The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 171 Diverting trouble to others? Xiao Wu sacrifices herself

Before anyone noticed what happened, Tang Hao's two thighs suddenly fell from the air.

Countless splashes of blood, as well as two bloody thighs, suddenly fell to the edge of the Blazing Academy spectator seats. This bloody and cruel sight immediately caused all the students to exclaim.

Yu Tianming looked at Tang Hao's two thighs with soul bones falling into the crowd, his eyes were full of coldness, and he said in a low voice: "Tang Hao, Tang Hao, a big rat running away in a hurry, how come he can't see clearly? What's your situation? I've given you a chance to survive, but you still dare to jump in front of me. Are you satisfied now?"

After his legs were chopped off by Yu Tianming, Tang Hao's muscles contracted suddenly, stopping his bleeding legs. At the same time, he tried his best to boost the soul power in his body. His speed increased a few points again, and he flew in just ten breaths. Out of the bounds of Wuhun City.

If Tang San hadn't been clamped by Tang Hao with a creaking nest, and his body was completely lying horizontally, that strike of the space blade would have definitely cut off Tang San's legs.

At this time, Tang Hao's face was extremely gloomy, and he slowly led Tang San into the lush forest.

After losing two leg bones, his strength suddenly dropped to level 75, and his soul power was only 30% of the original. Because he had lost the cultivation of a titled Douluo, he could only burn his life to barely fly out of the martial arts. The scope of the Soul Palace. Fortunately, Wuhun City is located between the two empires, not far from the Star Forest. Otherwise, in Tang Hao's current state, he would be caught within a short time of flying.

"Xiao Wu is a soul beast that has been transformed for a hundred thousand years? Dad, why do you want to expose Xiao Wu's identity." Tang San looked at the pale Tang Hao and screamed at the top of his lungs with a sharp voice.

Although Xiao Wu and Tang San have been together for nearly ten years, Tang San is not a fool. When he saw his father and Yu Tianming fighting for Xiao Wu, he immediately understood that Xiao Wu's identity as a hundred thousand year soul beast was true. At this moment, Tang San also figured out the reason why the lively and innocent Xiao Wu had been ignoring him during his time at Lanba Academy: Xiao Wu's identity as a hundred thousand year soul beast had been discovered by Yu Tianming, she just didn't It's like dragging yourself down! !

When he thought of this, Tang San's heart felt like it was being clenched tightly. He was in so much pain that he couldn't speak. He couldn't care less about his seriously injured father in front of him. His thoughts were all about Xiao Wu's voice and appearance, as well as the advantages of getting along with Xiao Wu. Bit by bit.

‘My name is Xiao Wu, Dancing Wu. ’

‘I don’t even care, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will rape you? ’

‘What if one day, many people want to kill me, and you can’t defeat them? ’

Thinking of Xiao Wu's innocent and cute look, Tang San's blood surged up, and while he beat the big tree in front of him fiercely, he shouted in his soft and sharp voice: "Yu Tianming, you beast, I, Tang San, will be with you from now on." You are irreconcilable!”

After Tang San finished venting his anger and gradually regained his composure, Tang Hao, who was on the verge of collapse, said slowly: "Xiao San, Yu Tianming probably already knew that Xiao Wu is a hundred thousand year spirit beast. I exposed Xiao Wu's identity just to let others People and Yu Tianming are fighting over each other, and Xiao Wu's life may be preserved in the chaos..."

"Dad~" Tang San finally noticed his father's miserable condition.

I saw that half of Tang Hao's tall body had been lost out of thin air, and his legs below the waist had been completely broken. Due to the fierce battle, the linen coat he was wearing had been stained maroon with blood, and even his sallow complexion was They all turned pale, and the blood-crusted lips were even more frighteningly white.

"Xiaosan, listen to me first. I just used the secret method of Haotian Sect, and my legs were cut off by Yu Tianming. I am no longer strong enough and can no longer fly with you." Tang Hao Tremblingly, he took out a worn-out map, handed it to Tang San, and said with all his strength: "Next, you have to walk through the forest by yourself and reach this place. Someone will guide you on the next path..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Hao fainted completely, and his thigh, which had been able to stop bleeding, suddenly started bleeding again.

When Tang San saw this, he hurriedly wiped away his tears and nose, and quickly took out the Tang Sect's medicine to treat his father.


At the same time, in Wuhun City, the final stage of the Soul Master Competition was on.

Countless pairs of eyes were fixed on Xiao Wu. The five characters "100,000-year-old soul beast" were deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

For a moment, some people were panicking, some were scrutinizing, and some even looked at Xiao Wu greedily.

The number one treasure in the soul master world is a hundred thousand year old soul bone. Ordinary soul masters who have been trained to the title Douluo only have 9 skills. The soul bones of a hundred thousand year old soul beast can not only greatly improve the physical fitness of the soul master, but also It comes with two extremely powerful soul skills. It can be said that having it is your ticket to the strongest.

In addition, if you can absorb the 100,000-year soul ring at level 90, you can become the strongest titled Douluo. Tang Hao's own record against many banned titles is an example.

"Mubai, not only is this bastard Tang San among your team members, but you also have a hundred thousand year old soul beast with you. Has it entered the soul beast's lair? What if you become the emperor of the Star Luo Empire? Aren't you going to make everyone in the world laugh at you?" Davis' eyes became brighter, and while pacing, he started a new round of ridicule to Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai did not refute his brother. He seemed to have had his soul taken away, his eyes were blank, and he knelt down on the ground with a pale face, as if he did not want to believe this fact.

At the VIP judging table, the elegant Bibi Dong slowly moved his gaze towards Xiao Wu in Yu Tianming's hand.

At this time, Xiao Wu was like a pet, being pinched by Yu Tianming's neck and lifted upright in the air. Her face was pale, full of sorrow of having no love left.

"Is this girl really the incarnation of a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast?" Bibi Dong's red lips slightly opened, and her clear voice rang in everyone's ears.

Now that Tang Hao revealed Xiao Wu's identity, Yu Tianming didn't bother to hide it. Xiao Wu's body flashed with white light, and the aura of the hundred thousand year soul beast was exposed in front of a group of titled Douluo.

"That's right, Xiao Wu is the 100,000-year-old soft-bone charming rabbit in the form of a charming rabbit. Now it's a 100,000-year-old soul ring and soul bone that I have prepared. What do you think, Lord Pope?"

"If my guess is right, I have had a chance encounter with this little guy." Bibi Dong looked at Xiao Wu sharply, and laughed softly: "Xiao Wu, you are the one who has transformed into a hundred thousand years old soft-bone rabbit. It was the fish that slipped through the net.”

Looking at the graceful Pope in front of him, Xiao Wu's eyes suddenly burst out with deep resentment, "Yes, you are right, I am the fish that slipped through the net. These years, I always think of Wuhun The pope of the palace would like to eat his flesh, drink his blood, rip his muscles, and crush your bones into ashes!"

Bibi Dong didn't care about Xiao Wu's resentment and sneered, "I didn't expect that you would come to my door yourself. It seems that you can't take revenge."

"Oh, Xiao Wu, you still have a grudge against the Pope?" Yu Tianming looked at Xiao Wu in confusion.

Xiao Wu didn't say anything, but Bibi Dong smiled and said: "Back then I went hunting for soul rings and met two rabbits that were one hundred thousand years old. The big rabbit died in my hands, and she was the one that escaped. Little rabbit, but I didn’t expect it to run back to me again, hahahahaha..."

After hearing Bibi Dong's words, Xiao Wu's eyes turned even redder, if it weren't for the fact that her neck was pinched in Yu Tianming's hand. She had to rush over and bite Bibi Dong.

Yu Tianming pinched his chin and said doubtfully: "Xiao Wu, I see you laughing and joking with your classmates every day. You have never practiced hard. Why are you just now remembering that you have a blood feud? Are you just patronizing Tang San?" Have you forgotten your mother?"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong couldn't hold back any longer. She covered her mouth and started laughing. She looked at Xiao Wu with a look that seemed to say: You don't particularly hate me.

Xiao Wu just snorted and turned her head to the side.

Seeing this, the light in Yu Tianming's hand flashed, and Xiao Wu was transported to the underground cavity of the water world in his body.

There are many bubble-like hollows underground in the water world. Some of them are used by Yu Tianming to store items, and some are still idle. Now, the idle hollows are used as prisons for Xiao Wu. The few fairy grasses on the surface of the water world cannot be harmed by Xiao Wu.

Yu Tianming narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Bibi Dong in front of him: "Sir Pope, a hundred thousand year soul beast is the home of the virtuous. I caught Xiao Wu, so she is naturally at my disposal. Do you have any objections? "

Knowing Yu Tianming's strength and his relationship with his daughter, Bibi Dong would naturally not lead a group of titled Douluo to rob Xiao Wu as Tang Hao imagined.

She glanced at the people of the Qibao Glazed Sect, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and then laughed and said: "Of course, I am not an unreasonable person who will snatch other people's things. I just heard that the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect The young sect master already has two fiancées, and I hope you will not give up after all..."

After saying that, she took Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo and left the VIP table without looking back.

Yu Tianming knew that he was talking about his daughter Qian Renxue, but the group of Qibao Glazed Sect didn't know that. They only thought it was the emotional trauma Bibi Dong had suffered in his early years, so they hated the betrayed person indiscriminately.

Ning Fengzhi was still smiling cheerfully at the side: "Tianming is so lucky to meet a hundred thousand year old transformed soul beast..."

Before Ning Fengzhi could finish speaking, Yu Tianming turned around and said with a smile, "I'm going to give up this hundred thousand year soul beast to Rongrong."

"Is this appropriate? This is a hundred thousand year old soul beast."

"Of course it's suitable. I have gathered my soul rings and no longer need Xiao Wu's hundred thousand year soul ring. Moreover, the soft-bone charming rabbit has a spiritual attribute, which is also very suitable for Rongrong, an auxiliary soul master."

Ning Fengzhi stroked his beard and asked tentatively: "Ah... Tianming, let's keep this hundred thousand year soul beast first, and then let Rongrong absorb it when he reaches level 90?"

"No, the earlier the high-stage soul rings are absorbed, the better. I think we can sacrifice the hundred thousand year soul beast now and directly bring a red fifth soul ring to Rongrong."

Hearing Yu Tianming's bold idea, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin took a breath. Even though they were the richest men and well-informed, their eyes were full of shock when they looked at each other: The Fifth Soul The ring is a hundred thousand years, and there is no one before or after. So what achievements will Rongrong have in the future?

Seeing that the two of them did not object, Yu Tianming waved his hand, and Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo in the VIP judges' seat, as well as Ning Rongrong in the audience seat of Team Lanba disappeared.

In the water world, Yu Tianming held Xiao Wu, whose face was ashen, and surrounded three people from the Qibao Glazed Sect.

"Brother Tianming, Xiao Wu is not a bad person. We have lived and fought together in Lanba Academy for several years. Wouldn't it be too cruel to ask Xiao Wu to sacrifice to me?" Ning Rongrong looked at Xiao Wu in front of her and revealed her face. With a trace of unbearable expression, "Actually, I don't really want a hundred thousand year soul ring..."

"Xiao Wu's fate has long been determined. If she doesn't sacrifice herself to you, she will become someone else's soul ring. I also took Xiao Wu's feelings into consideration. Because you and Xiao Wu have been roommates for three years, I let her sacrifice herself to you as a friend. Besides, if you can become a god, Xiao Wu's remaining soul can also be resurrected."

After talking to Ning Rongrong, Yu Tianming looked at Xiao Wu again, who looked ashen and silent.

"Xiao Wu, I know this is cruel to you, but if you don't sacrifice to Rongrong, I will go hunt other 100,000-year-old soul beasts in the Xingdou Great Forest. You have been in the forest for so long, you must have a lot of friends, you don't want your friends in the forest to die with you..."

"I... I am willing, I am willing to sacrifice to Rongrong." Hearing this, Xiao Wu couldn't hold it in any longer, and tears as big as beans kept falling down, crying and saying: "Mom, Daming, I'm sorry, it's all because I was playful and had to come to Tiandou City... Xiao Wu can't avenge you..."

Yu Tianming threw Xiao Wu to the ground and urged impatiently: "Okay, sacrifice quickly, even if you can't achieve your wish in this life, there is still the next life, sacrifice early and get rid of it early."

Xiao Wu looked at Ning Rongrong in front of her and stopped sobbing. Then a dazzling red light suddenly spread from her forehead, turning into a circle of red halo and spreading instantly. Wherever it passed, everything was rendered bloody. Everything also stopped at this moment.

As the sacrifice progressed, Xiao Wu's clothes had turned to ashes and disappeared, revealing her perfect and transparent body. At this time, her whole body had turned red, a dark red that was as crystal clear as a ruby. This was the scene of the end of the life of a 100,000-year soul beast.

However, this was the sacrifice of a 100,000-year soul beast. At this moment, the consciousness of the people around her also stopped. No one except Yu Tianming could see her.

Xiao Wu glanced at Yu Tianming who was calm and composed, and murmured: "Rongrong, then my soul ring and soul bone will be handed over to you..."

Then, the red blood flame began to burn from Xiao Wu's body. When the blood flame changed from bright red to dark red and Xiao Wu's body gradually disappeared, a huge ring appeared under Ning Rongrong's feet and slowly shrank.

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