The wood rolling stone fell down like rain. Yan Liang was shocked and angry at the same time. However, the chaotic crowd had completely blocked the way. No matter how hard Yan Liang and the surrounding cavalry tried to break through, they were unable to cut a path through.

"Raise the crossbow, shoot three times in a row!" At this moment, Zhao Yun gave an order that made Yan Liang feel even more fear.

At this moment, a large bundle of dry firewood suddenly fell from the top of the mountain. Its surface was still emitting a pungent smell of burning oil.

Yan Liang yelled in shock, "Not good! The enemy will attack with fire! Hurry up and get out of the way, or else I will kill everyone in front of me! "

If the fire continued, all forty thousand of them would be killed. Yan Liang's only option was to kill Zhao Yun and escape through the road he came from.

The cavalrymen around Yan Liang knew that the situation was critical, and followed Yan Liang's orders to retreat. However, they were all fighting for their lives, not bothering with Yan Liang's orders.

"Kill!" Yan Liang was anxious and angry, he waved his blade and killed a dozen people consecutively, and then stepped on the pile of corpses that was shot from the middle.

The thousand odd cavalrymen followed Yan Liang closely, waving their weapons towards their fellow soldiers, fighting their way forward with much difficulty.

Zhao Yun raised his head to look, only to see that the soldiers above the forest had lit up countless of torches, a large number of torches were thrown down, quickly lighting up the dry firewood that he had thrown down. In the blink of an eye, the narrow road was set ablaze. Smoke rose up into the sky, and countless people were set ablaze. They screamed miserably as they turned into burning men. They frantically ran all over the place, causing even more people's clothes to catch on fire. In a short period of time, the stench of burnt corpses filled the entire forest, causing one to feel nauseous upon smelling it.

Seeing that, Yan Liang could not hold back the hatred in his heart. He wanted to grow his wings and fly up to the fire enemies to kill them all! He continued to roar as he slashed with his blade, sending the torches and burning fire flying away. More and more people were being set alight. They were jostling each other on the narrow road, running like wild wolves, and often falling to the ground as they ran. Soon they were a charred corpse.

There was no need to attack at all, as long as they could block the intersection, Yan Liang and the tens of thousands of people would be unable to escape! Zhao Yun and his men retreated a distance, seeing the scene in front of them, he could not help but heave a sigh of relief. He was not afraid of killing people, but he was not at ease with the tragic situation in front of him.

Shan Meng and the majority of the people had already turned their heads away, their noses smelling the smell of burnt meat, their chests were churning uncontrollably, forcefully suppressing the urge to vomit.

Zhao Yun's face became ugly, seeing that the other party was no longer able to retaliate, he raised his spear and bellowed: "Throw the weapon away, surrender and save yourself!"

"Throw away your weapons and surrender!"

"Throw away your weapon and surrender!"

At the start, only Shan Meng and the others followed suit and shouted loudly. Not long after, the tens of thousands of soldiers who were stationed at the top of the mountain also followed along and shouted.

One of the officers threw away his spear, raised both of his hands up high and rushed towards Zhao Yun, shouting, "Don't shoot! I am willing to surrender! "We are willing to surrender!"

There was a first, then a second, and a third, and even countless Yan Liang s who were preoccupied with their own matters, did not even have the time to restrain their subordinates. In a short period of time, three to four thousand people threw away their weapons and rushed to Zhao Yun's side, those who were not on fire obediently knelt on the ground, while those who were already on fire rolled on the ground and extinguished the fire, and knelt at the side, waiting for their comrades.

Yan Liang looked around, raised his head, and roared: "The heavens won't bless me, what can I do? Xu Ziyuan, even if this general transforms into a ghost, I still have to find you to take my life! "My lord, this general has lost all trust in my lord. I can only apologize with my death!" After roaring, he slashed at his own neck.

"General, you can't!" The personal guards beside Yan Liang were all shocked, they all brandished their weapons to block, successfully blocking one slash from Yan Liang's neck.

When Yan Liang's blade was blocked, he wanted to get angry, but after thinking about it again, he said dejectedly, "Just surrender to the enemy. You can't blame this general for lightly believing in that bastard Xu Ziyuan!"

The surrounding cavalrymen looked at each other and shouted in unison, "We are willing to die with the general, we would rather die than surrender!"

Yan Liang's chest became hot, he patted away the flames on his beard and raised his blade up as he roared: "Good! "Then follow this general and charge over. Kill as many as you can!"

"We are willing to die with the general!"

In the midst of their sorrowful cries, Yan Liang led several hundred trusted riders to charge forward, disregarding everything else.

A large group of Yan Liang's underlings were throwing away their weapons and rushing forward, attempting to rush out in front of the big fire, when Yan Liang and his men suddenly rushed over from behind, instantly knocking the crowd away. However, there were simply too many people running away. Yan Liang led a few hundred cavalrymen and charged forward twenty to thirty steps before completely stopping, and the horses he was riding on were completely blocked.

Yan Liang let out a long sigh, suddenly shouted at Zhao Yun while looking at him: "Is this Zhao Yun who is in front of us?"

Zhao Yun was startled, and immediately shouted: "That's me! "What do you think, General Yan?"

Yan Liang yelled. "This general does not wish to be burned to death with such grievance! Would the General Zhao dare to give this general a chance to fight alone? If I win, I am willing to kill myself here. I only ask that you let these cavalrymen under my command leave! If this general is defeated, then there is naturally nothing much to say! "

"We are willing to follow the general and fight our way out, even if it means total annihilation!" Yan Liang's trusted soldiers were indescribably grateful, but they were also ashamed at the same time, and they all started to shout out loud.

"I have made up my mind. You all cannot defy my orders!" If this general loses, all of you will immediately throw down your weapons and surrender! " Yan Liang shouted to stop them, then shouted at Zhao Yun: "Zhao Yun, do you dare to fight with this general?"

Shan Meng became interested, and shouted loudly: "General, promise Yan Liang, make him convinced of your loss! As long as the general kills Yan Liang, his subordinates will definitely stop resisting! "

"Alright!" Zhao Yun nodded vigorously, pointing his spear at Yan Liang, he shouted, "This general shall grant your wish! "Come on!"

Yan Liang's subordinates all parted for him, and watched as Yan Liang rode forward alone, many of them with tears in their eyes, and even began to cry.

"General Yan Liang sure has the heart of a soldier. This general is truly impressed!" When Zhao Yun saw this scene, he cupped his hands and bowed, and loudly advised: "This so-called good bird chooses the tree, why not surrender to the light and seek refuge under the command of the General Gongsun? General Gongsun has always been kind to his soldiers, he will definitely not mistreat the general! "

Yan Liang shouted: "This general has received Yuan Shijun's kindness, and would rather die in battle than surrender to others! General Zhao, come! " Raising his blade high, he broke through the crowd and rushed at Zhao Yun who was thirty to forty steps away.

Zhao Yun sighed, then spurred his horse and rushed forward.

Whether it was Yan Liang's subordinates or Shan Meng and the rest, they were all watching where they were.

Dozens of breaths later, the two of them rushed together. Yan Liang was already determined to die, upon nearing Zhao Yun, he used all his strength, the big blade slashed down heavily, attempting to determine victory or defeat in one move!

Zhao Yun frowned, the spear in his hand shot out like lightning, accurately hitting the blade of Yan Liang's big blade.

The large blade almost flew out of his hand, but even though Yan Liang had a death wish, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed with shock. This Zhao Yun looked very gentle, but he never thought that his strength would be so great, no wonder Qu Yi died in his hands! Yan Liang's confidence was shattered in one move by Zhao Yun. In fact, how would he know that Zhao Yun's strength did not necessarily surpass his? It was just that Zhao Yun's techniques were extremely exquisite, the long spear just happened to be at the point of impact, and right now, Yan Liang was so flustered that he did not realise this point, and actually forgot to continue attacking after blocking the blade.

Zhao Yun hesitated for a moment, but when Yan Liang regained his senses and was about to brandish his blade and fight again, the long spear in his hands suddenly shot out like a spirit serpent, striking right at Yan Liang's throat!

The blade in Yan Liang's hand dropped onto the ground with a clang, holding onto his throat, he swayed a few times, staring at Zhao Yun with a dull gaze, in the end he fell off his horse and died.

"General!" Yan Liang's remaining subordinates started crying. No matter how arrogant and despotic Yan Liang was normally, or how headstrong he was, he took care of his subordinates very well. Just based on this point alone, it was kind of similar to Zhao Yun.

"What a pity!" Zhao Yun sighed: "Collect General Yan Liang's corpse properly."

"General Zhao! General Zhao! "Master has arrived!" Just then, a rider came running over from the back and shouted for Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun turned his head to look, only to see Gongsun Xu leading a group of cavalrymen rushing over, quickly instructing Shan Meng to watch the situation carefully, before turning his horse to welcome them.

When he got close, Gongsun Xu frowned and asked: "Yan Liang died?"

Zhao Yun cupped his fists and said: "That's right, this lowly general had chopped Yan Liang's hand just now, but he was panicking and decided to let me take advantage of him!"

"Where is the body?" Gongsun Xu asked.

"Please follow me, sir."

Zhao Yun brought Gongsun Xu in front of Yan Liang's corpse.

Yan Liang's corpse was extremely miserable, there were burn marks all over his body, more than half of his beard and hair was even burnt. He was lying on the ground with his eyes half open, as if he died with some grievance.

"Take good care of yourself, and bury yourself in a good coffin later on."

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