Remember a second []

Partners who have gradually running behind them, Ilee Wen can not help but feel the truth, to tell the truth, if Naz, they really have to come over, Elivin has no way to stop.

Fortunately, the uncle Kildas is still reliable at the critical moment.

Adjust your mindset, Elavili flew in the direction of the previous army.

He is obviously able to feel this batch of army and they have encountered the army who have encountered from Arnima. I don't know if this is still able to use the pretending king.

Probably ... it may ... no effect ...

After all, people who are different from the world are not a fool. Since they are recovered, it is definitely the identity of Elavi, it is necessary to catch him, can't you chase his butt, please return to the palace?

"Hey ~ I think it is very troublesome ... I can't use magic now. Only my mind should do just a whole army? How can I drag them ..."

The Elavin that flew in the sky was unbearable, wrinkled with a brow showed a distressed expression, and he was gently floated in the jungle.

~ !

At this time, a dark bullet suddenly hit on Elaviva's mental shroud, did not give him a chance to respond, and the indestructible mental shield was broken as a glass.

It is completely a neck of the next consciousness, and this bullet is in danger and rishes the Ilavin's cheeks.

Until the blood marks on the cheeks slowly, Elivin realized that he had encountered a sniper. Hurrying down your own flight height, and simultaneously put it out, sweeping towards the direction of the army.

However, I haven't waited until Elavin finds the position where the sniper is located, and a large group of imperial soldiers who have a weird meman armor will sprinkle in his sight. It is straight to the spray device on the machine. Ilivan flew, and the whole staff looked up at him with a blank of black cave.

Ileton: (; oд)


With a minor, the bullets of the big slabs are like the rain in the rain. Elaif can rid of what resistance, wow, I am running.

Iliva never thought that he faced a group of soldiers who did not have a magical fluctuations would be so wolf.

Even now he can't use magic, but his spirit is still very powerful. It should be reasonable to say that there should be no effort.

But in fact, his mental shield could not bear the impact of these bullets, and it became a lot of holes in an instant.

Adlas's weapon technology has greatly exceeded the understanding of Eliva. The firearms in these soldiers are clearly not implicit, but the bullets that are shot are longer than the magic guns of Eisland. This is not magic!

Under the helplessness, Elaif can only choose to run, he deliberately picks a direction with the opposite direction, and when you are boring. These soldiers are more horrible than imagining, he must take them away.

Fortunately, although these soldiers flew, but they couldn't catch up with ELEVENT. They can only play biubiubiu behind the buttocks in Elavili, venting endless ammunition.

Don't come out that Elais is already the blood of the body. In this raining, he will not be harmful to the superior group. Although there is no fatal injury, the whole body large and small wound has dyed him into blood.

"No, this distance is not enough, but also stick to it again!" Islaising behind a big tree, deeply sucking a breath, and then rushed forward again.

In order to give partners to more escape time, Elavin had to keep an imperial soldier that is not far from not far, and has been hanging them.

In the face of enemies, it is obviously very unwise to fly in the high altitude. Elivin fell into the jungle, with the help of all kinds of trees to delay the time.

He didn't think of counterattack, but it was hard to do it. The enemy's firepower is too intensive. As long as a head is risky.

Elaviv can only pinch the nose to bear the gas, all the way to catch up with the soldiers and don't know how far the distance. The surrounding trees have gradually become rare, it seems that it will run out of the forest.

Just when I Wiluo continued to run in the direction, a huge armored car roared into his perceptual range.

The armored cars burned the flameless pattern, all the way, even if it is a thick tree that is unable to stop it, it is crushed under its huge iron wheels.

However, these are not important, and it is really attractive to Eli Wen to pay attention to the dazzling red red articles on the armored vehicle machine.

A monster emblem such as a flame-like red-tail emblem is such a big picture of the armored machine, which is the dazzling, arrogant, unscrupulous!

Um! Is the taste of the companion!

All the way to the gray face of the gray face, I Alvin, who is almost tears at this moment, and the next consciousness is rushing to the armored car.

In the consciousness of Elavin, as long as I saw this sacred demon emblem, my partner means that my family is to entrust the existence of life.

This goods have not considered the things that they are in the world, which world is he is in, and the tail of the fairy is the tail of the fairy. This is absolutely faithful!

You see, Ed Lazina does not immediately put them as partners

^ 0 ^ a second to remember []


Um! ! Since they are the demon tail tail of this world, it will not be afraid of the king of the district! There must be a means to deal with them!

( д`) Mina Sang! I'm coming! Save ~ life ~ Yeah ~

Elavo didn't wipe a tear of the tears, and ran over the direction of the armored car while waving.

However, I haven't waited for him to close, a crimson figure, a bird, from the armored car, straight straight to him.

"Oh? Ai Lusha?" Isle Wenyi came out.

Sure enough, the world's demon tail is also the existence of Ai Lusha, and she is more relieved! Although this gimmicks will often be stupid, it is still very reliable when you encounter things!

Hey ... I hope that Idras' Ai Lusha does not pull it.

The opposite Aidi Lusha is only bulky, and the Elivin is also happy to make a daydream, completely did not pay attention to the gloomy and terrible faces of Edi Lisha.

"Hey! Ai Lusha, I ...... Wo! What are you doing?"

The Eliva is still planning to say a greece. However, he has not finished it. He looked up and he saw a little cold. Subsequently, a silver, a silver shiny big gun straight to his heart. Tie.

I can't think about it, Irai Wen quickly urged her mental force, turned to the body, avoiding a shot of this straightforward. However, I haven't waited for him to come back to the long gun, and I have already smoked towards his face.

The speed of Eider is very fast, and the force is also surprisingly big. If the magic, Ileta can't resist, and it is fallen in the ground in an instant, and only feels that the brain hurts.

" ... ... I am not ..."

The Elavin in the ground still wants to explain his identity, but Edi Lisa is definitely a spicy person, not to talk to Elavin, step on Elavili. The chest, raising your hand, I have a punch in the Elivin's head. This punch is striking, so that Elavin has lost its language.

At the last moment of losing awareness, Iletary only felt that the ear had always returned the sound of the motor and the explosion of the gun, and there was a depressed ** I couldn't dissipate.

Dear, this chapter has finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^ 0 ^

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