The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 184 Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind, Creation, Existence, Destruction, and Emergence

The dead space from the soul bone of the Mountain Dragon King was originally a vast darkness. Its function was to bear the attack for Yu Tianming, transfer and disperse the enemy's damage to this huge dead space, which could be regarded as a god-level defensive soul skill.

In addition, it could be used as a large storage ring at most, storing a lot of items.

But after absorbing the soul bone of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, this million-year soul beast with some time and space attributes, this dark and dead space actually expanded several times, and a large amount of water attribute soul power poured in, and this empty area was filled with vast sea water.

It was at this time that Yu Tianming suddenly had an idea in his mind to transform this dead space into a small world.

The mission given to the Mountain Dragon King by the Dragon God was to turn himself into a continent and fill the vast sea of ​​Dragon God Star. Yu Tianming used the second soul bone skill of the Mountain Dragon King - earth element control with all his strength, and countless soils rose at the bottom of the world and began to rise continuously, so that the vast continent rose in the vast sea.

As the earth bulged in the ocean, the scorching fireball created by the fifth soul skill, the Gilded Sun, also flew over the world. Endless light and heat began to light up the world, and the brightness and darkness of the fireball also created the day and night rotation of the world.

Since then, the dead space controlled by Yu Tianming has become a water world, and a small world with perfect laws has also taken shape.

Now that the right leg bone dropped by the Red King has been absorbed, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth have gathered together. This world seems to have put together the last puzzle. With the supply of Yu Tianming's soul skills and the guidance of some directional evolution, earth-shaking changes in the water world began to occur one by one.

Originally, the water world was only a thousand miles in radius, and the "sun" above his head was just a fireball made by Yu Tianming. For a strong man who travels thousands of miles a day, this world is just a bigger room, and the so-called "sun" above his head is just a big light bulb.

But after the five elements gathered, this world began to expand rapidly, and the edge of the vast ocean began to extend continuously. The suddenly expanded space caused the ocean to rise hundreds of meters high, rushing madly to the edge of the world. While the space expanded rapidly, the depth of the ocean did not decrease. On the contrary, countless seawater began to surge out of thin air, and actually raised the original depth of the ocean several times.

In a flash, the small world that was originally a thousand miles in radius doubled a hundred times and quickly expanded to hundreds of thousands of miles in radius.

This space is not only expanding horizontally, but also expanding in all directions. The originally low sky has also risen to an incredible height. If you jump out of this world and look carefully, you will find that the water world is mixed as one, and it is actually an absolutely neat sphere. The expansion of space is the process of the continuous expansion of this sphere.

There are no living things in the water world except the blue silver grass, but if there are sea soul beasts in the vast ocean, you will find that the bottom of the water world is not soil, but the barrier of the world. But at this moment, as the world expanded, the earth began to rise from the ocean. Under the ocean was no longer the deep world wall, but hard rocks, thick soil, and loose sand.

While the earth was rising, the island in the center of the world did not expand with it, but also rose into a peak of thousands of feet.

On the contrary, the land around the world began to rise in the ocean and continued to rise, forming thousands of feet and tens of thousands of feet of steep peaks at the edge of the world. If someone was lucky enough to come to the edge of the world, they could only see endless peaks deep into the sky.

At the midpoint between the center and the edge of the world, continents rose in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast. These continents are different from the small islands with a radius of hundreds of miles in the center. Each of them has a radius of thousands of miles. On the continent, high mountains rise, strange peaks stand in rows, and countless lakes are dotted among them.

Feeling this empty continent, Yu Tianming secretly had a little inspiration in his heart: if the world is stable and clouds become rain, these four pieces of land will naturally have countless rivers. If plants are sown, a green continent will appear in a short time. If humans live in it, it will not take long for this continent to become a paradise.

The space expanded hundreds of times, and the sky, which was originally suspended above the earth and only a thousand miles away, began to rise rapidly.

In just a few breaths, the fireball that was originally like the sun, bringing light and heat to the water world, rose to the endless sky and became as insignificant as a grain of rice. The originally bright world was gradually shrouded in darkness.

But before it completely entered the darkness, this grain of rice-like light quickly expanded and expanded, turning into a huge fireball of dozens of miles, lighting up the world that was about to fall into darkness again.

This world is a round sphere. Above the sun, at the top of the world, clouds filled with divine power slowly emerged and gathered together. While blocking most of the sun's light and heat, they extended layer by layer to the highest point of the world.

While the highest point of the world changed, cavities began to form at the bottom of the world, tens of thousands of miles deep underground, and countless star-like cavities were connected into one piece. Like the countless heavens in the sky, layers of dark worlds like pancakes have also formed under the earth.

Since then, the original water world has truly evolved into a complete small world.

After the soul and bone merged, Yu Tianming, who had just been promoted to the 100th-level priest, now began to soar rapidly during the rotation of the five elements in the small world. In just a few breaths, his cultivation soared to 110, reaching the level of a third-level god.

In the lakeside villa of Landian Overlord Sect's back mountain, Yu Tianming sat cross-legged on the ground, quietly observing the mountains, rivers, lakes, and blue waters of this world. I thought to myself: The current area of ​​the water world can probably accommodate the entire population of Douluo Planet. Maybe it is time for it to change its name.

What would be a good name for this newly formed world?

An idea flashed in Yu Tianming's mind, and he suddenly thought of the Dragon God back then, as well as Tang San's grandson Lan Xuanyu in the original work, and said softly in his heart: From now on, this world will be called the Dragon God Realm...

The world has evolved, and just when Yu Tianming was about to leave, something unexpected happened.

The sun in the Dragon God Realm began to dim, the continent began to collapse inch by inch, and the ocean set off endless waves. The clouds above the nine heavens dissipated, the various spaces deep in the earth collapsed, and the newly established Dragon God Realm suddenly began to enter destruction. When the sun fell, the earth shrank, and the oceans dried up, the world returned to its original appearance of a dead space, even so dead that everything was empty. There is no sound, no light or darkness, no past or future, everything has ceased to exist.

The reincarnation of all kalpas is empty, and the dust and sand in the universe cannot be excluded.

For a moment, Yu Tianming suddenly had a realization in his heart: Nothing can be eternal, and the only constant is change itself. This is true for humans, gods, and the world is no exception.

A world is established, continues, destroyed, turns into nothingness, and then transforms into a new world again to start a new reincarnation. In Buddhism, this process is called the four stages of creation, existence, destruction, and emptiness, which are the four kalpas. The Dragon God Realm that had just been established quickly completed the four stages of becoming, living, and becoming empty, and turned into endless nothingness.

While Yu Tianming was meditating, a mysterious energy suddenly flashed in this void world. Earth, water, fire and wind filled the whole world again. The sun took shape, the mountains rose, and the sea water began to gush out of the void. The sharp wind traveled through the world, causing the seawater to surge into huge waves. The solid earth was torn apart with scars, and the scattered sand and stones also blocked most of the sun's brilliance.

Looking at the mysterious energy scattered in the world, Yu Tianming's heart skipped a beat and he thought to himself: Could it be that when the Dragon God passed it on to me, he also gave me the most important thing?

The Dragon God is the oldest soul beast and the oldest life in the world. At the beginning of the world, by chance, the Dragon God came into contact with some of the most original and core forces in the universe - destruction and creation. born. Since then, the Dragon God's bloodline has continued to sublimate and evolve. While its body has been strengthened to the extreme, it has also gradually mastered the nine attributes of water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, space, time and stability. In the end, the two major gods of creation and destruction were achieved, and Yilong possessed two supreme divine positions.

When Yu Tianming accepted the Dragon God's inheritance, in the dazzling Dragon God soul, there was a nine-color spherical crystal, the condensation of all the essence of the Dragon God - the core of the Dragon God was quietly broken, although most of the energy in it was dissipated. In the small world of Longgu, a wisp of mysterious energy merged into Yu Tianming's body without him knowing it.

After many years, when the world in Yu Tianming's body collapsed and became empty, a little energy from the birth of the universe quietly appeared, and the Dragon God Realm began to repeat itself.


There are no years in cultivation, no years in the cold or the heat.

Compared with the collapse of the Dragon God Realm that was completed within a few dozen breaths, the reconstruction of the world this time was much slower, and several months passed in the blink of an eye.

For several months, Yu Tianming was as motionless as a stone statue. His body was covered with fine dust. If there was no trace of breath left, he would be no different from a corpse.

"The young master is already covered with dust. Should we clean him up?" Ah Zi looked at the dusty Yu Tianming and said softly to Ah Zhu who was cleaning the house beside him.

A'Zhu, who was taking care of the Blue Silver Emperor, turned around, looked at the two of them and said solemnly: "Although the young master is covered in dust and does not look clean, the dust will not affect the young master's health, and it is not a serious problem. If The young master is at a critical moment in his cultivation. If we make arbitrary decisions and affect the young master's cultivation, then we will be guilty. "

Hearing this, Azi nodded, then said no more and accompanied her sister to clean the room.

Yu Tianming fell into practice. For the safety of the young master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, the lakeside villa had removed the aunt who was sweeping the floor and replaced it with the two nobles. In the lakeside villa, not only the nobles stayed behind, but Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong also stayed here. However, as maids, the nobles took over the basic cleaning work.

Although the two of them had low innate soul power, they followed Yu Tianming since childhood and absorbed the ninth-grade purple zhizhi, a precious medicine that had not yet become an immortal herb. They each took a plant with water and fire attributes before following Yu Tianming to Poseidon Island. Xiancao, after nearly ten years of experience, although the two of them are less than 25 years old, one of them has reached Soul Douluo, and the other is a level 80 Soul Saint.

In the Douluo Continent where there are only about 20 Titled Douluo, they are already the top combat power. In addition, the two of them have practiced martial soul fusion skills for many years in the Ice and Fire Eyes. It is difficult for ordinary Titled Douluo to parry them. .

After the simple cleaning was completed, Ah Zi sat on the sofa in the room, looked at Yu Tianming who was practicing and murmured: "My strength has been at level 80 for an unknown amount of time. When the young master comes out, will my sister be able to do it?" Will it have reached level 90?”

Azhu shook her head, and while doing the final arrangement, she chuckled and said, "You are the descendant of the Sea God. When you reach the Title Douluo, you can start the Sea God Divine Test. If you lag behind in cultivation, you will catch up soon. I can't compare with you. I can only rely on my own cultivation to get the opportunity to become a god."

"This is different. You absorbed the inner elixir of the Ten-Headed Fiery Sun Snake on the seventh soul ring, and accepted the sacrifice of the fierce beast Red King on the eighth soul ring. The martial soul has evolved differently. Originally, the two of us were green and red dragons, but now you have become a nine-headed dragon. When the martial souls merged, I already felt the difference clearly."

Hearing A Zi's complaints, Azhu shook her head and said nothing more.

The Ten-Headed Fiery Sun Snake, a primitive alien species that cries like a baby crying, is based on the Nine Infants in "Huainanzi Ben Jingxun", a snake-shaped water and fire monster that can spray water and spit fire. Its cry is like a baby crying, and it has nine heads, so it is called the Nine Infants. The ten-headed scorching sun snake and Ma Hongjun's fire phoenix have nothing in common, except for a little fire attribute. However, after taking the inner elixir, Ma Hongjun's martial soul actually evolved into a ten-headed fire phoenix, which shows how effective the inner elixir is.

Ah Zhu's martial soul, the red dragon, was originally evolved from a snake. While its main attribute is fire, it also has a spiritual attribute that is the same as the ten-headed scorching sun snake. Therefore, after absorbing the inner elixir of the ten-headed scorching sun snake, her martial soul immediately evolved. However, she did not become a ten-headed dragon like Ma Hongjun, but turned into a nine-headed dragon with a more stable form.

While the original fire attribute and spiritual attribute were greatly improved, the physical strength and vitality were also greatly enhanced. If her nine heads could not be cut off at the same time, it would be impossible to kill her completely. Successfully transformed from a sensitive attack assassin to a meat-clad warrior.

While the two took a short break, Yu Tianming's strength began to rise as the dragon realm in his body reenacted earth, water, fire and wind, breaking through level 120 and moving towards level 130.

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