The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 13 Lanba Academy, Liu Erlong

Yu Yuanzhen, Yu Luomian, Yu Tianming and A'Zhu A'Zi did not take a carriage, but walked to Lanba Academy in a low-key manner.

Tiandou City is extremely prosperous. All streets are paved with large blue bricks. Each street is wider than the main road of an ordinary small city. The scale of the entire city can only be described as grand.

Under the guidance of the guide Yu Luomian, everyone walked through the streets and alleys, and unknowingly came to a large forest.

A large forest suddenly appeared in Tiandou City, which was full of pavilions and palaces. Anyone who saw it would be amazed.

Yu Luomian explained to Yu Tianming with some pride: "This is the Lanba Forest with the largest flora in Tiandou City. It is also the industry of our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and Lanba Academy is among it."

The value of such a large piece of land in the prosperous Tiandou City is immeasurable. Even Ning Fengzhi had to think twice about buying such a large piece of land, but was planted on a tree by the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Seeing how proud he was, Yu Tianming couldn't help but cursed that in ten years' time, when Liu Erlong came to power, such a large piece of land would be given to Shrek.

But it’s not Liu Erlong’s fault. After all, among all the women on Douluo Continent, from the most powerful Pope to the hundred thousand year transformed soul beast, who doesn’t have some problems in their mind?

When I walked to the front of Lan Ba ​​Forest, I saw a gatehouse about the same height as the Tiandou City Gate erected in the lush woods. It was carved entirely from white marble and had eight large gilded characters - Lan Ba ​​Advanced Soul Master Academy.

As soon as we arrived at the entrance of Lanba Academy, a middle-aged man came to the reception desk next to the gate:

"Xia Yin Shu, I am currently a teacher at Lan Ba ​​Academy. The dean has arranged for me to introduce Lan Ba ​​Academy to all of you."

Everyone followed him into Lanba Academy. The decoration around here is not as luxurious as other colleges, but everything is simple and comfortable.

"Our Lanba Academy is about one-third the size of the Tiandou Royal Academy. Although it is small, the teaching is very rigorous. It only accepts commoners and rejects nobles. We can stagger the enrollment with the Tiandou Royal Academy." Yin Shu explained to several people. .

"Because we only accept civilian soul masters, the quality of the soul masters themselves is inferior to ordinary high-level soul master academies. But it is also because our students are from civilians, they are better than those from big families or Noble people practice much harder."

Yu Tianming nodded. He knew that in the Soul Master Competition five years later, Lanba Academy would eliminate the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy and reach the quarterfinals.

A spacious path leads directly to the interior of the college. There are patches of tall trees on both sides of the road, blocking most of the sunlight on the road.

Walking to the end under the shade of trees beside the road, you can see a large playground with a diameter of more than two hundred meters. Different from the 400-meter playground in the previous life, this playground is about one thousand meters in one circle.

It is more like an open grassland than a playground, because there is no runway on it, only the green blue silver grass dancing in the wind.

Next to the grassland is a circle of three-story buildings, with a total floor area of ​​100,000 square meters, which is quite enough for an advanced soul master academy with few students.

Yu Tianming, who was silent at first, suddenly said: "The grassland in the middle looks uncomfortable, why not dig it out and build an artificial lake."

Upon hearing this, Yu Luo Mian also felt that leaving such a large open space full of bluesilver grass in the middle of the teaching building was not very beautiful, and said:

"Spend a little more money to hire a few professional soul masters to change the terrain and fill it with water another day. An artificial lake can be built in a few days."

Although there is no industrial revolution in this world, the existence of soul masters has made productivity not low, and in some places it is even worse.

Walking to these buildings, Teacher Yinshu began to introduce to everyone which of these three-story buildings were canteens, which were dormitories, and which were teaching buildings.

It was time for get out of class to end, and several fifteen-year-old students passed by from time to time.

Yin Shu added: "Now there are more than 300 students in the college. The facilities of the college are not as good as those of Royal Tiandou College, but it is considered top among civilian colleges, so the enrollment is very smooth. Now because we can't recruit suitable people at the same time, teacher, so we did not continue to recruit students.”

After walking out of the building of the Mimic Training Ground, everyone came to the college hall next to it.

This is in a steeple building, facing the main road of the college.

There are no separate rooms in the hall and it is very empty. Light shines into the building from the surrounding windows, making the interior as bright as the outside. The floor is paved with granite stones, and the walls are simply whitewashed without any decoration.

After a brief visit, everyone walked around the school hall and walked onto a path leading to the back of the college.

Yin Shu explained: "The dean is usually not in the college. She prefers to be quiet and live alone in the forest. Because the college is on track, daily affairs are handled by the teachers. Only major matters need to be consulted by the dean."

Continuing a few hundred meters further, the woods gradually became sparse, and a sign hung on a particularly thick banyan tree, with a line of words engraved on it, "This is an important place of the academy. Please do not enter unless you are not allowed to enter."

After passing this big tree, the scenery suddenly changes.

It was a small lake, with a diameter of only fifty meters. A stream about three meters wide quietly poured water into it from the other side of the woods, and then flowed back. This place, which should be regarded as a pool, always maintains living water.

Next to the waterhole, there is a simple thatched house made of logs and thatch, completely integrated with the surrounding environment. There is a fence around the hut, and various flowers are planted in the fence, vying to bloom, colorful and beautiful.

A woman was standing there, holding a kettle, watering the flowers. Perhaps because she heard the footsteps, she unconsciously looked in the direction where the group of people were walking.

When her eyes passed through the soul master of Lanba Academy who was leading the way, and fell on Yu Luo Mian and Yu Yuan Zhen behind, her body suddenly became stiff, her hand loosened, and the kettle fell to the ground with a bang.

It was a woman who looked to be less than thirty years old. Bupa had her black hair pulled up on her head, and she was wearing a simple green dress that could not conceal her grace. On her somewhat pale face, she had delicate features and picturesque eyebrows. She seemed to recognize Yu Yuanzhen's identity. She put her hands in front of her and rubbed the corners of her clothes, looking a little nervous and at a loss.

Yin Shu also guessed the identities of these two people from the previous exchanges with Yu Yuanzhen and Yu Luo Mian, so he respectfully said to the woman behind the fence: "Dean, several adults have already arrived, Yin Shu The book will leave first."

When Yin Shu left, Yu Luo Mian was confused. He just wanted to ask his normally generous daughter why she was so strange now.

But Liu Erlong ignored her biological father Yu Luo Mian, walked straight to Yu Yuan Zhen, and said shyly: "You are Xiao Gang's father, right?"

There is a playground in the middle of the Advanced Soul Master Academy that is so low, it looks like a middle school or high school. I changed the playground to a lake, and the style changed from junior high school to university.

No way, the original book miscalculated the size of the playground and replaced it with a lake.

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