Inside the White Horse Camp's big tent, Gongsun Xu took out a small slip of paper from the small bamboo tube. After opening it and taking a look, he immediately laughed.

"But what's the good?" Guo Jia who was seated at the side took a sip of tea, placed the teacup on the table, and indicated for Lan Lan to pour tea for him, and then asked with a smile.

Gongsun Xu coughed lightly, and pointed to the teacup in the air.

Lan Lan charmingly rolled her eyes, walked over, and poured some tea for Gongsun Xu. Ever since Mo Bingmei left Gongsun Xu's side, Lan Lan 'took advantage of the situation and entered', once again acting as Gongsun Xu's personal maid. If Mo Bingmei was here, Lan Lan wouldn't even dare to do something like rolling his eyes at him.

Gongsun Xu had never found out the true identity of the woman, so he wanted to see what Lan Lan wanted to do. However, from start to finish, Lan Lan did not do anything suspicious. Needless to say, the reason why Lan Lan was able to openly 'peek' at the letter in Guo Jia's hand, was because Gongsun Xu had let her see it. The purpose was to see if she was acting strangely, if not, how could Guo Jia accidentally 'peek' at the contents of the letter?

Just now, he had only seen a little bit of unbearable on Lan Lan's face, but other than that, there was nothing abnormal.

Guo Jia handed the paper slip back to her. After receiving it, Gongsun Xu laughed, "Yuan Shao suddenly doing such an unwise thing, he must be so angry that his head is spinning!"

"No!" Guo Jia shook his head: There might be another story! If it was only because Xu You had defected to the Marquis's side, he should not have killed them out of anger! "

"What could it be?" Gongsun Xu rubbed the slip of paper into a ball and muttered to himself.

Lan Lan suddenly said softly, "General, could it be that Mo Xiaoniangzi did something?"

"Hmm?" Gongsun Xu's eyes lit up, and nodded in praise: "That makes sense! Bing Mei went to Qinghe County. According to her personality, she would not stay there peacefully. This matter was very likely to happen. Nine, she was the one who secretly pushed it! "

Guo Jia nodded his head, and said solemnly: "Now that the enemy is weaker than me, and Yuan Shao has killed Xu You's family, it will definitely arouse the internal discontent, the great army's best chance to attack Yuan Shao's main force from the south is already here! "Son, why don't we ask the Marquis to send your master south right now?"

Gongsun Xu stood up, and laughed: "Haha, I also have the same idea, let's go!"

Lan Lan said softly, "General, we haven't finished drinking the tea yet."

Gongsun Xu was startled, then he laughed as he picked up his teacup and finished it in one gulp. He gave Lan Lan a meaningful look, and then walked out of the tent with Guo Jia.

When only Lan Lan was left in the pavilion, she suddenly frowned. Her eyes showed some hesitation and struggle, as if she had encountered a problem that was difficult to choose.

When Gongsun Xu and Guo Jia rushed to the outside of Gongsun Zan's camp, coincidentally, Xu You was about to come out.

Gongsun Xu laughed, "Mr. Zi Yuan, there is no need to be so courteous, what do you want?"

"Sigh." Xu You sighed: "I've caused some trouble with those two unsatisfactory sons of mine at the camp. I'll go over right now and teach them a good lesson!" After saying that, he cupped his hands together and quickly turned around to leave.

"Sir, please wait," Gongsun Xu called out to Xu You, and said solemnly: "There is some bad news that I have to tell you."

"Bad news?" Xu You was startled, and anxiously asked: "What bad news?"

Gongsun Xu sighed: "Sir's family members in Qinghe County have met with trouble!"

"So that's what happened!" Xu You heaved a sigh of relief, shook his head and said, "Yuan Benchu values reputation the most, he knows that his subordinates will definitely punish them harshly for betraying him, at most, they will just be locked up to torture him."

Gongsun Xu and Guo Jia quietly looked at each other, sighing inwardly that this person was truly cold-blooded.

"General, Mr. Feng Xiao, if there's nothing else, please excuse me." Xu You was worried about Xu Hao and Xu Yang, so how could he have the mind to listen to the matters of the concubines and the concubines.

"Hold on!" Gongsun Xu called out to Xu You once again, "Sir's family members have all been killed by Yuan Shao, the rest of them have been imprisoned too!"

"What?" Xu You's face immediately flushed red, and he scolded: "Yuan Benchu, you truly are not a human being! "How dare you kill my family members! How can I save my face?!"

In Xu You's eyes, was his face even more revered than his family's? Gongsun Xu despised him in his heart, but he still advised, "Don't be angry Mr. Zi Yuan, I will send someone to find an opportunity to rescue the rest of your family."

Xu You waved his hand: "These are all despicable people, there's no need to trouble General! Yuan Benchu was so heartless, this old man was determined to take revenge! If you can catch Yuan Shao's family members in the future, please leave them to this subordinate! "

With regards to Xu You's request, Gongsun Xu could be said to wish for nothing more than to immediately agree to it. If Yuan Shao lost in battle, his family and relatives would inevitably be captured, and he could stay behind and worry that they would plot against him. Killing them would damage his reputation, and since Xu You wanted to take the initiative and take the blame for this, how could Gongsun Xu not agree?

After Xu You left, Gongsun Xu and Guo Jia looked at each other in dismay. After a long while, they smiled bitterly at each other and quickly walked towards Gongsun Zan's handsome tent.

Gongsun Zan was playing chess with Zhang Yan, and the two of them were in a mess. It looked like they were fighting to the point where they were evenly matched, but in truth, they were just playing around, and he was just enjoying it.

"Son, what's the matter?" Seeing that Gongsun Xu had arrived, Gongsun Zan picked up the chess piece he was about to land on and asked.

Gongsun Xu bowed and replied, "Reporting to father, Yuan Shao killing a few of Xu Ziyuan's family members would most likely cause a very bad effect in the Qinghe County, so Feng Xiao and I think this is the best time for the army to head south!"

"It's strange," Gongsun Zan said thoughtfully. "Yuan Benchu has always cherished his feathers, why would he take out his whole group of concubines to vent his anger?"

Zhang Yan also shook his head. For the past two years, he and Yuan Shao had battled frequently, and he believed that Yuan Shao was just a 'hypocrite who values his reputation'. If it was Xu Hao or Xu Yang, then it would be fine. But in the eyes of Zhang Yan and Gongsun Zan, those concubines and concubines were no different from servants.

Gongsun Xu smiled and said: "Father, I think Mo Xiaoniangzi did something."

Gongsun Zan suddenly nodded his head: "That is very possible! When he got back, he would have to listen to the inside story of this matter. Fei Yanxiong, your son said that the time has come for the army to go south, what do you think? "

Zhang Yan agreed: "That's true! Our original plan of reinforcements has been completely implemented, the army will only stay here and spend the food, now that our morale is high, we should defeat Yuan Shao's main army in one go! "

Gongsun Zan was already prepared to send his army to the south as soon as possible, so he smiled and said: "Since Fei Yanxiong also says so, then it's settled! Tomorrow morning, we will leave the camp and head south to the Qing River to duel with Yuan Shao! Your son, your White Horse Camp will still be at the vanguard. Fei Yanxiong, please join this old man in commanding the troops in the middle. The matter of food delivery will be handed over to you, hmm, to Xu You. "

Gongsun Zan's arrangement for Gongsun Xu and Zhang Yan was reasonable, but letting Xu You take charge of the food delivery was a bit sudden, one must know that food was the most important food in a war, if there was a lack of food in the army, no matter how strong the army, it would be difficult for them to win. Whether it was Gongsun Xu, Guo Jia or even Zhang Yan, they all had no objection to Gongsun Zan's decision, because they all knew that Gongsun Zan was reusing him as a person to express his stance towards the people under Yuan Shao.

Seeing that Gongsun Zan had no other instructions, Gongsun Xu asked: "Father, just now Xu Ziyuan said that his nephew caused a ruckus at the prison camp, what is it?"

Gongsun Zan said with disdain, "Those two vermin actually brought some soldiers with them to the camp to extort property. General Gui Gu, who was being watched as a prisoner, came before this old man and coincidentally, Xu You was there as well. This old man will let him handle this matter."

Gongsun Xu could not help but shake his head. If not for Xu Hao and Xu Yang, how would Xu You have ended up in such a state? Even now, those two still did not know how to restrain themselves, yet they still did such a ridiculous thing. If it wasn't for the fact that Xu You still had some use, he would definitely have pulled out those two bastards and cut them apart.

Gongsun Zan stroked his beard, and asked softly. "Fei Yanxiong, do we still need to make preparations for Bo Ling's side?"

Zhang Yan frowned and said softly: "This old man had previously captured Bai Rao in public, but I have already secretly sent him back to Bo Ling. If Tao Sheng were to suddenly attack, Bai Rao should be able to hold him off, but if I want to completely defeat him, my strength is obviously lacking! Therefore, this old man wants Du Chang to bring a troop of soldiers and stealthily return to the vicinity of Bo Ling City tonight. If Tao Sheng dares to brazenly make his move, with the combined efforts of Bai Rao and Du Chang, it should be enough to stop Tao Sheng. "

Gongsun Xu asked: "Why don't foster father go back quietly?"

"Not appropriate." Zhang Yan shook his head in refusal, "Tao Sheng has a lot of spies. As long as this old man is near Bo Ling, I will definitely be noticed! Actually, the old me wanted to give Tao Sheng a chance as well. My old brother for so many years, if he can pull this off, after this battle, I will let him be a rich man. "Son, what are you going to do with the equipment in Mount Daqing?"

Gongsun Xu said solemnly: "Leave that batch of equipment to me, I will make good use of Tao Dayong. If Tao Sheng dares to recklessly take action, I will snatch that batch of equipment ahead of time. If Tao Sheng does not move according to what my foster father said, my people will hide and not move. "

"I hope Tao Sheng won't do something stupid!" Zhang Yan could not help but sigh.

Gongsun Zan advised: "Fei Yanxiong, stop worrying about these matters for now! Come, come, let's continue to play chess. Zi Min, you and Feng Xiao can go back and prepare. We will make dinner tomorrow at a few minutes' time, and then we will send our troops south. "

Gongsun Xu and Guo Jia agreed, then bowed and left the camp.

"Feng Xiao, after we head south this time, how should we fight against our enemies?" When he reached the entrance of the camp, Gongsun Xu turned to ask.

Guo Jia laughed: My army's strength is stronger than the enemy's, the difference in morale is even greater, under such circumstances, I believe there is no need for any schemes, we can just push it through!

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