Suddenly, over three hundred red cavalry soldiers came out of the north gate of Gao Yi County and sped towards the north. Yuan Shao's subordinate, the Great General Zhang He stood on top of the city wall, watching the group of people disappear in the distance, he was not tall, but he was extremely strong, with a square face, thick eyebrows, and thick lips, looking extremely imposing.

Zhang He's martial arts were brilliant, he had made great contributions in suppressing the yellow-robed army, and was later valued highly by the previous Magistrate of Ji, Han Fu. Zhang He had once requested to lead his army to the north to attack the Army of Heishan, but Han Fu was as timid as a mouse, and did not dare to start a fight. After that, when Gongsun Zan's army pressed down on the border, he gave the Jizhou to Yuan Shao with his hands folded. However, because of the old mistress Han Fu, Zhang He was not trusted by him. This time, he finally had a chance to lead his troops out alone. Zhang He was extremely careful, and was prepared to use this victory to declare his strength and loyalty to Yuan Shao.

"Brother Jun, why do you think that Gongsun Zan has never gone south?" Tian Feng stroked his beard and turned to ask Zhang He.

Tian Feng had a beautiful appearance, with a foot long beard dancing in the wind, making him look extremely elegant. This man was a doe man, he was the same as Zhang He, and had previously served under the Jizhou. Back then, when Han Fu insisted that Yuan Shao take over the Jizhou to fight Gongsun Zan, Tian Feng had urged Han Fu to bring the wolf into the house repeatedly, but Han Fu refused to listen to her words, and lost the Jizhou in the end and died in a foreign land.

After Yuan Shao occupied more than half of the Jizhou, and after hearing that Tian Feng's reputation was prominent, he personally came twice to request for help, which was why Tian Feng had agreed to serve Yuan Shao. It was a pity that Yuan Shao was magnanimous on the outside, but was unruly on the outside. After occupying the Jizhou, he had become overbearing on his own, and Tian Feng had been admonishing him on many occasions but he had been rejected by Yuan Shao on many occasions. Furthermore, Guo Tu, Xu You and the others had secretly entered into the chatterbox.

"As far as I know, the Army of Heishan is not an iron board, and Gongsun Zan is very powerful. Therefore, I believe that Gongsun Zan has not come from the south yet. After Zhang He finished speaking, he asked with a smile: "What does Brother Yuan Hao think?"

"Jun Yi and I think the same thing." Tian Feng gave a slight smile and paused for a moment: "Although Yuan Shijun deliberately hides the truth that I, Han Fu, am from an old man, I still noticed some clues. I think that there are already people in the Army of Heishan who have pledged allegiance to Yuan Shijun, and their statuses are very high, which is why Yuan Shijun is so hundred times more confident in this battle! That Gongsun Zan was a hero amongst men, even if he did not realise this fact, he would still shake the mountain and intimidate the generals of Army of Heishan, thereby firmly grasping the military power. Say something that you shouldn't, if we lose this battle, Army of Heishan will definitely follow Gongsun Zan's lead! At that time, Gongsun Zan will lead an army of a million soldiers, who in the world can be his match? "

"It is said that the Youzhou is currently extremely wealthy, and not a single person has starved to death this winter. It is a pity that we have not seen it with our own eyes, and we do not know whether it is true or false. "If what I said was true, then Gongsun Zan is rich and have people, even if Yuan Shijun has internal support, I am afraid." Zhang He shook his head, he would do his best to win, but he was not optimistic about the outcome.

Tian Feng frowned: "The wealth of the Youzhou are just salt and iron. My people have been to the Youzhou and have seen the scene of the Tianjin Salt Yard shipping salt out from afar. According to him, it is said that the salt production rate is more than fifty thousand kilograms per month, which is about the same as Youzhou's tax collection throughout the year. Furthermore, the iron furnaces there produce astonishing amounts of refined steel, and the steel produced in three months is comparable to the entire year of Jizhou. It is said that all of this is because of Gongsun Xu, and the people of Youzhou have heard of this man giving pointers to the gods. "

Zhang He laughed: "I have also heard of this rumor, but I wonder if it's true or not?"

"So what if it's real or fake?" Tian Feng asked, "I have seen some of Gongsun Xu's deeds, he is truly a man of both wisdom and courage! Only that brute Qu Yi would believe that Gongsun Xu was a silkpants son of a b * tch, what happened in the end? "

"Qu Yi's death seems to be …" Zhang He's frown deepened as he whispered, "There seems to be something else going on. That day, when Qu Yi left, he brought a group of people with him to follow him out of the city."

"Jun Yi!" Tian Feng interrupted Zhang He and whispered: "I will only do my best to not probe too much into other things! If it reaches Yuan Shijun's ears. "

"Yuan Hao is right!" Zhang He was shocked, and quickly changed the topic, "How many troops does Gongsun Zan think will bring this time?"

Tian Feng sighed: "Wu Huan and Xianbei People are all obedient because of Gongsun Zanfuzi, Liaodong Gongsun Du also has no intention of advancing to the west, Gongsun Zan has completely given up on worries, and will probably go all out this time, my rough estimation is probably not less than 50,000 elite soldiers! Furthermore the Youzhou accepts a large number of refugees. If Gongsun Zanfuzi is willing, he could probably pull three to five hundred thousand people at any time. "

"Speaking of this, I really admire Gongsun Zanfuzi!" Zhang He could not help but come closer and whisper. "As soldiers of the Great Han Dynasty, who doesn't want to conquer the foreign races and conquer the lands?"

"Jun Yi, could it be that you want to …" Tian Feng looked at Zhang He with an extremely shocked expression.

"Brother Yuan Hao has misunderstood!" Zhang He quickly waved his hand, and quietly explained with his head lowered: "Why would I be like that Lv Bu, a three-surnamed family servant? It was just a feeling. As long as Gongsun Zanfuzi dares to come to Gao Yi, they will definitely be smashed by Gongsun Zanfuzi! "

Just as Tian Feng was about to speak, he suddenly pointed outside the city and screamed, "Jun Yi, look over there!"

Zhang He raised his head and saw two groups of people five to six kilometers away. The group of people that he had sent out just now were fleeing in panic, and in this short period of time, only a small half of the people remained. They were being chased by two to three thousand black armored cavalrymen with a big flag in their hands. They were the rumored White Horse Camp.

Zhang He immediately raised his arms and shouted: "Archers, quickly get ready, cover us brothers and return to the city!"

There were over one thousand and five hundred archers stationed at the top of the city wall, accounting for forty percent of the archers under Zhang He's command. When they heard the order, they drew their bows and aimed their arrows at the outside of the city.

In the time it took for half an incense stick to burn, the group of unlucky riders had reached the city, the White Horse Camp following closely behind seemed to want to take the opportunity to attack the city.

"Release the arrows!" Zhang He shouted.

In that instant, arrows rained down like rain, shooting towards the gap between the two squads.

"Stop!" The one leading White Horse Camp Cavalry was none other than Gongsun Xu himself. Seeing the arrows being shot out from the city, he immediately ordered the entire army to halt.

The cavalry that numbered close to three thousand came to a complete stop after only ten steps, and their formation was not messy at all.

Zhang He and Tian Feng gasped, the cavalry of the White Horse Camp were actually this elite, it seemed like they were even stronger than the ones who went up to camp first! He had previously thought that Qu Yi's death was due to him encountering an ambush from the White Horse Camp. Now, it seemed that even if their numbers were equal, he would not necessarily be able to defeat his opponent even if he entered the camp first.

White Horse Camp stopped her pursuit, and the remaining 100 over people rushed into the city, and Zhang He immediately ordered the city gates to be closed.

The leading officer rushed to the top of the city walls and knelt in front of Zhang He to beg for forgiveness.

"What's going on?" Zhang He frowned and asked.

The marquis lowered his head and replied in a low voice, "Reporting to the general, we have just walked seven or eight miles to the north when we ran into the enemy. We were caught unprepared and were defeated by a single charge!" This subordinate is incapable, please punish him! "

"Stand up, this is not your fault, it is this general's negligence."

"Thank you, General!"

"The enemy's combat power is very strong?" Zhang He waited for him to stand up before asking.

"Yes!" The enemy's elite troops are far stronger than us, and their weapons and armors are also excellent.

Zhang He waved his hand: "Forget it, let's go and rest."

"Here!" "Thank you, General!"

Zhang He pointed to the young black armored general under White Horse Camp's banner and asked: "Brother Yuan Hao, is that person Gongsun Xu?"

"It's him!" Tian Feng nodded and said, "I saw Gongsun Zanfuzi's portrait a while ago."

Zhang He pondered: "Gongsun Xu suddenly bringing an army, could it be that they are here to scout the road?"

"It's very possible! Maybe Gongsun Zan's army will arrive soon. "

At this time, a general left the city and arrived at a place an arrow was shot from before. He shouted loudly, "Protect Academy Officer Wu Huan and his army. Do you dare to go out of the city to fight?"

Zhang He asked loudly: "Who are you?"

The leader shouted: "I am the White Horse Camp, the more I ride the Academy Officer, who are you? "Could it be that he doesn't even dare to say his name?"

Riding on the Academy Officer Zhao Yun! Zhang He and Tian Feng looked at each other, the shock in their eyes, the escaping soldiers had clearly said that Qu Yi was killed by Zhao Yun in a 1v1 fight, it could be seen how powerful his fighting strength was!

Zhang He laughed loudly: "I am's subordinate, Academy Officer Zhang He, and all of you are here to attack the city if you are not afraid of death!"

Zhang He!

After Gongsun Xu heard this name, he couldn't help but stare. This Zhang He was one of the famous generals under Cao Cao's command. He did not expect that Zhang He would be stationed in Gao Xin City. The army of more than a hundred thousand was about to head south. It had taken too long to cross the river from Xiao Qinghe, and they were also vulnerable to attacks from the enemy. The reason why Gongsun Xu had brought his troops here this time around was to check the situation in the Galleon's Lake in advance so that the army that had rushed over later could attack the city from the front.

Zhang Yun laughed coldly, "We only have three thousand men, how dare you all fight! Why didn't he lower his head earlier? In case I lost my life in vain! "

"Why didn't you surrender earlier!" Why didn't you descend earlier! " The three thousand White Horse Camp Cavalry s raised their weapons and rapped them against their armor as they shouted in unison.

Zhang He frowned and remained unmoved, he shouted a few words to stop the rising morale, and ordered the entire army to be on guard, no one is allowed to fight in private.

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