Xu Shu asked puzzledly: "Why did Guan Yu and Zhang Fei try to exchange their followers for Liu Bei's release in the valley before, but you didn't agree, big brother?"

Liu Ang replied: "That's just getting two shells." "

Besides, it was impossible for Liu Bei to agree. "

After all, his biggest capital is his two brothers. "

Xu Shu lowered his head and pondered.


Liu Ang found the serfs and craftsmen of Qiaojiawu Fort.

Ask about the iron ore and coal found before.

After some inquiry, I learned that the bridge family often has these things in and out.

It came from somewhere in Xiapi, like the surname of the steward.

"Surname Mi?" Xu Shu frowned.

"Why haven't I heard of this last name?".

"It's still the ...... that deliberately kept his name incognito."

His thoughts grew deeper and deeper.

After thinking for a while, Liu Ang ordered: "Yuan Zhi, give you a task." "

"Big brother, please speak. Xu Shu's face was straight.

"Go to Xiapi City, look for Mi Jia, buy iron ore and coal. Liu Ang commanded.

"If the Mi family asks, you say it's the nephew of the Qiaomao clan. "

"Qiaojiawu Fort has been breached, and you, the nephew who has returned from traveling all over the world, continue to contact the two coal and iron matters. "

"As for the rest of the information, I'll write a copy, and you memorize it carefully. "

Xu Shu frowned, "This...... Will it work?".

"The Mi family won't interrogate more?"

"It's not so easy to cheat on such a big deal, right?"

Liu Ang smiled: "Now the world is chaotic and communication is not smooth. "

"It's normal for messages to be biased. "

"And ......".

He paused slightly and continued: "How can this kind of trading of coal and iron be brought to the table?"

"Others don't know the details at all. "

"As long as you say something vague, the other party will naturally make up what you mean. "

"Whether you can succeed or not, it depends on your straightforward acting skills. "

He patted Xu Shu on the shoulder.

"The coal and iron ore seized last time have been exhausted. "

"The weapon upgrades of all the people in Liangshan are all tied to Yuan Zhi alone. "

"You...... Can it be done?".

Xu Shu straightened his waist and said, "Don't worry, big brother, I will go all out!"

"Good. Liu Ang encouraged.

"Leading troops into battle to kill the enemy is a kind of war feat, and secretly designing a plan is also a war feat. "

"I hope that Yuan Zhi can become a literary general in the future. "

"Killing is invisible, and winning is thousands of miles away. "

"Killing people invisibly?" Xu Shu lowered his head and pondered, and then his eyes lit up.

"Big brother don't worry!".

He raised his head and said firmly: "I will definitely work harder in the future." "

"Strive to win thousands of miles away!".

Liu Ang told Xu Shu various information and key words.

Xu Shu took two entourages and went out of the village.

Yu Ban saw everything in his eyes.

Liu Ang's absolute trust, Xu Shu's confidant and desperate.

All deeply shook his heart.

If this story is placed in officialdom, it will definitely be passed down as a good story.


He sighed, how did things come to this?

Le Jin, who was standing on the side, reprimanded: "What are you sighing at the iron-faced judge?"

"I used to think that Liang Shan was extremely evil, and he actually pretended to be my name to hurt heaven and reason. "

"But the more I get in touch, the more I feel the greatness of the owner. "

"Why are you still hesitating?"

"Why don't you hurry up and worship in the cottage?"

Yu Ban was silent.

Dian Wei asked curiously, "Brother Wen Qian, why do you call this iron-faced judge?"

Le Jin replied: "It's not like this guy is talking about it on the other side of the forge. "

"Punish people, that's called a ruthless. "

"You can't make any mistake as small as a hair. "

"Those craftsmen privately call him the Iron Mask Judge!"

"Brother Dian Wei, itchy hands, let's play a few rounds!".

As he spoke, Le Jin took two wooden sticks and handed them over.

Dian Wei said helplessly: "Wen Qian, you are not wrong at all. "

"Isn't it enough to be beaten?"

Le Jin disagreed, "The owner of the village has taught that if you want to learn to beat people, you must first learn to be beaten." "

"All kinds of killing skills on the battlefield are accumulated in peacetime. "

"I'm going to keep trying. "

His gaze became extremely determined.

"The two big men captured this time, one is more powerful than the other. "

"I don't want to be left behind. "

Dian Wei shook his head and said, "The three Liu Bei brothers are not all the way with us. "

"Their hearts are always on the side of the court. "

He looked at Liu Ang, who was leaving, and continued in a low voice.

"I don't know what the eldest brother did with the three brothers......".

Yu Ban's eyes flickered, and his thoughts flickered.


"Happy, fucking happy!!".

In the wilderness, Zhang Fei looked up to the sky and roared.

"I've never seen such a handy farm tool!"

"If the people had such farming tools, wouldn't the rate of land development be greatly increased?"

As he spoke, he waved the iron pickaxe in his hand again and again, and in one breath he cut open a large piece of wasteland.

It will be much easier to deal with it later.

Guan Yu said while working hard:

"Yide thought simply. "

"As soon as the people carved out a new land with their front feet, their hind feet were confiscated by the officials who came. "

"In the past, when I was in my hometown, I was appointed because of the land, so I ended up in the rivers and lakes. "

Guan Yu stopped his hand and said with a slight wipe of sweat.

"Yide, you are a rich family, raising pigs and slaughtering pigs, and you can't understand the hardships of the people at the bottom. "

Zhang Fei scratched his head, "Yun Chang, you said this, I've heard of some of it." "

"I can only say that I can't empathize with things that I haven't experienced personally. "


He let out a long sigh and slammed his pickaxe into the wasteland.

"There are so many fields in the world, why can't everyone have a field to plant? "

"Do you have food for every household?"

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