The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 252: Come, let's talk!

"Fool! Eleven, shut up! What are you talking nonsense!" Kana was panicked, turning around as if covering Eleven's mouth with her hand, but she was soon caught by Eleven.

Eleven didn't care about Kana's struggle, but stared at Kildas, wanting to observe Kildas' reaction to the news.

Kildas's expression was wonderful, from the original inattention to doubt, and then suddenly shocked, then fell into contemplation, followed by panic, and finally completely lost his calmness.

"Um...Well, Eleven, are you serious? Karna, Karna is really mine..."

Kildas was so excited that his tongue was knotting. Although he seemed to be talking to Eleven, his eyes were staring at Kana the whole time, and his eyes were so soft that they were almost out of water.

Kana felt a little hairy by Kildas's gaze. Seeing that it was done, she no longer struggled with Eleven, sighed, scratched her hair, and nodded.

!!!∑(??Д??) Kildas jumped out of his chair in shock!

Karna also kept doing it, and began to talk about why she came to Fairy Tail in the first place, and how she had never dared to recognize Kildas.

However, Kildas was obviously not listening at all, and still hadn't recovered from the deep shock.For a while, I looked up at Kana in a panic, and then nervously lowered his head and broke her fingers, chanting the names of one woman after another, making her look a little confused, her face unbelievable!

I actually have a daughter!?impossible?I am usually very careful!

Whose child is it?Shanna?Catherine?Correa?Mary?Angela?...No, no, the hair color is wrong!Ah ah ah~ I can't remember it!


Until Karna finished telling her own experience, Kildas was still counting the women's names, trying hard to remember who Karna was her mother.

Karna became more and more speechless towards Kildas. Who would have thought that this uncle Sand Sculpture would have so many women? It really wasn't worth it for her mother!

However, now that everything that should be said is finished, Kana suddenly feels extremely relaxed, as if the burden of her body has been relieved.

Regardless of Kildas, who was still shocking the number of women, Kana glanced at Eleven gratefully, turned around very smartly and planned to leave.

She didn't have any thoughts of holding Kildas in charge. It would be great if she could continue to maintain the current relationship. To be honest, if there was a father suddenly now, Kana might still feel uncomfortable.

However, the moment she turned and left, Kildas suddenly caught up with her from behind and took her into his arms.

"You are Cornelia's child, you can't be wrong, you are almost exactly the same as her. Why are you just telling me now?"

Kildas's tone was full of self-blame and regret, and no matter how Kana struggled, she hugged her tightly.

"Conelia is the only woman I love, and my only wife. But then she couldn't stand that I had been obsessed with work and left me. Although I heard the news of her death, I did not expect that we would There are children..."

"Sorry, I never found out that you are my daughter, I really..."

As Kildas was talking, his tone was choked up, and Kana's eyes in her arms became softer. She gently peeled off Kildas's arm and smiled softly: "Well, it’s not your responsibility. , I always chose to keep it secret and didn’t tell you the truth. It’s just fine as usual. If I’m not talking about it this time, I won’t bother you."

"Kana, I..."

Kildas wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Karna directly waved.What Kana wanted and didn't like such awkward conversations, her heart became open, and her whole person became more open-minded.

Looking at Kildas, who was still blaming herself, Kana gradually showed a smile on her mouth.

Kildas: (;??????Д????`)

Kildas burst into tears when his father called, completely ignoring Kana's disgusting gaze, and hugged her into his arms again.

The bits and pieces that Kana had been with herself from childhood to age were played back in Kildas' mind like a movie, and she kept cursing herself as an idiot, even though she never noticed her daughter beside her.

With Kana in his arms tightly, Kildas said affectionately: "I will never let you feel lonely again, and I will never let you be alone in the future! I will always be by your side. !"

"No need, Kildas, just like before..."

"No! Karna! I will take you with me in the future whether it is doing tasks or drinking alcohol!"

"Uh...this seems to be a bit annoying..."

"Kana! Please give me a chance to be your father, give me a qualification to love you?"

Faced with Kildas's affectionate confession, Kana was very moved, and tears shed unconsciously.But when I was moved, I didn't know why there was a faint feeling, as if I was about to be entangled by a strange uncle.

After a long time, Kildas reluctantly let go of Kana.Kana wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and smiled again.

"By the way, Kildas, I heard that you are going to do a hundred-year mission. I was here to cheer you on. I wish you a smooth and successful mission and come back soon."

Hearing this, Kildas was stunned at first, then suddenly shook his head, and looked at Kana solemnly: "Kana, I said I won’t let you alone again, how could I leave you behind now? What are you going to do for a century?"

"So I decided not to do this task, I want to stay with you in the guild!"

Karna (°Д°): "Huh? What are you kidding? I don't want to affect your work just because you become your daughter! You don't need to worry about me, just do what you want to do!"

Kildas looked straightforward and confident(??): "I just want to be with you in the guild. No task is more important than my daughter!"

Although Kildas's words were touching, she was very angry with Kana. Although she was very happy to recognize Kildas, she didn't want to be a burden to Kildas at all.

That's a hundred-year mission!Once completed, Kildas will be the great wizard who has lived through the ages.But now, because he was afraid that Kana would feel lonely, he gave up the task directly. This was unacceptable for Kana, and it made her feel like he was delaying Kildas's career.

However, Kildas is also very stubborn. Once he is determined, he will not change easily. If he says that he must be with his daughter at home to accompany his daughter at home, it is useless to come!

The sky is big, the daughter is the biggest!Who dares to stop Lao Tzu from accompany her daughter Lao Tzu will destroy who!

In just three minutes, Kildas had evolved into a complete daughter who controlled the licking dog.

On the side, Eleven, who had been eating melons with the masses for a long time, saw that Kildas and Kana were about to fight just after they agreed, and hurried over to make a round.

A slap was pressed on Kana's head, and Kana, who was still looking up and arguing with Kildas, was pressed down, and Eleven smiled and got in between the two people.

"Well, well, don’t get angry, Karna. Isn’t this good? Originally Kildas doing a hundred-year mission alone is also very dangerous. When you become stronger in the future, you can do it with Kildas. Is it better?"

Although Kildas chose not to do a hundred-year mission, it was regrettable for Eleven, but in order to ease the relationship between the father and daughter, he still picked it up nicely and tried to comfort Kana.

But then I thought about it, if Kildas didn't do the hundred-year mission, wouldn't it be possible that this hundred-year mission would fall into his own hands?

It's the first step for Kildas to complete the 100-year mission...hehehe~ the plan is OK!

Kana definitely didn't know what nasty bad idea Eleven was thinking, but Eleven rubbed her head and nodded obediently.Although Karna occasionally betrays Eleven, she still listens to Eleven's words.After all, the two grew up together, and there is no shortage of tacit understanding.

Kildas was very grateful to Eleven for ending for him, and thought Eleven said that the idea of ​​letting their father and daughter do a hundred-year mission together was great, but when he watched Eleven in his When Kana touched her head in front of her, she suddenly became ill!

I rely on!What is this bastard kid doing?Where to put the pig's feet?Lao Tzu himself has never experienced killing his daughter. Where did you bastard come from?

As the series of memories of Kana in his mind gradually awakened, Kildas's eyes on Eleven became more and more dangerous.

Suddenly, a very informative dialogue a few years ago jumped into his mind.Kildas remembered that time he and Eleven had an in-depth discussion on the topic of men's growth, and this topic seemed to involve Kana.

At that time, Little Kana seemed to have just been, just twelve years old!


A strong murderous aura suddenly swept away, and the others didn't feel much, but Eleven who was talking to Kana suddenly exploded, and the brush behind his back was soaked with cold sweat.

He turned his head tremblingly to look at Kildas. From Eleven's perspective, Kildas turned into a demon, walking towards him step by step.

"Um...Kildas, what are you doing?"

The darkened Kildas had a grinning smile at the corner of his mouth, squeezed his fist vigorously, then grabbed Eleven by the collar, dragged it and walked outside.

"Eleven, come with me! I think we two need to have a good chat!"

Eleven: (;??д)???

Nani?Why?Yacht butterfly~~


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