Back then, when the eighteen dukes were fighting against Dong Zhuo, Hua Xiong had consecutively killed a few people in front of their formation. For a time, no one was able to match him, and even Sun Ce's father, the Jiangdong's fierce tiger, had been heavily defeated and returned. At that time, Yuan Shao would exclaim, "Too bad General Yan Liang, Wen Chou is not here yet! "If one person is here, why should I be afraid of Hua Xiong!" From this, it can be seen how important Yan Liang and Wen Chou were in Yuan Shao's heart. However, in terms of martial power, Yan Liangwenchou was definitely weaker than Qu Yi by a bit, if not he would not have allowed Han Fu's old general to firmly sit under Yuan Shao's lead. And now that Qu Yi had been killed by Zhao Yun, it could be seen that Yan Liangwenchou's words were much weaker than Zhao Yun's.

Gongsun Xu frequently sparred with Zhao Yun. If Zhao Yun did not intentionally want him to, Gongsun Xu would not be defeated even after a hundred moves. Compared to him, Gongsun Xu was a hundred times more confident that he could defeat Wen Chou. However, ever since he had arrived in this era, Gongsun Xu had killed many people. And the most famous person in the future, was actually Mi Fang.

Wen Chou's weapon was a three pointed, two bladed large blade, weighing over fifty kilograms.

What Gongsun Xu was still using was that fifty-seven kilogram fine steel spear. He had originally been winning with his own strength, but in the past few months, he had diligently practiced the 'Life Bestowal Spear Art' that Gongsun Zan had created. Not only did his strength increase by a lot, his moves had also become many times more exquisite than before.

Facing Wen Chou's incoming blade, Gongsun Xu did not dodge, but used his spear to block.

With a loud clang, the blades and spears fiercely collided, and sparks flew in all directions. The powerful force was transmitted to the horses beneath them. The two horses whinnied at the same time, and the two of them crossed horses, running forward with their backs facing each other.

The officers on both sides shouted loudly to cheer their generals on. From their point of view, this first round was considered a draw. Only the parties involved knew that this was not the case.

"This guy has a lot of strength!" 'Not like a nameless newbie! ' Wen Chou's palm was painful and numb, he was extremely shocked in his heart.

"Wen Chou's strength is about the same as Zi Long's. In terms of strength, he isn't a match for me!" Gongsun Xu's mind was set, he turned his horse and rushed back.

Wen Chou held back the shock in his heart, turned his horse and rushed over, no longer daring to underestimate Gongsun Xu.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had once again charged thirty to forty steps before arriving in front of each other.

Wen Chou knew that his strength was not as good as his opponent's, and decided to use his techniques to win, thus he did not go all out and slash at Gongsun Xu, instead, he moved in a blur, as though he was going to slash at Gongsun Xu's head, but the slash suddenly turned into a slash and struck right at Gongsun Xu's neck. Since it was a sudden change of move, the strength of the blade was clearly weaker than before and its speed was also slower by quite a bit.

Wen Chou's idea fit with Gongsun Xu's idea, he was just about to test the power of his exquisite Life Bestowal Spear Technique in the battle of life and death, thus when he thrusted out the spear, he also used a feint, aiming straight for Wen Chou's throat.

If Wen Chou insisted on slashing his blade across, Gongsun Xu's long spear would also stab his throat, at that time, no one would be able to do anything about it. The two of them simultaneously realized the intentions of the other party, and hurriedly withdrew their attacks simultaneously. Neither of them wished to perish together with the other party.

Gongsun Xu was a bit faster, just when he lowered his head to dodge Wen Chou's blade, the long spear in his hand had already been swept out like a rod, accompanied by the sound of something tearing through the air.

Wen Chou was shocked, he anxiously used both of his hands to raise his three sharp blades to block!

The two weapons clashed once again, but because Wen Chou was fighting in a rush, his strength was weaker by more than a level! With a clear clang, both of Wen Chou's arms went numb, and the blade in his hands almost flew out of his hands. He was so terrified that he broke out in a cold sweat, and before he could react, Gongsun Xu's second spear had already arrived, and its target was actually his chest!

Wen Chou dodged to the side in a hurry, the spear had almost touched his ribs and slid down! Wen Chou could even feel the cold Qi at the tip of the spear, and instantly, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

Without waiting for Wen Chou to stabilize his body, Gongsun Xu's third spear came striking again, aimed at Wen Chou's chest! Wen Chou used the metal bridge to barely dodge the attack, but before he could completely get up, Gongsun Xu's next spear had already arrived in front of him!

Wen Chou shouted loudly. Helplessly, he once again used the battle method of "mutual destruction", and beheaded Gongsun Xu with one slash.

Gongsun Xu easily blocked the blade with his spear, and the spear once again shot towards Wen Chou's chest like lightning.

Wen Chou was already unable to dodge, and barely dodged to the side. Gongsun Xu's spear grazed past Wen Chou's left shoulder, bringing about a large amount of blood and gore.

Wen Chou's body twitched in pain, but he did not even have the time to cry out in pain, because Gongsun Xu's attacks continued to attack him. As Gongsun Xu's spear danced in the air, it was like a net that tightened even more, firmly encircling Wen Chou in the middle. The latter, other than hurriedly defending and dodging, simply did not have any chance to retaliate!

This was the power of the Crimson Life Spear Art – once an opponent took the first strike, unless the opponent's martial arts was stronger or if the opponent's strength was stronger than the opponent's, there was no chance of retaliation! Back then, when Gongsun Zan taught Gongsun Xu how to use the Life Spear Technique, he was able to gain the upper hand with one move, and then forced Gongsun Xu to retreat one after the other. In the end, even when his back was pressed against the wall, he did not have the slightest chance to counterattack.

In the blink of an eye, Gongsun Xu had already moved a dozen of times. Although Wen Chou could barely block or avoid vital points, every time he dodged a attack, new wounds would continuously appear on his body. At this moment, his upper body was drenched in blood. There were several inches of wounds on his face, and his helmet had fallen to the ground. His hair was scattered and stuck to his face, making him look extremely miserable.

Wen Chou's underlings saw that the situation was bad, so one of the leading Academy Officer shouted: "Follow me and save General Wen Chou!"

More than two thousand people had just been cheering, so they didn't ride their horses to charge over.

Shan Meng had been staring at the other side the entire time, and now he also shouted loudly with his arms crossed: "Charge over there and block them!"

Gongsun Xu heard the shout, and in order to prevent any accidents, he attacked even faster. Wen Chou continuously dodged, and after barely resisting for a few moments, the two triple-edged blade in his hand flew out of his hands, spinning several meters away.

"Yes!" Gongsun Xu thundered as he struck the spear shaft heavily onto Wen Chou's back.

Wen Chou spat out a large mouthful of blood, his body swayed before he fell off his horse, unconscious.

"General!" Wen Chou's underlings were shocked, they crazily rushed forward and beat their horses up.

"Release the arrows!" Shan Meng saw that they were already 20 to 30 steps away from him, and shouted the order to release the crossbow.

Ever since the appearance of the crossbow, other than the archer camp, which specialized in using longbows, the rest of the soldiers of White Horse Camp had all given up on archers and arrows, and changed into more lightweight, faster, and more powerful crossbow. A distance of twenty to thirty steps was more than enough for them to shoot out two crossbows!

After the dull and long sound of the zither being pulled, the black mass of arrows split into two waves and shot towards Wen Chou's men!

Other than Qu Yi who went first, these subordinates of Wen Chou was the second opponent to test the might of the White Horse Camp's crossbow. Furthermore, the number of people who shot the crossbow arrows was now three times more than when they went first into battle! At such a close distance, no matter if it was resisting or dodging, it was simply too late. In a blink of an eye, three to four hundred people from Wen Chou's side were shot down from their horses.

"Kill!" Shan Meng waved his blade and took the lead to attack the group of enemies.

In front of Shan Meng was the Academy Officer who had just given the order to charge over. He still had not woken up from his shock, but when he saw Shan Meng suddenly charging towards him, he raised her weapon in a hurry to defend. It was a pity that Shan Meng's blade was fast, as when he raised Academy Officer's weapon, Shan Meng's blade had already cut across his neck, causing his huge head to fly into the crowd, as fresh blood sprayed out from his mouth like a fountain.

"Academy Officer Qian is dead!" Many people were shouting in panic. Immediately, some people turned their horses around and prepared to escape.

Right now, it was unknown whether Wen Chou was dead or alive. This Academy Officer with the surname of Qian was the deputy general, and now that he was beheaded by Shan Meng with a single slash, all of Wen Chou's subordinates instantly collapsed. Other than the hundred over Wen Chou's personal guards who were still fighting desperately, the rest of them started to prepare to escape. The leader of Wen Chou's personal guards shouted with all his might for them to rush over and help Wen Chou, but there were very few who echoed him.

Just then, Gongsun Xu galloped his horse forward two steps, stooped down and picked up Wen Chou, placing him horizontally in front of the horse, he shouted out: "Wen Chou has already been heavily injured and is being captured, why didn't you surrender earlier?"

This shout completely destroyed the opponent's will to resist. Immediately, there were people shouting for them to run for their lives. More than half of them turned around to run for their lives regardless of the consequences.

"Kill!" Shan Meng bellowed again, waving his blade and rushing into the group of Wen Chou's personal guards.

The people behind him all followed him in unison. A mere hundred plus people were slaughtered by Shan Meng and his men after raising a few small waves.

Shan Meng rode his horse back and pointed to the backs of the fleeing soldiers, excitedly asking: "Master, do you want to chase after them?"

Gongsun Xu answered without hesitation, "We will chase them for around twenty kilometers, and regardless of the outcome of the battle, we will return!"

"Here!" Shan Meng was ecstatic, he immediately brought his men to chase after the deserters.

Gongsun Yi rode his horse over, and looking at the unconscious Wen Chou, he asked loudly: Young Noble, is Wen Chou dead?

"Dead? "No way!" Gongsun Xu was shocked, he immediately extended his hand to check Wen Chou's breath, and upon testing, he immediately let out a dejected sigh.

"Why did he die? This is a pretty good bargaining chip! " Gongsun Xu was a little puzzled. Most of the injuries that Wen Chou had suffered were superficial, and that last sweep was not enough to take Wen Chou's life. )

When Gongsun Xu placed Wen Chou's corpse on the ground, he suddenly realised the cause of death of the other party — he deserved Wen Chou's misfortune. When he fell off the horse, he had already fainted, so when he landed, his neck was broken.

When Gongsun Xu returned back to the Galleon after winning the battle, Gongsun Zan, Zhang Yan and the rest were still waiting for news from the camp. was extremely happy when he found out that Wen Chou had taught him a lesson. He personally passed the cup of wine that he had poured by the fire just now to Gongsun Xu. Not long after, the cup of wine was surprisingly still warm. When Gongsun Xu lifted the cup of wine, he couldn't help but recall the story of how Guan Yu hacked at Hua Xiong with the wine.

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