X777 was a calm year. Most of the time has passed. There are no interesting newcomers to join, and there are no notable events.

What everyone does every day is noisy, sabotage everywhere, to contribute to the guild’s dark history.

To say what Eleven has gained in the past six months, there is only the "memory" magic he learned from Meester.

I have to say that Eleven's magical talent may be really bad. It took him half a year to really understand how Meester's mental power works.

The "memory" magic is a high-level magic that is many times more advanced than chanting. The caster needs to construct a memory-related magic circle in his mind to motivate his mental power to cast the spell.

However, Eleven's poor manipulative power cannot build a decent magic circle. He can only study in depth how Meester's mental power works, starting from the root.

It's like someone else is driving a horse-drawn carriage and can move forward with a whip, but Eleven doesn't even know how to make a wheel here.

In short, Eleven has made unimaginable efforts to learn this magic, and Meester, as his mentor, has also given unimaginable patience.

Mestre has never seen such a stubborn and untalented person. The point is that this person is better than you. If you don't teach him, he will beat you...

But until the end, Eleven didn't really learn this magic called "memory". He only learned how to invade and modify the memory of others by observing the operation of Meister's mental power.

It is equivalent to abandoning the carriage that can't be built, and instead riding directly.But because of this, he ran faster than others.

Meister’s memory magic can actually do very limited things. In addition to directly deleting a large section of memory, it makes people amnesia. Whether it is to modify or increase memory, it will cause a strong sense of violation.

Because what magic can do is to plant a piece of information into others' minds. There is no picture, no cause and effect, and no details. As long as you think carefully, you can easily find flaws.

But on Eleven’s side, because he uses his mental power to activate magic directly, he can do more than just implant a piece of information, even the pictures he sees, the sounds he hears, the smells he smells, etc. It can be directly implanted in the memory of others.Even the scene he imagined himself can make others think it is his own memory.

And the most interesting thing is that maybe because there is no magical intervention, when Eleven slightly modifies the memory of other people, the other person's mental power will automatically repair the abnormal memory, which is the so-called automatic brain supplement.

This great discovery was of course discovered from Meester. One day Eleven gave Meester a memory of eating flies on a whim. In fact, it was just a joke without any details, but Meester actually vomited!

He even cried and recalled the taste and texture of the fly... it was all made up by his own brain.

Since Meester's reaction was so interesting, even though Eleven didn't know it well, he couldn't stop it.

During that time, Mestre was in a trance, feeling that he had done some strange things every day, and he often wondered if he was crazy.

It wasn't until Eleven confessed to him that he no longer doubted life, but he never appeared on the same screen with Eleven. Eleven thought that he was autistic for Meester and blamed himself. Long time.

Today is July 7, X777, another peaceful day. Meester has been hiding from Eleven for a whole month and missed him.


The next day, in the early morning of July 8, Eleven arrived at the guild early as usual, and the guild was still a lively scene.

But unlike usual, Makarov did not sit on the throne of his bar to drink, instead, he was neatly dressed and looked like he was going out.

"Master, are you going out? Are you going to the council?"

Eleven didn't care too much, and asked casually.Makarov would have been called to the council to be scolded from time to time, and everyone was used to it.

"Oh, Eleven, you happened to be here. Come with me. You may need your ability." Makarov's eyes lit up when he saw Eleven, and he took Eleven who had just entered the guild again. Pulled out.

"Huh? Need my ability? Do you want to take me to the council?"

Eleven naturally had no objection to helping Makarov, but he was still a little nervous about going to the council. After all, he heard that he was scolded there.

Makarov glanced at Eleven, who was a little bit sly-eyed, and he penetrated his careful thoughts at a glance, and calmly said: "The Council will have the opportunity to take you there in the future. This time we are going to find something."

"Oh, so, what are you looking for?" After hearing that I didn't have to go to the panel to be scolded, Yi Levin immediately came to his mind.

"I don't know." Makarov's tone was flat.


Fortunately, Makarov didn’t leave Eleven speechless for too long, and continued to explain: "Last night I felt a special magic power fell on the forest north of Magnolia, but I don’t know what it is. , Let’s just look for it."

"Oh, is there any treasure?" Eleven got a little excited when he heard this, and mysteriously approached the old man's ear and asked.

"Well, maybe it will be very valuable." At this time Makarov couldn't help showing a look of yearning.

The old and the young were walking on the street, unknowingly they showed a slightly wretched smile at the same time.


According to Makarov's feelings, the magical power fell in the forest not far from Magnolia. At the speed of the two of them, they didn't even need to ride a carriage, which was only half an hour away.

This small forest in the north of Magnolia hasn’t been to Eleven a few times, because it’s really too common, there’s nothing, and occasionally one or two monsters are also very weak. Anyway, it’s nothing to Eleven. attractive.

If you can really find the baby from this kind of place, it really feels like a big bargain.


"Hmm... sure enough, that strange magic power has disappeared."

Makarov stood there with his eyes closed and chattered for a long time, but he didn’t feel anything. The magic that I vaguely noticed last night has disappeared. Really, if you didn’t drink so much last night, All right.

Seeing Makarov had no gain, Eleven felt that it was time for him to appear on the stage, so he stepped forward confidently, closed his eyes, and spurted out his mental energy, radiating in all directions.

Makarov looked at Eleven with expectation, hoping that he could gain something, but he may not be a big treasure, then he will have money for his drinks in the future, and even the guild’s loss compensation can be filled. Up.

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