Hmm... one of them seemed to be brought down by herself...

At this time, Angel was really a little panicked, frantically looking for a protoss in her key that could fight, even if it was silver.

However, Leo obviously won't give Angela time to summon the Protoss. With his fist clenched, the brilliance was released, and after a long distance, Leo slammed a punch against Angel.

"The glory of the Lion King!!"


A phantom lion condensed by golden light came out of his fist, and swallowed the panicked Angel in a roar.Although Angel is one of the six demons with powerful magic power, she is limited to the prosperous magical attainments, and her actual physical fitness is not very strong.

Faced with the rage attack of the battle-only Starling Leo, there was no suspense to kill directly.


The golden light dissipated...The black suit on Leo's body also disappeared, and he changed back to his previous sullen and airy dress.

Leo changed back to Loki.

Staggered to Angel's side, after confirming that she really lost consciousness, Loki began to fumble on Angel.

Loki's body is very vacant now, and he has no wretched thoughts.However, when he stood up again, there were three more golden keys in his hand.Loki looked down at the key, his lips squirmed, and he muttered.

"Sorry, I know it's not in compliance with the rules, but it doesn't matter to me that it breaks the rules or anything. I just don't want to watch you fall into the hands of the wicked."

"Hehe, don't worry, I used to be a Protoss. I understand the truth. I won't let you wait too long. Before I disappear, I will find a suitable master for you."

"Well, if it is in this guild, I think I should be able to find a suitable candidate soon."


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