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The sky was heavy with dark clouds, and the leaves on the trees were swaying noisily.The roar of thunder continued uninterrupted, and rain filaments woven into a "rain net" covering the entire mountain range.


A terrifying beast roar exploded in the valley, and the raging sound waves made the rain that had just fallen from the sky tremble.

"Damn it! Elfman, calm me down!"



"No, Sister Mila! That's Brother Elfman! You will kill him like this!"


"Lizana, get out of the way!!"


"Sister Mila, it’s okay, this is Brother Elfman, he won’t hurt me! Right? Brother Elfman~"




In the ward of Fairy Tail, Eleven suddenly got up from the hospital bed in shock, covering his forehead with his hand, panting with big mouthfuls, and the clothes behind his back were already soaked with sweat.

"This... is this a dream? Did I have a nightmare?"

Eleven gasped and recalled the scene he had just seen in his dream. The dream was so real that Eleven couldn't tell which side was reality.

Two days have passed since the Mila brothers and sisters set off. The location of the Beastmaster mission is not far away, and it only takes half a day for the normal round trip. It should be back.

"It seems that I have slept too much recently, and I have this kind of dream. Fortunately, it's just a dream...Huh?"

Just when Eleven was relieved and planned to lie back under the covers, he was suddenly stunned and looked towards the ceiling in a daze.

He hadn't felt it when he just woke up from his dream. Now his mind relaxed, he suddenly felt a strong sadness flooding the entire room. No, it should be said that the entire guild was saddened by a strong to thick sorrow. The emotions are covered.

Tears flowed down Eleven's cheeks unconsciously, and the strong emotional fluctuations almost made him lose himself directly. It took a long time before he woke up and fell off the bed.

"What...what happened? Is Lisana really..."

Eleven didn't dare to think about it at all, stumbled towards the door, and walked out with the wall, desperately wanting to know what happened.

Today's guild is exceptionally quiet. Normally even the infirmary that needs quiet the most can't escape the noise of those drunks, but today it is terribly quiet, except for the faint sighs and crying sounds.

There were a lot of people sitting in the guild hall, but today there was no party, there would be fun, and some only this suffocating silence, Eleven felt as if he had entered a quagmire, suffocated for breath.

"Everyone, who can tell me what happened?" There was a tremor in Eleven's voice.

"Eleven, you are awake." Makarov sat cross-legged on the bar, with his arms on his chest, his face gloomy, and he didn't know what tone to use to answer Eleven's question.

"It's Lisana, Lisana..."

Soon someone couldn't help crying, and after receiving Makarov's words, he said with tears and nose the answer that Eleven didn't want to hear.

Although there was a guess in his heart, when he really got the answer from his friends, Eleven still felt a whirlpool, and he felt a buzzing in his mind at this time.

Eleven’s gaze swept across the faces of every partner present, how he hoped that this was just a joke everyone made with him, even if this joke is too much, but... if it’s really a joke, that’s too much. All right......

Closing his eyes in pain, Eleven only felt a splitting headache, and scenes of getting along with Lisana flashed in his mind one by one.

That little tiger spitting at him, that quirky and sweet little sister, that... Lisana... how could it be possible?

Eleven leaned back on the wall, digesting the sudden bad news, suddenly opened his eyes suddenly, and asked eagerly: "Where is Mira? Where are Mira and Elfman?"


In the grove, in front of Polusica’s cabin.

Eleven almost ran up and down. His current state of mind could not even stand steady, not to mention flying. He was shaking when he walked. I don't know how many falls on the way.

After hearing that Mira and Elfman were healing in the Polička cabin, Eleven rushed out without even thinking about it.Even after he heard the news of Lisana's death, he was so sad that he almost fainted. What would Milla and Elfman feel like?

A strong sense of self-blame kept tumbling in Eleven's heart. If he could stop Mira a little bit more firmly at the time...if he hadn't done the investigation task...if he could be stronger. .....


There were many people standing in front of the cabin. Elisa, Gray, Rebe, and Rocky were all sitting on the steps outside the cabin with a gloomy expression. They were somewhat surprised to see Eleven staggering.

Eleven didn't say anything to them, he pushed open the door of the hut and looked inside.

What caught the eye was the tower-like figure of Elfman, covered with bandages of all sizes, sitting on the ground with tears and nose, receiving Wendy's healing light.

"Alfman, are you okay?" Eleven leaned on the door frame and gasped.

"Eleven... Lisana, Lisana, she... I'm sorry! It's all my fault! It's all my fault!"

Elfman saw Eleven jump directly from the ground and couldn't help crying. He looked at the big brother who led him into Fairy Tail before him, and Elfman let go of his heart unconsciously. The defensive line broke out like a bank burst.Obviously he was a lot taller than Eleven, but at this time he was crying like a child, wiping tears continuously.

Eleven sighed, walked over tremblingly, took Elfman's head down, pressed it on his shoulder, and patted his back vigorously.

"Don't cry Elfman, aren't you a man? It's not your fault, cheer up, Mira still needs you as a man to take care of it!"

"But, but, sister she..."

"Well, I know, I'll go see Mira."

Eleven let go of Elfman and turned to look into the cabin, where Mira was sitting on the hospital bed.


"Mila, can you hear me?" Eleven sat on the edge of the hospital bed, took one of Mira's hand, and called out softly.

However, Mila on the hospital bed did not give her the slightest response. Her big eyes were hollow and absent, and she couldn't feel the slightest magic power in her body, as if she had lost all vitality, she stared forward blankly.

Eleven could feel the sadness emanating from Mila's body was stronger than anyone else's, completely enveloping her like a black cocoon, isolating all her emotional fluctuations.

The younger brother and sister are important to Mila. Eleven knows better than anyone else. In order to protect her younger brother and sister, this girl is willing to become a demon and wander around...

I couldn't imagine how much impact Mira suffered when she saw Lisana die in front of her.

"Let her be quiet, now she can only cheer herself up, there is nothing we can do."

Ms. Polusica stood aside and sighed, and gently walked out of the room.Her medical skills are not a panacea, no matter how powerful she is, she cannot restore the magical vein of Mira's collapse, nor can she heal Mira's blocked heart.

This old man who has been medically injured for decades is also full of sadness and helplessness at this time. Although he has long been accustomed to seeing life and death, but no one wants these things to happen to the children he grew up watching.

Eleven ignored Ms. Polusica's words, looked at Mira quietly, silently feeling her grief, and slowly pulled him into his arms, bringing their foreheads together.

"Sorry, Mira..."

"I was lazy on the hospital bed when you were in distress..."

"It was clear that I would protect you, but I broke my appointment..."

"Sorry, Mira..."

"I can't turn back time, let alone bring Lisana back..."

Tears flowed down his cheeks, Eleven whispered softly, and a few tears penetrated down the corners of his mouth, full of bitter taste.

"But, at least, let me bear this sadness for you!"

Closing his eyes, Eleven completely let go of his mind and let his consciousness come into contact with Mira's consciousness unsuspectingly.The sadness enveloping Mira's body surged toward Ileven's soul like a flood.

The power of the pitch-black emotion engulfed Eleven in an instant. The last picture of Lisana, the last panic, and the last sadness constantly impacted Eleven's spirit.

Eleven felt all what Mira was thinking and thinking at this moment.

Such a deep sorrow was something that Eleven had never experienced, and coupled with the trauma on his soul, for a moment, Eleven almost lost himself completely.

However, Eleven’s movements did not stop there. After slightly adapting to Mira’s grief, he further released his mental power, covering the entire cabin and covering the silent partners outside. It even spread in the direction of the guild.

The power of the pitch-black emotions flooded towards Yilivin, forming a black vortex that ordinary people could not see above his head.

At this moment, the people of Fairy Tail didn't know why, and suddenly felt relieved. Although they were still sad for Lisana's news, the grief in their hearts was relieved.

But Eleven had completely fallen into this endless sorrow, just as he was immersed in the happy atmosphere of the harvest festival many years ago, completely lost himself.

Sorrow is a very strong feeling, which is much stronger than happiness, joy and other emotions. Even if it is just the emotional fluctuations of hundreds of people in a guild, it is not easily digested by Eleven.

At this moment, he felt as if he was in a thick black water, unable to open his eyes, breathe, nowhere to exert force, and his sadness almost filled every hole in his body, every minute and every minute. Suffering endless pain for a second.

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