The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 178 Lake of Life, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm

Before Yu Tianming finished speaking, the Titan Ape's eyes were already covered by a layer of blood.

"Ah ah ah, let's bury Sister Xiao Wu with her, Titan's sky will break!!"

Just hearing a huge roar, the charred giant beast suddenly raised its fists and rushed towards Yu Tianming with a ferocious face. The dazzling yellow light condensed into a point on its fist, and the terrifying soul power aura also violently agitated in the air. It was obvious that the Titan ape, which had lost its mind, had tried its best.

Yu Tianming smiled slightly and uttered four big words again: "The real dragon caress the world."

A ball of dazzling white flames appeared out of thin air, completely surrounding the Titan ape that jumped into the air. This move is also the soul skill brought to Yu Tianming by Azure Bull Python. It can ignore the space and cause huge damage to the enemy, which is impossible to avoid.

After receiving this move, the Titan Giant Ape couldn't help but dissipate the big move condensed in his hand into the vitality of heaven and earth. The force of the attack was suddenly released. He staggered and knelt down facing the ground. Then his upper body also fell to the ground. On the ground, the huge hairy head was less than 5 meters away from Yu Tianming and the others.

Yu Tianming turned sideways and looked at Dugu Yan, who was a little nervous, and said gently: "Yan Yan, go ahead and give your seventh soul ring the final blow."

When Dugu Yan saw that the battle was over, he did not choose to end the life of the Titan Ape. Instead, he looked at Yu Tianming with surprise and said seriously: "Tianming, what did you mean by what you just said to the Titan Ape? Xiao Wu Is it a 100,000-year-old flesh and bone charm rabbit, Rongrong absorbed her soul ring and rose to level 60? "

Yu Tianming nodded and said slowly: "Yes, I have known for a long time that Xiao Wu is the incarnation of a hundred thousand year soul beast. Because her identity was exposed, I simply let her be sacrificed to Rongrong. But in front of me The Titan Giant Ape is Xiao Wu’s partner.”

Dugu Yan nodded and took a step forward. At the same time, his whole body entered the spirit-possessed state, and the possessed soul bone dropped by the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger behind him began to swing slowly.

Although the Titan Giant Ape has lost consciousness, as a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, its body is still extremely tough. Even the Soul Saint with weak attack power cannot harm it. However, Dugu Yan has experienced two years of experience in the Killing City. He has an extremely deep understanding of the human body's weaknesses. The physical structure of the Titan ape is not much different from that of humans, so Dugu Yan naturally knows where the weak points of its defense are.

I saw Dugu Yan Shiran walking to the side of the Titan ape's head. The evil thorns behind him slowly stretched out, inserted into the Titan ape's ear hole, and slowly came to the vicinity of the brain along the ear canal. The sharp thorns The tail stinger suddenly started piercing and stirring.

A red soul ring slowly emerged.

Seeing this, Dugu Yan slowly pulled out the Evil God Thorn from the Titan Ape's ear hole, and then flicked it suddenly. The unknown red and white liquid stained at the end of the tail spine disappeared without a trace in an instant, and Duxie God Spike reappeared. Become as clean as white jade. Immediately, the evil god's thorn that stretched to five meters away retracted behind Dugu Yan and turned into a tail of about one meter.

"Tianming, do you want to absorb this hundred thousand year soul ring directly?" He looked at Yu Tianming with an anxious expression.

Yu Tianming said patiently, "Of course, go quickly, I will protect you."

Hearing this, Dugu Yan immediately crossed his legs on the ground and pulled the crimson 100,000-year-old soul ring to his body. Although Dugu Yan had already absorbed several soul bones, the moment she began to absorb this hundred thousand year soul ring, she couldn't stop shaking violently.

Yu Tianming narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Dugu Yan with a look full of surprise. You must know that even after Tang San went through the water fire fairy grass body refining and absorbed the Xiao Wu soul ring and two hundred thousand year soul bones, he was still absorbing He almost died when he got the seventh hundred thousand year spirit ring, and what Tang San absorbed was the hundred thousand years provided by the god-given spirit ring. Although Dugu Yan now has a few soul bones, she must know that what she is facing now is the soul ring dropped by the Titan Giant Ape. The difficulty of absorbing it is who knows how much greater than Tang San, but she can still barely hold on for a moment.

While surprised, in order to prevent Dugu Yan from exploding to death at the next moment, Yu Tianming waved his hand and released a ray of white light into Dugu Yan's body.

How could a dead hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast be able to fight against Yu Tianming who had stepped into the realm of gods? The 100,000-year-old soul beast energy that was originally raging inside Dugu Yan's body, ready to begin destruction, all calmed down after encountering this sacred aura. Even the titan ape's undissipated soul disappeared without a trace. It turned into pure spiritual energy and integrated into Duguyan's body.

Feeling the pure soul power in his body becoming extremely docile and without the ability to resist, Dugu Yan's lips curved into a smile, absorbing this massive amount of soul power with a spring breeze on his face.

This absorption lasted until noon of the next day.

"Is this the power of a 100,000-year-old soul beast? I seem to have broken through directly to level 76, and I'm just a little short of breaking through to level 77." Dugu Yan slowly opened his closed eyes, looking at him in surprise. Yu Tianming asked.

Even if the seventh soul ring is absorbed according to the limit of 5,000 years, it will only increase her soul power by two levels, but this 100,000-year-old soul beast has increased her soul power by four levels. You must know that the farther back you are, the more difficult it is to improve your soul power. Duguyan can obtain so much improvement, which shows that the energy contained in the Titan ape's body is huge.

Yu Tianming nodded, and with a casual move, a khaki trunk bone from the Titan ape's body flew to his hand, "Yanyan, a hundred thousand year old soul beast will definitely produce soul bones, and it will definitely produce souls." The part of the soul bone that the master is missing, you are lucky, the Titan Giant Ape actually produced a torso bone. "

Dugu Yan took the soul bone and looked at it carefully. He saw that the soul bone was yellowish brown and the material was extremely crystal clear. As soon as he touched the soul bone, he could feel the gravity around it that was several times stronger than the outside world.

"Yes, now I only have the skull and left leg bones left to assemble a complete set of soul bones."

"You have long nights and many dreams, so absorb this soul bone as soon as possible."

Dugu Yan nodded slightly, and under the guidance of his own soul power, the soul bone turned into an earthy yellow stream of light and shot into his body. At the same time, Yu Tianming released a stream of light again, helping Dugu Yan quickly integrate this soul bone into himself.

"As expected of a hundred thousand year old soul bone, it actually has such powerful skills."

After half a stick of incense, Dugu Yan pressed his chest with one hand and said excitedly to the two people beside him: "This soul bone has brought me two soul skills. One of them is Titan Sky Break, which can compress a large amount of energy in an instant. Energy is an attack that can condense the power of the whole body. The second is gravity quagmire, which can instantly increase or decrease gravity within a certain range. The gravity effect produced by the skill range is very powerful."

"That's right," Yu Tianming nodded: "These two soul skills just give you the explosive power you need most, as well as a wide range of control capabilities. Now you have no shortcomings..."

As soon as Yu Tianming finished speaking, Dugu Yan shouted excitedly: "Tianming, let me show you the true body of the martial spirit I just obtained."

The red seventh soul ring under Dugu Yan's feet instantly began to flicker, and Dugu Yan himself turned into a large dark green snake more than ten feet long, coiled into a ball. She is slightly smaller than Dugu Bo and her color is darker, but her jade-like dark green scales and her meandering graceful posture all tell that she is not a martial spirit of the same level as the Jade Scaled Snake Emperor.

"This feeling is so strange. It seems that I have really turned into a giant python, and my strength has suddenly increased a lot." The dark green giant snake opened its mouth slightly and asked in a clear voice: "But why, Tianming, your martial soul's true body is so big, and my martial soul's true body is so small? In front of you, it's like a bug..."

Yu Tianming shook his head and chuckled: "This may be due to the different attributes of the martial soul..."

"Brother Tianming, you agreed to take me to hunt for the soul ring. Now that Sister Yanyan has absorbed the 100,000-year-old soul ring, where is my soul ring?" Before Yu Tianming could finish speaking, Ning Rongrong shook his head. He asked, holding her arm aside.

"Don't worry, your soul ring is not far from us."

As Yu Tianming finished speaking, the three of them appeared out of thin air in the center of the core area of ​​the Star Forest.

There are no towering trees here, only an extremely large lake. The breeze is pleasant, the lake surface is like a mirror, and a trace of life is diffused around the lake. The lake is extremely large and stretches for several miles. The turquoise water seems to have gathered the vitality of the entire Star Forest, making people indulge in it.

"It's really spectacular. I didn't expect there to be such a big lake in the center of the Star Forest." Dugu Yan looked at the huge lake and was slightly lost in thought.

Ning Rongrong took a deep breath of air and said happily: "No wonder this place is occupied by a hundred thousand year soul beast. The pleasant air alone is incomparable to other places."

Looking at the two women immersed in the beautiful scenery, Yu Tianming smiled slightly, pointed to the lake and said: "Here lives the real overlord of the Star Forest, and the Titans and the like are just a few watchdogs. Rongrong , your soul ring is in this lake."

As soon as Yu Tianming finished speaking, before the two women could react, a violent spatial fluctuation suddenly spread out with Yu Tianming as the origin.

Just hearing a click, a vortex appeared out of thin air in the center of the Lake of Life, which was originally extremely calm. As soon as this vortex was formed, it calmed down again within a few breaths. At this time, Yu Tianming actually appeared out of thin air. A huge white meat ball, and an extremely obscene voice also sounded:

"What happened? I escaped from that ghost place and saw the sun again? It's a pity that I don't know how to shed tears, otherwise I would have burst into tears!"

I saw a white silkworm with a diameter of more than one meter and a length of more than seven meters, twisting its body under Yu Tianming's feet. The entire body of this giant silkworm is white jade, crystal clear, with no flaws on its smooth skin, and a halo flowing under the epidermis. There is even a pair of small golden eyes on the head. This guy who was definitely a soul beast actually looked like a silkworm baby. It's just that it's many times larger than an ordinary silkworm baby.

With its appearance, a layer of frost suddenly appeared on the ground in front of them, and the icy chill made Ning Rongrong, the weakest person in cultivation, shiver several times.

"Human, get your stinky feet away from me, I'm..."

Before it could finish its words, several extremely powerful auras suddenly erupted from under the lake. In terms of power, they were much stronger than the Titan Giant Ape. Seeing this, Yu Tianming's eyes narrowed slightly, and with a calm wave of his sleeves, Dugu Yan, Ning Rongrong and the giant silkworm at their feet disappeared together.

In the water world, three people and one beast suddenly appeared on the vast blue silver grassland.

Feeling the sudden change in the space, the huge silkworm baby slowly raised his body and looked at Yu Tianming with confusion: "Is this a transfer space? To be able to transfer with Brother Tianmeng, you are definitely one of the humans who has at least achieved the title of Dou. A strong man in the Luo realm, why can’t I feel your cultivation?”

"This giant silkworm can actually talk. Is this the sixth soul ring prepared for me?" Ning Rongrong covered her mouth and looked at the giant silkworm in front of her in surprise. It would be normal for a hundred thousand year soul beast to be able to speak, but this guy looks like a weakling at first glance, how can he still speak? The tone is so obscene.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am the embodiment of hero and chivalry. I am the king of soul beasts with equal emphasis on wisdom and beauty. I am a peerless powerhouse. I have been practicing for millions of years and have set the record for the longest lifespan in Douluo Continent. Well, You can call me Brother Tianmeng! "

"Million-year soul beast?" Ning Rongrong and Dugu Yan asked in unison

"That's right," Tianmeng Bingcan nodded, and the extremely obscene voice continued to sound, "Brother is an unprecedented million-year-old soul beast. Are you fascinated by my beautiful body?"

Looking at the Tianming Ice Silkworm in front of him, Ning Rongrong slowly showed a disgusted expression, turned to look at Yu Tianming, and asked with a cry: "This soul beast is so wretched, how can I treat it as my own soul ring?" Is it okay?”

Yu Tianming patted Ning Rongrong's back and laughed softly: "I don't know who it looks like. It is obviously a soul beast, but it is so wretched. But it is right, this is indeed a million-year soul beast. In his current state, he probably won’t live for more than a few thousand years, so it’s just right for you to have as a soul ring.”

"Although I only have 10,000 years to live, not everyone can let me turn into a soul ring voluntarily. Especially for a little girl like you who dislikes me, I won't give you a soul ring even if I die. "After hearing Yu Tianming's words, Tianmeng Bingcan raised his head and said rather arrogantly.

Ten thousand years is almost an infinite time for ordinary people, but for Tianming Ice Silkworm, it is not much different from imminent death.

"Are you sure you are not willing to sacrifice even if you die?" Yu Tianming frowned, and an extremely powerful aura suddenly burst out. This unrivaled killing intent made Tianmeng Bingsi immediately stiffen his body, and his two pairs of small eyes He immediately showed a human look of fear.

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