The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 141 Tang San: Mu Bai, you still need to practice

The members of the Blue Tyrant team also looked at Ning Rongrong, whose strength had greatly improved. They were also very curious about why Ning Rongrong, who was level 28, suddenly rose to level 35 in just a few days.

As long as the martial soul is used, the changes in the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower cannot be concealed, but Yu Tianming and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect had already discussed the words of publicity.

He explained to everyone: "As the richest force in Douluo Continent, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect has countless resources and natural treasures, far beyond the imagination of ordinary soul masters. Rongrong took the precious medicine prepared by the sect, and his martial soul has evolved into the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower. The improvement of the soul power level is just a byproduct."

Flanders nodded, "Xiaogang's innate soul power is only half a level, and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Sect can forcibly raise him to level 29. As the next generation heir of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Rongrong's martial soul evolution is also very reasonable."

Everyone in the Blue Tyrant Academy fell into silence-is the martial soul evolution that simple? The quality of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower is not low to begin with. It can evolve again. The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect doesn't know how many resources it has invested. I'm afraid only the top three sects can have such strength.

Tang San even went straight into fantasy time: Ning Rongrong is the eldest daughter of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and Yu Tianming is the heir of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Sect. As the heirs of the top three sects, how many people can't get the resources they get?

The original heir of the Haotian Sect, Haotian Douluo, Tang Hao, is his father. If he can recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestral roots, he doesn't know how many resources he can get. Will he have the strength of Yu Tianming in a few years?

"The original Shrek team and the Blue Tyrant team have been reunited, and they are still short of a captain to lead the whole team. Who do you think can do it?" Flanders rubbed his hands and looked at Yu Tianming with a flattering face.

This is not Shrek Academy. Tiandou City is the territory of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and the Blue Tyrant Academy is the private property of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Sect. Everything must be considered. The opinions of the children in the team.

Yu Tianming didn't waste time talking to him and said directly: "If you want to be the captain of the Blue Tyrant Team and feel that you are capable of it, just step forward and let's compete fairly according to your strength."

Jing Ling and Huang Yuan looked at each other. They have been staying in the Blue Tyrant Academy, but they know what happened to Tai Long last night. Tai Long, who has the strength of a Soul Sect, was beaten half to death. They don't want to get involved.

Seeing that everyone fell into silence, Dai Mubai, who had been the captain of Shrek Academy for several years, smiled evilly, patted his sleeves and stood up.

In Dai Mubai's eyes, he has the support of several people in Shrek Academy, and even Tang San usually treats him with respect and courtesy. If he doesn't become the captain, who else can be qualified?

After Dai Mubai stood up, Tang San also showed a meaningful smile, stepped forward and walked to Dai Mubai's side, Tang San looked at Yu Tianming, and smiled gently, "Big Brother Tianming, I also want to compete with Mubai for the position of captain, do you think it's appropriate?"

Dai Mubai frowned, looking at Tang San with anger in his eyes: Originally he called me Dai Boss, why do you call me Mubai now? Zhu Zhuqing flattered Yu Tianming and could ignore me. What about you? A poor boy from the Holy Soul Village, with no power and influence, why do you call me the same as Xiao Si?

Yu Tianming was not afraid of trouble and said directly to Tang San, "Of course, the Blue Tyrant Team of Blue Tyrant Academy has just been rebuilt, and the captain of the Blue Tyrant Team must be someone who is strong and can convince the crowd. Xiao San and Mu Bai, you two will fight, whoever is stronger will be the captain."

Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun came to Tiandou City for the first time yesterday. In order to experience the prosperity of this big city, they walked out of Blue Tyrant Academy in the afternoon and went to Tiandou City to play. They did not return all night. Therefore, they did not know that Tang San defeated Tai Long, who was a Soul Sect, and they did not know that Soul Douluo Tai Tan knelt on one knee to Tang San.

At this time, Dai Mubai happened to notice the disdainful look of Zhu Zhuqing standing at the end of the team. How could he bear it?

He glanced at Tang San and said to Yu Tianming, "In our battle, we should compare the strength of the soul master and the understanding of his own martial soul. We should not use vicious hidden weapons to hurt others."

Yu Tianming nodded, "Xiao San, what do you think?"

When Tang San was still a farm boy, he flattered Dai Mubai every day. Now that he knows his true identity, he is too lazy to continue pretending. He raised his mouth and said arrogantly, "I won't use hidden weapons in this competition. I want to see how strong Mubai is now."

Yu Tianming waved his hand and said to everyone, "Everyone, leave a place for Xiao San and Mubai, let them fight here."

The members of the Blue Tyrant team dispersed, leaving the two of them an open space about the same size as the ring. Tang San and Dai Mubai stood at the corresponding positions for the duel, looking at each other, and the atmosphere gradually became anxious.

Tang San imitated the master, slowly put his hands behind his back, raised his head and said, "I will stand here and will never move. Mubai, you can make a move now."

Dai Mubai looked at the pretending Tang San, his eyes flashing red. He didn't know what medicine Tang San had taken today. This usually cautious guy turned out to be so arrogant that he didn't even take himself seriously. However, after Tang San couldn't use hidden weapons, his combat effectiveness plummeted. Dai Mubai was full of confidence in the battle.

He directly possessed his martial spirit and roared: "White Tiger Body Barrier, White Tiger Vajra Transformation."

The first soul ring and the third soul ring, two amplification soul skills, were activated at the same time, making his body suddenly grow two circles larger. The black and white hair on his body fluttered in the wind, and it turned into the sharp claws of the white tiger, with cold light flashing on it, as if it had the ability to split gold and break stone.

At the same time, Dai Mubai kicked his right leg, and with the help of the power, he rushed towards Tang San not far away with his claws.

But Tang San was disdainful, just as he said, he didn't move.

After seeing Yu Tianming's strength, Tang San's mentality changed a little. Now that he suddenly knew his identity as the heir of Haotian Sect, he immediately abandoned his original cautiousness and became arrogant.

Facing Dai Mubai's attack, countless blue silver grasses like iron wire worms spread wildly under Tang San's feet, rushing towards Dai Mubai like a black and red tide.

Although the blue silver entanglement skill is not very effective. But the consumption of soul power is less than that of ordinary soul skills. When these blue silver grasses approach Dai Mubai, they begin to curl and twist constantly, trying to bind him.

Dai Mubai's martial soul White Tiger is not weak to begin with, and he has two amplification-type soul skills. Tang San's blue silver grass can no longer play a big role on him. Dai Mubai ignores the entanglement under his feet, like a dragonfly skimming the water, and comes to Tang San in a few leaps.

However, Tang San is still not panicked at all. Tang San, who has practiced the dragon-catching crane and purple-level magic pupil, reacts much faster than Dai Mubai. His arm swung out quickly like a phantom, and a black and red net made of blue grass suddenly opened in front of Tang San, just covering Dai Mubai who was flying over.

Spider web binding, Tang San's third soul skill from the 2000-year-old human-faced magic bead.

This soul skill that exceeded the age limit was very powerful. After entangled Dai Mubai, it bound him tightly in place. If there was no attribute attack such as fire and lightning, it would be basically impossible to break it by relying on strength alone.

After the spider web bound him, countless bluesilver grass swarmed in and completely wrapped Dai Mubai's body.

Dai Mubai's answer to this move was the second soul skill White Tiger Fierce Light Wave. A ball of milky white light spit out from Dai Mubai's mouth, shot straight at Tang San through the gap in the spider web. But in the end, it only shattered a small part of the overwhelming Blue Silver Grass, and was completely unable to change the situation.

Under Tang San's control, the bluesilver grass wrapped around Dai Mubai's body stirred continuously, and the spikes scratched the white tiger's skin, injecting neurotoxin into his body. At the same time, the second soul skill powerful absorption was activated, absorbing the few soul power in his body.

Not long after, Dai Mubai exited the spirit-possessed state and lay limply on the ground.

Tang San walked slowly in front of him and looked at Dai Mubai condescendingly, "Mubai, it seems that there is still a certain gap between your strength and mine. You need to practice more in the future." Although he was very polite, But Tang San's eyes were extremely arrogant and domineering, as if he had already been trampled under his feet.

When everyone in Shrek saw this scene, they either looked surprised like Oscar and Ma Hongjun, or looked indifferent like Zhu Zhuqing. Their expressions seemed to have stripped away the last dignity of the exiled prince, which deeply hurt Dai Mubai. heart.

The powerful humiliation and unwillingness made him clenched his fists, and the sharp nails scratched the palms of his hands, and bright red blood slowly flowed out from the fingers.

"Little San. Captain's strength is so strong. I am convinced that I lost today." Dai Mubai suppressed his hatred deep in his heart and said to Tang San with a kind face. Although he is arrogant and domineering, he has experienced royal training after all. He is not a reckless man without any scheming, and he knows how to be the most honorable.

Dai Mubai's speech seemed to announce the end of the battle. Xiao Wu in the audience excitedly stepped forward and hugged Tang San tightly, "Third brother, you are so strong. You can defeat Boss Dai easily." "

Whether it was his former teammates from Shrek Academy or the people from Lanba Academy whom he had just met, they all started talking in low voices, their words full of admiration for his strength.

In his previous life, Tang San was an ordinary killer, living in an unknown corner. In this life, Tang San was just a farm boy, and he had never felt the heartfelt love and admiration of so many people. The corners of his mouth raised slightly and he looked up at the sky: Is this what it feels like to be sought after by everyone? What kind of glory would it be if we could account for more than ten thousand people in the future?

Yu Tianming clapped softly, walked up to the crowd at the same time, and said loudly, "Now that the winner has been decided, Xiaosan will be the captain of the Lanba team. From now on, the command of the Lanba team will be handed over to Xiaosan." Dai Mubai and Huang Yuan, one wolf and one tiger, are responsible for the strong attack. Although Xiao Wu is also a strong attack type, it is not much different from the agility attack type. It is up to Fu to coordinate with Jing Ling and the two of them. Teacher Rand is in charge.”

After that, he waved his hand, left in front of everyone, walked to the side and started chatting and laughing with Qian Renxue.

Flanders stood in front of everyone again and explained the team's specific plan in detail.

Tang San, who had just won, raised the corners of his mouth with a victor's smile. At this moment, he noticed the handsome man in luxurious clothes beside Yu Tianming, and thought to himself: This guy can go hand in hand with Yu Tianming. He must not be an ordinary person, maybe he is a big noble in Tiandou City.

He whispered to Ning Rongrong in front of him: "Rongrong, do you know the people around Brother Tianming? He doesn't look like an ordinary person."

"His name is Xue Qinghe? He is the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire and my father's apprentice. As the heir of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, Tianming has a very good relationship with the princes of the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire." Ning Rongrong answered in a low voice. road.

Tang San thought. Would children from big clans like Yu Tianming and Ning Rongrong make friends with these dignitaries? Now I have not been recognized by the Haotian Sect. If I get their support, will I be able to regain the inheritance rights of the sect? He silently made some determination.

Today is the first day of the formal integration of the Blue Tyrant Team. After Flanders arranged the general things, he hurried away. The members of the Blue Tyrant Team also naturally disbanded and left.

Seeing Yu Tianming and Qian Renxue still talking not far away, Tang San's heart moved slightly, and he slowly walked forward.

Yu Tianming glanced at Tang San, looked at Qian Renxue and smiled meaningfully: "When the time comes, our Blue Lightning Tyrant Clan and the Seven Treasures Glazed Clan will fully support you. It's a pity that the Haotian Sect is not here, otherwise we can gather the three sects together."

Tang San came to Yu Tianming's side, and heard this, and asked with a smile on his face: "Brother Tianming, what are you talking about? Is it about the Haotian Sect?"

Qian Renxue looked at Tang San who was eager to try with a puzzled look, and asked tentatively: "We are talking about the major sects of the Tiandou Empire, little brother, why are you also interested Interesting?"

Tang San's eyes flashed with purple light, "Speaking of which, I also have some connection with the Haotian Sect of the Tiandou Empire."

Qian Renxue's face was more and more suspicious. The Haotian Sect used a hammer, not a plant spirit like this iron wire worm. "Little brother, what is your relationship with the Haotian Sect? Let me hear it?"

"My father is from the Haotian Sect. The Haotian Sect now lives in seclusion near Tiandou City. It has a close relationship with the empire." Seeing Qian Renxue asking questions in the direction he was leading, Tang San smiled confidently.

Only Yu Tianming looked strange: Is he trying to take advantage of the Haotian Sect? But the Haotian Sect has long been in decline, and it was Tang San's father who offended the Spirit Hall, which led to the Haotian Sect living in seclusion outside Tiandou City.

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