In the early morning, a layer of faint white mist arose from the mountain, and it was as if the mountain forest was covered with strands of misty and hazy gauze. On a clearing in the forest, Zhao Yun who was wearing a black tight suit was currently practicing his spear skills. His Seven-scouted snake spear had already reached the Perfection Stage, and the sharp silver gun s were like a silver serpent as they nimbly gulped and swallowed. Streams of cold light flickered, and sharp sounds of air being split apart rose and fell, and the thick fog around him was as if he had met snow rolling in the water.

After he finished training the spear, Zhao Yun's forehead was slightly drenched in sweat. He casually stabbed the spear into the ground, raised his sleeves and wiped his forehead, then walked up high and looked into the distance. This was a hidden valley that was around five kilometers away from the Galleon. Seven to eight kilometers away was a dilapidated official road. Standing at the top of the valley, one could easily see the scenery on the public road.

"Finally, a big fish came! "Haha!" Zhao Yun laughed out loud. This was the first time he was commanding tens of thousands of people, and he was looking forward to the upcoming battle.

Shan Meng handed over a letter and smiled: "This is a letter from Master. General, please take a look."

Zhao Yun took the letter but did not immediately open it, and asked: Have the scouts been sent out yet?

"They have already been sent out. They will send out fifty miles ahead to investigate, and once they find traces of the enemy, they will feign ignorance and report back to the Galleon. They will absolutely not divulge our whereabouts!"

"Very good! "Immediately give the order that no one is to start a fire or make a racket, otherwise the military will be in law and order!"

"Here!" Shan Meng cupped his fist and turned to run down the hill.

Zhao Yun opened the letter and in the letter, Gongsun Xu warned him to hide carefully. Only when the Galleon's drums shook the heavens did he rush out from the side, cutting off Yan Liang's path of return in one go. Other than that, Gongsun Xu also said that Xu You would accompany the troops and that he would bring Yan Liang to walk past the concealed valley, so that Yan Liang's army would be within Zhao Yun's line of sight at any time. If necessary, Xu You would suddenly make a move, and do his best to cause's army to go into chaos.

Zhao Yun received the letter and muttered to himself: "It looks like Master wants Yan Liang to be completely annihilated! Hehe, Wen Chou has already been executed, if Yan Liang also died under the Galleon, Yuan Benchu would probably die from the heartache! After we destroy Yan Liang's army, we can immediately go south and gather our superior forces to fight against Yuan Shao.

After Zhao Yun finished speaking, he once again looked up at the public road in the distance, and revealed a confident smile.

Inside Galleon, Gongsun Zanfuzi, along with Zhang Yan, Guo Jia and the others, were discussing about Yan Liang's impending arrival of his army. Due to the absolute superiority of their forces, as well as their understanding of Yan Liang's background, as well as the assistance of the 'traitor' Xu You, and more importantly, the troops that Zhao Yun had ambushed earlier, the probability of him losing this battle was extremely small. Thus, the expressions of the few of them were extremely relaxed.

Gongsun Zan cupped his hands towards Zhang Yan and said: "This time, army of Youzhou will give our all to surround and kill Yan Liang. Our father and son will personally lead the troops to battle, I hope that Fei Yanxiong will be on guard against Zhang He suddenly rushing out of the city! Fei Yanxiong will only guard against him from leaving the city, and will not take the opportunity to attack. "

Zhang Yan cupped his hands: "Bo Guixiong, don't worry, I have fifty to sixty thousand people with me, and the ten thousand people who are going against Zhang He will definitely not make any mistakes! Even if Zhang He disregards everything and tries to break through the encirclement, I will guarantee that I will not let his soldiers come out of the city alone. "

Gongsun Zan laughed: "Since Fei Yanxiong doesn't have many cavalrymen under his command, why don't I ask my people to gather another two thousand cavalrymen for you. If by any chance Zhang He is able to escape the city, this cavalrymen would be of great use!"

"Alright, then I'll have to thank my people." Although he was confident that he could stop Zhang He from leaving the city, there was always a chance. If Zhang He was lucky enough to escape from the city, it would be difficult to kill him with just a small amount of the Army of Heishan's cavalry.

Gongsun Xu cupped his hands and smiled: "Don't be so courteous, father. I will assign a batch of the most elite cavalrymen for you to use."

Zhang Yan sighed: "Compared to this old man's army, the people under my command are all elites!"

"Don't worry foster father, after this battle, we will reorganize and drills down Army of Heishan, and at that time, Army of Heishan's overall strength will increase by a lot!"

Zhang Yan nodded his head, then suddenly sighed: "In the past, when the Great Virtuous Master was at his peak, he claimed that he had an army of a million strong, but unfortunately, about seventy to eighty percent of them were ordinary people who had not been trained. If there was a famous general like Bo Guixiong and his father trained his army that day, the army of a hundred thousand would not have disappeared so quickly!"

"Fei Yanxiong doesn't need to be sad." Gongsun Zan waved his hand and advised: "The dead are already dead, hundreds of thousands of Army of Heishan are still waiting for Fei Yanxiong to bring them to the grave!"

Zhang Yan said in a deep voice, "Bo Guixiong knows this, so I am not really interested in power. The reason why I have come to this step today is mainly because of the earnest request my foster father (Pointing at Oxhorn) gave me while he was still alive, and I cannot bear to watch a million Army of Heishan fall apart before my eyes. Only then did I barely manage to control the Army of Heishan for a few years. After these few years, the days of the Army of Heishan have been going down every single day. If not for Bo Guixiong's support, I'm afraid that after this great battle had ended, I would have long since assisted Bo Guixiong and my subjects in integrating the Army of Heishan. I only hope that Bo Guixiong and his subjects could end this chaotic world as soon as possible and bring peace and stability to the entire world. "

Gongsun Zan said solemnly: "Even if we were to complete this whole plan in the future, Fei Yanxiong will still be the leader of the Army of Heishan.

Hearing this, Zhang Yan silently nodded his head, but in his heart he decided that once the world was at peace, he would return home with Gongsun Xu's promised grandson, and would often accompany his parents' graves.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little heavy, Guan Jing hurriedly changed the topic: "Master Hou, after killing Yan Liang, should we attack Galleon immediately?"

Guo Jia smiled and said: "If Yan Liang were to be completely annihilated, Galleon might even be able to descend without fighting! Zi Minxiong obtained the exact information, Zhang He and his family members were already being controlled secretly by the Mo Sect, and could be brought out of the Hejian County at any time. If Zhang He and Tian Feng were to see their families, I am afraid that they would not even have the mood to try and resist until the end. "

Zhang Yan suddenly said: "No wonder Bo Guixiong said that there's no need to attack the city. He actually has the intention to recruit Zhang He."

Gongsun Zan laughed: "This is what I mean, he said that Zhang He is a good general, not inferior to our military's brilliant and famous Yan Rou."

Zhang Yan nodded his head, he did not ask where Gongsun Xu found out that he was a good general, and he already knew about Gongsun Xu encountering a ghost and god, and that was one of the reasons why he was so determined to make the Army of Heishan his subordinate. At this time, everyone believed in the words of Heaven's Mandate and the Ghost God, and Zhang Yan believed even more firmly in this matter.

Guan Jing smiled and asked, "After defeating Yuan Shao this time, Master Hou will become the true hegemon of the Northern Territories. I wonder what Master Hou plans to do next?"

"Let Feng Xiao speak of this matter." Gongsun Zan laughed and nodded at Guo Jia.

Guo Jia did not hold back and started talking.

"After defeating Yuan Shao, we will need time to rest and pacify the rest of Jizhou. At the same time, we will need to spend a lot of time and money to organize the entire Army of Heishan. After Master Hou defeats Yuan Shao, he will definitely arouse the hostility of all the other dukes. If Master Hou rushes to the Central Plains with her army, the other dukes will definitely join forces to deal with Master Hou! Therefore, the best strategy would be to stabilize the Northern Lands and wait for the opportunity to get rid of Gongsun Kang, Collapsing Dun and the others, so that the Youzhou would have no further worries. At that time, the war between the various dukes would also have an end.

Guan Jing asked: "What is Feng Xiao planning to do to the Son of Heaven? I've heard that the Son of Heaven is in such a difficult situation that his daily life has become a problem that many ministers have to provide support from time to time. "

Guo Jia laughed: "As for the banner of the Son of Heaven, we do need it! If he finds the right opportunity, the Marquis might as well welcome the Son of Heaven to the Youzhou and act in his name. That would mean that he would have the name of righteousness, and that he would have the name of law when conquering the world! "

"The Son of Heaven commands!" Gongsun Xu said: "That's actually what Feng Xiao means. Once the Son of Heaven enters the Youzhou, many loyal people will follow along as well, as long as they come, with the Son of Heaven in their hands, they won't be afraid of working for us!"

Guo Jia cupped his hands and laughed: "Zi Minxiong's words are extremely accurate, what I mean is that I, the son of heaven, can make things difficult for me!"

Gongsun Zan asked softly: "Zi Min, have you already gotten close to the Son of Heaven?"

"Yes." Gongsun Xu nodded his head: "To be exact, this is all thanks to Mo Xiaoniangzi. She has already become a highly trusted officer by the Son of Heaven's side, the moment we decide to take action, she will become our most reliable insider!"

"We have to be very careful in this matter, and never leak any information!"

"Father, don't worry, Mo Xiaoniangzi does indeed know how to behave!"

"Where is the young lady of the Mo family now?" Gongsun Zan nodded and asked Gongsun Xu.

"She personally went to the vicinity of Hejian County and prepared to investigate the whereabouts of Yan Liang's army!"

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