Deep in the night, Gongsun Xu was awakened from his sleep by a knock on the door. Soon after, he heard Gongsun Yi's familiar voice coming from outside the door.

"Young master, a horse has arrived from Bo Ling overnight with an urgent message!"

Gongsun Xu quickly opened it and went in front of the oil lamp to take a look. Sure enough, he discovered that it was a letter from Xu You. In the letter, Xu You said that in the future, Yan Liang would lead 40,000 troops to rescue Zhang He and his group. At that time, he would follow the army and definitely lead Yan Liang to a place where he could guarantee his safety.

"Did something happen?" When Gongsun Xu saw this, he muttered to himself, "Otherwise, based on Xu You's greedy personality, it would be absolutely impossible for him to take the risk himself!"

Continuing to read, Gongsun Xu finally understood why Xu You did such a thing.

As his nephew had offended Mrs Liu, Xu You had no choice but to bear the pain of giving more than half of his assets to Mrs Liu in order to get rid of her sin. However, after Mrs Liu accepted the amount of money that she earned from the hundred thousand or so people, not only did Yuan Shao scold Xu You severely, he even reduced his salary by half. If it wasn't for Xu You who volunteered to follow him to the capital city, Yuan Shao probably would have received even heavier punishments.

In addition, what made it even more difficult for Xu You to accept was that Yuan Shao did not directly exonerate Xu Hao and Xu Yang from their crimes, and instead ordered them to join the army, following Yan Liang to the capital to get out of the siege. The more Xu You thought about it the more furious he became, so he decided to calm down and prepare to take this opportunity to completely separate himself from Yuan Shao with his nephew. His wife had already passed away and there were only a few concubines in the mansion, so he was not included in the list.

At the end of the letter, Xu You subtly requested for Gongsun Xu to bestow some money to him when he came to serve under his subordinate. Towards Xu You, this kind of person, it was useless to speak of loyalty and morality, as only by giving him enough benefits would he be able to obtain his strength. Now that Gongsun Xu was rich, it didn't matter to him if Xu You was rewarded with a large sum of money. If Xu You could smoothly bring Yan Liang and his forty thousand men into the ambush, even if Gongsun Xu gave him four hundred thousand krona, he wouldn't bat an eye.

Gongsun Xu received the letter and instructed: "Prepare the horse, I want to go see father. Don't alarm too many people! "

Gongsun Yi nodded, turned and walked out.

Gongsun Xu quickly put on his clothes, climbed up his boots, and quickly walked out. His tent was divided into two rooms, inside was a resting area. The outside was used as a living room and conference room, just as he opened the curtain and walked into the outer room, Lan Lan's voice reached his ears.

"General, are we going out in the middle of the night?"

Gongsun Xu raised his head and saw that Lan Lan was kneeling in front of a dim oil lamp. In front of him was a basket filled with needle and thread;

"It's already so late, why aren't you going to rest?" Gongsun Xu asked in surprise.

Ever since Mo Bingmei brought Lan Lan to his side, Lan Lan always rested inside Mo Bingmei's tent, and almost never came to Gongsun Xu's side.

Lan Lan lowered her head and said softly: "I don't know where Mo Xiaoniangzi went, but the servant was a little afraid. Thus, he asked the guard Gongsun Jia to allow the servant girl to do needlework here. "If you disturb the general, then your servant will leave now." As he spoke, he started to pack up his needle and thread, preparing to leave immediately.

"No need, I have something I need to go out for. You can stay here." Gongsun Xu lowered his hands to stop Lan Lan, and instructed quietly outside: "Gongsun Jia, you don't have to follow me. Come in and chat with Lan Lan."

Gongsun Jia who was outside the tent replied and stood at the entrance like a wood person.

"Thank you, General." Lan Lan bowed and thanked him.

Gongsun Xu waved his hands and quickly left the tent.

Lan Lan asked gently: "Big Brother Gongsun Jia, General left late into the night, did something happen?"

Gongsun Jia shook his head, and did not answer Lan Lan's question.

"Is Yuan Shao's army coming?"

"General Zhao Yun is not in the military for the past few days. Could he have led the troops to head to Qinghe County?"

"Brother Gongsun Jia, say something, don't you think it's boring like this?"

Lan Lan asked a few questions consecutively, but Gongsun Jia just shut his mouth and did not answer. Lan Lan glared at Gongsun Jia angrily for a while, only forcing him to lower his head. Unknowingly, she suddenly smiled, as she continued to play her needlework while humming a small tune.

Gongsun Jia secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He was originally a quiet man, and was not good at interacting with girls, furthermore, this Lan Lan's current position was extremely awkward, he could say that he was a servant, but Gongsun Xu had never made his do anything that a servant or concubine. Gongsun Xu had never even touched her fingers. Gongsun Jia didn't know how Gongsun Xu would treat Lan Lan, so he could only pretend to be deaf and mute to avoid speaking the wrong words.

Gongsun Xu naturally did not know about what happened after he left. He brought a small group of cavalry out of the camp and quickly headed to the east side of the city where Gongsun Zan was stationed. Along the way, they met several patrols, which were basically the scouts of the White Horse Camp. When they saw Gongsun Xu, they immediately let him through, and inevitably discussed what had happened behind them.

Gongsun Zan had also gone to sleep, upon hearing that Gongsun Xu wanted to see him, he immediately let him in to talk.

"What's the matter?" Gongsun Zan whispered as he lit the oil lamp.

"Xu You's people transferred an urgent letter from Bo Ling." Gongsun Xu took out the letter and handed it over.

After Gongsun Zan slowly finished reading, he sighed: "What a pity, if only Xu You could continue to stay by Yuan Shao's side and deliver the message."

"I think so too." Gongsun Xu laughed, and shook his head: "It's just that Xu You's assets have been completely swept away by Yuan Shao, so I'm sure that he already hates Yuan Shao to the bones. And since my nephew has been ordered to follow Yan Liang to Gao Yi, he's now willing to risk his life to lure Yan Liang's great army to fall into the trap, so it's not good to force him to continue staying by Yuan Shao's side."

Gongsun Zan smiled and said: "This old man only has a bit of regret, if I can eat Yan Liang and those forty thousand soldiers and horses, it would be equivalent to cutting off one of Yuan Benchu's arms! Qu Yi, Wen Chou had already been killed. If Yan Liang also died, then there wouldn't be any generals under Yuan Benchu's command, so we will definitely win this battle! My people, ah, this time you must be careful, you must definitely leave Yan Liang and those tens of thousands of lives behind! "

Gongsun Xu said solemnly: "Father, don't worry. Zi Long has already led people to ambush us for two days, and he even temporarily wants to build a dam to block the water, preparing to use water to attack when necessary. Once Yan Liang is brought into the ambush circle, there will definitely be no return! However, in order to ensure that there will be no mistakes, I will bring another twenty thousand soldiers to assist with the battle. "

Gongsun Zan stroked his beard, and muttered: "Do you think Zhang He will take the opportunity to break out of the encirclement?"

"After Wen Chou sent this message to the city, Zhang He had been strengthening the city walls everyday. Other than that, he had no other plans. Unless Yan Liang is able to lead his army and rush to the bottom of the city to reinforce his, Zhang He would not take the risk to break out of the siege. "

Gongsun Zan laughed coldly: "You can do whatever you want and see if you can lure Zhang He out of the city to fight us."

Gongsun Xu frowned: "Zhang He has always been cautious, and Tian Feng is even more so a cautious person, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to lure him out of the city."

"This old man has his own way of thinking. You only need to deal with Yan Liang's forty thousand strong army." Gongsun Zan shook the letter in his hand and said solemnly: "Go back and prepare. This old man will go discuss it with Fei Yanxiong."

Gongsun Xu cupped his fist and bowed. Then, he turned and left Gongsun Zan's camp, spurred his horse and galloped back to his own camp.

"What did the letter say?" Just as Gongsun Xu was about to leave the tent, Mo Bingmei sneaked out from the side and whispered into his ear.

Gongsun Xu pulled Mo Bingmei inside, while replying in a soft voice: "Yan Liang is about to lead a large army to rescue Gao Yi, Xu You will accompany them, at that time, he will bring Yan Liang to the ambush zone."

After Mo Bingmei finished listening to it, he suddenly started laughing quietly.

"What's wrong?" Gongsun Xu asked with a smile.

"Didn't you say you would help Xu You make his final decision? "Thus, I had my men get close to Xu You's son and nephew to lure them to Lady Yuan Shao's shop." Mo Bingmei's smile did not waver as he kept his previous arrangements.

"So that's how it is!" Gongsun Xu was enlightened, and chuckled: "No wonder Xu You lost his entire family property, it was you who did this! Xu You's nephew won't suspect anything, right? "

Mo Bingmei laughed proudly: No way, the person who did this was from the Luoyang, and has nothing to do with the Youzhou at all. Furthermore, he left the Qinghe County the same day.

Gongsun Xu patted the back of Mo Bingmei's hand and laughed: "I will be using Xu You more in the future. Since you have the confidence, don't reveal any flaws, that's good."

Mo Bingmei was stunned: "Xu You is greedy for money and virtue, why do you want to use him so heavily?"

"There aren't any useless people. I just want to see if I can use it in the right place." Gongsun Xu looked at the night sky in the east and smiled: "This kind of person is the most suitable to go to the Japan to plunder the cream. If he were to take over the Japan in the future, it would not be bad if Xu You could become the governor of the Japan.

Mo Bingmei was even more surprised: "Zhulu has only just started, you are already planning to go to the Japan?"

Gongsun Xu shook his head and laughed: "Actually, we are not planning to start right now. When we were at War of Tanhan Mount, I had already sent Er Yu's Japanese slaves on a boat back to Japan.

Hearing Er Yu's name, Mo Bingmei coldly snorted, feeling extremely unhappy in her heart. The two of them had fought since the day they met. Now that Er Yu was pregnant, Mo Bingmei felt even more stifled. She boasted that she and Gongsun Xu were people of the same sect, and also wanted to stay by Gongsun Xu's side for the rest of her life, but up until now, Gongsun Xu had not brought her in. How could she not feel dejected when she mentioned Er Yu?

Gongsun Xu was very clear about Mo Bingmei's intentions. At this time, he laughed softly, "Come to my side after the great battle between the Jizhou s."

"Who cares!" Mo Bingmei spat, but her face looked much better.

Gongsun Xu laughed and changed the subject, "Have you discovered Lan Lan's true identity in the past few days?"

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