The thoughts of the fairy tail follow your heart

Chapter 47: Counterattack (6000 words 2 in 1)

At this time, Eleven felt a suffocation, and the surrounding area was obviously only mist, but it made Eleven feel that he was immersed in the deep sea, and there was a feeling of exploding in his chest.

But just like the man in a suit said that no matter how he moves or stirs the fog with his thoughts, he can't leave the thick fog.

Eleven's breathing became more and more rapid after repeated trials, but he calmed down instead, the more this critical moment, the faster his brain functioned.

"Atomize the liquid, atomize the liquid" Eleven stood there and muttered to himself, "liquid, liquid, rain..."

Eleven suddenly looked upwards, a small thought force penetrated the fog and rushed out directly.

Although mental power cannot penetrate the fog, thought power will not be affected because of its strong power.

One hundred meters!Eleven's mind traveled a hundred meters into the sky before breaking out of the dense fog, and he felt the presence of rain again.

Eleven tried to fly before, but the man in the suit seemed to follow him, so he couldn't leave the dense fog that was only a hundred meters in diameter.

A large amount of thought power was quickly smuggled into the sky beyond the fog by Eleven, and then a thin barrier of 100 meters in diameter was quickly formed in the sky, and the falling rain was completely blocked outside.

The ability of a man in a suit is to turn rain into a thick fog. What if the rain is covered?The concentration of mist will fade!

Just a breath time, the surrounding mist faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Eleven took the opportunity to take a big deep breath.

However, his purpose is not only that. The first reaction of the man in the suit after discovering that the fog has faded is to explore why the rain has decreased, but he forgot that he had been hidden in the high concentration of fog before.

The fog around him faded, but he didn't adjust the state of his body in time. A cloud-like white fog was revealed in the mist!

Eleven locked in this moment, his eyes were clear and generous, and he entered the super acceleration mode in an instant!

The Nianli barrier in the sky instantly pressed down and wrapped inward.Since the blow is not effective on the man in the suit, put him in his own thought power and completely crush him to death!

Sure enough, the mist of the man in the suit was firmly suppressed by Eleven's thought power. Faced with all-round squeezing, even the gas could not be immune to damage.

Soon the painful voice of the man in the suit came out, and he could no longer maintain the atomized state, and once again recovered his human form, desperately releasing his magic power to resist the damage, and Eleven saw the dawn of his victory!

"Damn! Don't force me!" The man in the suit stared at Eleven with cracked teeth, his eyes almost bursting from the pressure around him.

Eleven didn't care about the threat of the man in the suit, and continued to exert full pressure.

"Asshole! Go to death for me! Smelly kid!" The dying suit man yelled and looked at Eleven with scorching eyes.


Suddenly, a large cloud of blood exploded from Eleven's body, and the blood turned into mist. The red mist filled the air, and the strong smell of blood stimulated his nerves.

At this time, Eleven froze in place, and his thought power could no longer be maintained.He felt that the blood in his body was emptied in an instant, and his whole person instantly dried out.

Soon the blood mist around him no longer maintained the atomization, and the rain of blood poured down, instantly staining Eleven into a blood man.


Eleven fell to the ground blankly, but he knew that he was not dead, and the bone-corrupted pain kept stimulating his brain, telling him that he was still alive.

"I won't kill you!" At this time, the man in the suit walked over tremblingly. His hair style was no longer neat, his body was soaked in rain, and his eyes were bulging out, "How could I kill you? ,

The man in the suit stood in front of the bloody Eleven, like a madman.


Another battlefield.

"The gun of lightning!"

A sturdy electric current spouted from Laxus's hand, flashing in a zigzag shape, and shot towards the Roshan monster.

"Roar! I found you!"

The attacked monster instantly found Laxus hiding in the dark, stamped its big foot on the ground, and rushed towards Laxus at a speed completely inversely proportional to his body.

Laxus didn't expect this guy to be so fast, and immediately ran to the rear with a rolling crawl.But how fast can he run with a badly injured body?Almost instantly, the huge shadow of the Roshan monster enveloped him.


"Ho Ho Ho Ho, you can't run away! You can't run away!" The Roshan monster slapped Laxus on the ground with a slap, stuck his neck, and roared with saliva in his mouth!

However, Laxus was unusually calm at this time and did not panic. Instead, he sneered at the monster: "You monster, go to hell!"

"Thunder and lightning circle!"

Suddenly a dense golden magic circle appeared under Laxus, and violent electric currents rose from the circle, erupting a harsh buzzing sound.

This magic circle is one of the most powerful attacks of Laxus at present, and it can paralyze the enemy's actions through lightning, but it takes time to portray the magic circle, which is the most important part of his plan.

"It's not over yet, monster! The trick of eating me-thunderous waves!" Laxus roared.

A huge thunderball appeared above their heads and dropped from the sky with a roar resounding through the sky.A large amount of thunder pulp instantly exploded, and the violent thunder even rushed into the sky!


The body of the Roshan monster was completely covered by thunder pulp, and the tyrannical thunder and lightning rolled over him, and even the surrounding trees were instantly electrocuted into coke.

"Hahaha~ Hahaha, it's useless, it's useless, hahaha!!"

However, the Roshan monster laughed loudly in this violent thunder, the thunder pulp crackling on him was like a fake, and it had no effect on him!

"Hoho, my fat can protect me! My fat can insulate! It's useless, it's useless! Hoohoo~"

The monster laughed wildly, just standing in the middle of the attack of Laxus, shaking the fat on his body, mocking his weakness!

"It's useless, your little rubbish is really useless. It seems that your idiot guild is also a rubbish! Rubbish! Hurry!"

"You can go to die! Go to die!"

The monster laughed wildly while raising his casserole-sized fist and hitting Laxus's head...


The dark clouds in the sky seemed to be denser, and the black pressure blocked all the light.

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and a moment of light and shadow illuminated the bloody figures of the three Elevens, as well as three hideous faces standing in front of them!

The rumbling of thunder continued to echo in the clouds, and the final storm was approaching.



There was an inaudible low moan from Laxas' head that had been smashed into the mud.

"Roar? What? Begging for mercy? Impossible, impossible, I must kill you!" The monster listened carefully to what Laxus said, and then happily refused him.

"Don't... don't look down on the fairy tail, you fat pig..." Laxus' weak voice came out.


At this moment, the thunder and lightning that had accumulated in the clouds for a long time seemed to be awakened, and suddenly agitated. A thick lightning burst out suddenly, as if being pulled, straight towards the thunder formation.

At this time, the Laxus and Roshan monsters on the magic circle were instantly overwhelmed by lightning!

However, this was only the beginning, countless small lightnings were drawn one after another, flashing continuously and being integrated into this thick thunder.This thunder continued to grow, and even the ground under his feet became unbearable and began to crack!

"You, you actually caused the lightning in the sky! You are looking for death!" The Roshan monster roared angrily, trying to break free from the range of the thunder. This lightning made him feel threatened, but the violent current turned it off. It is firmly sucked, and it is impossible to leave.

"Hahaha boy, you are dead, I may be able to resist the lightning, but you are dead! You die... how is it possible?"

The monster that was originally violent suddenly froze when looking down at Laxus, and fell into an unbelievable state.


At this time, Laxus opened his mouth wide, and was constantly biting the thunder and lightning on his body.Countless electricity was sucked into his mouth and swallowed.As the thunder swallowed more and more, Laxus' muscles began to bulge and swell, and fine dragon scales grew on his body, and he slowly stood up from the ground.

"Ha~~" Laxus grinned and exhaled a foul breath, but even his breath was flashing with continuous electric light.

"You, what are you!" The Roshan monster couldn't help exclaiming, and his fat body began to tremble.

At this time, Laxus's upper body and shirt burst, revealing bulging muscles, his body was covered with fine dragon scales, and countless thunder snakes wrapped around him.

"I am the wizard of the idiot guild that you look down upon, you fat pig!"

Laxus took a step forward, and countless thunders crazily condensed in his right hand, instantly forming a golden thunder halberd.

"Go to death, Fat Pig! Thunder Dragon Fang Tianji!"

"You can't kill me! You can't kill me! My fat can... ah, stop, stop!" Roshan monster roared heartbreakingly.

Although the square halberd in Laxus's hand was transformed by thunder, it was as hard and sharp as the substance. It instantly pierced the heavy fat accumulation of the monster, directly stuck on his body and pointed directly at the sky.

The thunder in the sky gathered crazily at this moment, Fang Tianji acted as a lightning rod, and all lightning was drawn here at this moment.Even the dark clouds in the sky were affected, forming a black vortex.

The monster, no matter how strong the body, could not withstand the strong heavenly might erupting from his body. Amid his unwilling roar, his body was directly penetrated by the thunder, and the huge hole exploded by the thunder and lightning almost divided his body into two sections. Can't die anymore.

With the disappearance of Thunder Dragon Fang Tianji, the angry thunder in the sky finally subsided.Compared with the terrifying Tianwei before, the heavy rain that was falling makes people feel unusually peaceful.

Laxus slowly slipped from the Roshan monster, trying to stand up, but he didn't have any strength in his body and slumped on the ground.

Because the monster behind him was dead, the magic disappeared, and he returned to his previous short and fat man's appearance, but the big hole in his stomach was still shocking.

Laxus watched this scene and spit out blood foam: "Bah, damn monster!"


at the same time

"Hey, hey, just kidding, what's the matter with this lightning!" The lanky man turned around and saw the scene that he will never forget. A stout and extremely strong thunder ran straight through the sky and the earth, even the air he breathed. Because this thunder became full of numbness.

"Cough, cough, cough, it's Laxus..." Behind the thin tall man, the bloody Elisa supported the long sword and slowly stood up. She was once again saved by the armor on her body. At least it protected the fatal heart injury.

The thin tall man turned his head and glanced at the trembling Elisa, a little surprised that she could still stand up, but she didn't take it seriously, but grinned: "Is that the blond boy? Haha, he seems to have killed him. After you, he can make me happy. I wonder what kind of fireworks he will bloom?"

The thin tall man laughed cruelly, his eyes full of madness, and he didn't care about the life and death of the short and fat man who was fighting with Laxus.

"No, you can't...I won't let you pass, I will defeat you here!"

Elisa stalked her long sword, and the blood was still dripping. She even spoke intermittently, but her eyes were surprisingly firm, staring at the thin tall man with scorching eyes.

"Kill me? Hahahaha, little girl, are you crazy?" The thin tall man laughed unscrupulously after hearing Elisa's words, shaking the gun in his hand, sarcastically, "You can't even stand," What do you use to beat me? Does your eyes look? Hahahaha..."

"Laxus can do something I can't do it for no reason...We have to save Eleven, we can't stay here for too long." Elisa ignored the slender man's mockery. He stood up strong and said loudly, "Dressing-Flying Armor"

As the magic of space flickered, a set of leopard-print light armor appeared on Elsha.Unlike the last time she faced Eleven, Elisa summoned a full set of flying armors, with an extra leopard print breastplate on her chest, an extra leopard skin skirt, and a white velvet behind her. Big fluffy cat tail.

This set of armor that can increase speed was finally put on completely by Elisa.

The lanky man tilted his head and looked at Elisa who was in the dress. A blue vein burst on his forehead, and he said faintly: "Oh? Are you planning to resist me? Then you go and die!"


Saying that the thin tall man raised his shotgun expressionlessly, he raised his hand with a shot.

However, this shot only penetrated the afterimage left by Elisa, and Elisa, who was wearing the armor of flying, had already increased her speed to the extreme, and instantly left the distant place to avoid the shot.

However, Elisa also failed to rush to the thin tall man, because he shot another immediately, forcing Elisa to step back.

Elisa found that as she continued to exercise, her injuries became more and more serious, the wounds were constantly torn, and the blood flowed out.But her thoughts became clearer and clearer, her senses became more and more acute, and the cells in her whole body seemed to be activated, constantly jumping for joy.

She actually had the pleasure of being near death.

The thin tall man found that the shotgun's rate of fire was too slow to effectively hit, so he retreated and cast magic at the same time.

"Dressing—Magic Gatling!"

A huge Gatling machine gun appeared in his hand, and the slender man pulled the bolt open, and suddenly the violent bullet burst out like raindrops, and shot towards Elisa.

At this moment, Elisa, who was dying, had red eyes, her eyes gleaming with bloody light: "Dressing—Sonic Blade!"

Two western thin swords can be used instantly, the blade of sound speed, the blade that increases the attack speed.

Faced with the bullet coming from the burst, Elisa was extremely calm at this moment. She raised her sword and fell, and the blade collided with the first bullet that fired. The silver streamer slid across and shot one of them. Divided into two.

Ding ding ding ding ding...

Elisa rushed forward, her arms moved wildly in front of her, her silver blade constantly colliding with the black bullets, splashing countless brilliant sparks, like fine raindrops hitting the calm water.

"Double Sword Flow-Falling Rain!"

Only for an instant in the confrontation with the bullet, Elisa broke through the bullet rain horizontally and flew straight towards the thin tall man.


Two rapiers were inserted into the heart of the thin tall man who was still laughing wildly without any pause.

"Hahahahahaha, go to hell! Go to hell! Hahaha...ha...h?"

Everything happened so fast that the thin and tall man didn't even realize that he had been pierced in his heart. He was still laughing wildly, but his actions came to a halt.

The machine gun in the lanky man's hand fell to the ground, splashing mud.He looked at the two thin swords in his chest in disbelief, and fell straight to the ground.

"" The thin tall man stared straight at the panting Elisa, unable to say a word.

"I think of the name of my magic." Elisa suddenly faintly said, holding her chest and panting, "The Knight——Knight, my magic is a magic that exists to protect my partner like a knight."

"Ah, really, congratulations..."

The thin tall man felt the rain on his face on his back, and then he murmured and lost his breath.

"Laxus, Eleven..." Seeing that the thin and tall man died, Elisa took back her rapier and wanted to rescue her partner, but she fell on her head before taking two steps. In the mud, she hurt too much.

At this moment, a huge tornado suddenly rolled up in the distance and went straight into the sky!

Elsa and Laxus raised their heads at the same time, looking at the tornado, with smiles on their faces: "It's Eleven!"


Back in time, the other direction.

The falling thunder interrupted the madness of the man in the suit. He stared at the stout lightning, as if his brain suddenly calmed down by the stimulation.

"Boy, we should go now." The man in the suit looked at Eleven blankly and limped towards Eleven.

At this time, half of Eleven's face was soaked in the muddy rainwater, and his eyes were dull forward.

"You should have killed me just now." A smile suddenly appeared on Eleven's face.

"I said, I won't kill you, you are my important goods." The man in the suit replied unhurriedly.

"May I ask who is catching me?" Eleven's gaze turned, no longer sluggish, looking at something in front of him, his eyes flashed.

The man in the suit did not pay attention to Eleven again, kept silent, and continued to approach Eleven.

Seeing that the man in the suit was about to catch Eleven, a powerful twisting force suddenly appeared under his feet, which instantly shattered his body into smoke.

The gloomy light in Eleven's eyes, the thought force gushing out unreservedly, constantly spinning, constantly stirring the air.The surrounding air was also driven, and the cyclone formed became bigger and stronger, the trees in the forest began to rustle, the rain began to drift in the air, and soon a huge tornado of thought power went straight into the sky!

Eleven burst out with all his strength, horrible!

The man in the suit was involved, and the powerful force continued to tear it, leaving him with no choice but to desperately maintain his smokey body.

But even so, he couldn't be killed. His smoky body was shapeless, and it could be reorganized even if it was broken.

"Hahahahaha, it's useless, devil! You can't kill me!" The man in the suit laughed like a madman from the tornado.

"You can't kill me! See how long you can maintain this move? I will kill you once the move is over! No, I won't kill you, I can't kill you, hahahahaha!"

The man in the suit didn't sound like he was a little confused, but it didn't matter to Eleven, he tremblingly reached out and picked up something in front of him.

"Ahem, I'll add something to you to taste!" After speaking, Eleven threw the lump in his hand into the whirlwind.

It's the big net embedded with sealing magic stones.

The magic net entered the wind, and immediately heard the screams of the man in the suit.The body of the man in the suit has completely turned into gas and melted into the whirlwind. As long as the sealing magic stone enters it, it will come into contact with his body anyway.

"No, don't!"

With a scream, blood red burst out everywhere in the tornado. It was the appearance of the man in the suit who couldn't maintain the atomization after touching the magic stone and was instantly broken.

Eleven finally couldn't hold on anymore, the tornado of thought power that had rotated to the limit burst open, and the thick dark clouds in the sky were blown into a big hole in the blink of an eye.

Crystal beads of blood were flying in the air, and a dazzling beam of sunlight gleaming with blood-colored light penetrated into this dark world and shot diagonally on Eleven, forming a halo around him.

Eleven lay on his back in the mud, letting the blood rain fall, closing his eyes and feeling the first ray of sunshine today.

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