In the morning, the sun slowly rose from behind the clouds to the east, the dazzling sunlight shone down onto the ground, the dew-covered green leaves, bright armor, and cold weapons glinted off of them, everything that could reflect the light was reflecting the dazzling light, the heavy killing intent inside and outside Henei County seemed to have been dispersed by quite a bit.

Gongsun Xu was still wearing his black armor and helmet, riding his favorite big black horse, quietly standing two miles away from the city wall, his sharp eyes staring at the prepared White Horse Camp warriors in front of him. Tens of thousands of people were waiting for Gongsun Xu's orders, ready to attack the city at any time.

Zhang He and Xu You stood at the back of the group with their horses. The former had a calm expression, but their eyes flickered, but the latter had a face full of excitement.

Gongsun Yi led a hundred over guards and surrounded the place. They were all staring at the city walls vigilantly, guarding against any powerful cold arrows that might appear at any moment.

Gongsun Xu raised his head to look at the sun and raised his right hand high up in the air.

The dull drum sounds quickly stopped, and the noise and noise also stopped.

On top of the city, the armored Cao Cao had been looking out of the city, and couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this scene — — There were at least twenty thousand people outside the city, yet Gongsun Xu could make them quiet down with a wave of his hand. From this, one could see just how great Gongsun Xu's prestige in the army was!

The Xun Yu brothers who were standing behind Cao Cao Cao frowned, it seems that Gongsun Xu and the White Horse Camp were indeed as difficult to deal with as the rumors had said!

"A child should be as good as Gongsun Xu!" Cao Cao couldn't help but sigh as his gaze fell on the black figure under the White Horse Camp's large banner in the distance.

Cao Cao said but did not expect to anger Cao Ang who was by his side. He angrily said: "Father, why are you trying to extinguish the arrogance of others? This child is untalented, I request for orders to lead the troops and guard the city, we must ensure that the Youzhou's bandits do not return! "

Cao Cao Cao turned his head to look at Cao Ang, and smiled with gratitude: "Zi Xiu doesn't fear the strong enemy, he is brave enough to do whatever he wants, I am extremely happy! However, you have never formally entered the battlefield before, so you should just observe and observe for the time being. "

"Father!" Cao Ang cried out in indignation.

"Enough!" Cao Cao Cao waved his hand and interrupted Cao Ang's words, "Calm down, there will be more chances to enter the battlefield in the future!"

Cao Ang was unconvinced, and turned his head, disagreeing with Cao Cao Cao's words.

At this time, Xun Yu suddenly shouted, "Master, look! Gongsun Xu sent some people over, they must have something to say! "

Everyone looked towards where Xun Yu was pointing. Sure enough, an armored general and a green-gowned scholar, who were escorted by a dozen people, rode their horses towards the city wall.

"Huh?" When Cao Cao saw the scholar's appearance, he could not help but be shocked, "Isn't that Xu You? Why was he here? Could it be that Xu Ziyuan was also captured? "

"It doesn't look like it!" Xun You shook his head: "I can see that Xu Ziyuan's expression is relaxed, obviously he wasn't coerced by Gongsun Xu to come here! This subordinate believes that Xu Ziyuan has most likely already sided with Gongsun Xu! "

As Gongsun Zanfuzi had sealed off the news about the Qinghe County, Gao Lan had come to the Henei County very early, Cao Cao Cao still did not know that Xu You had betrayed and joined the Youzhou. Hearing Xun You's words, Cao Cao Cao Cao's face became even more surprised, his face immediately became gloomy, thinking that Xu Ziyuan was one of the strategists that Yuan Shao trusted a lot, and was on good terms with him, but he actually came to the Henei County, could it be that something big happened over at the Qinghe County?

While they were talking, Xu You and his group had already reached a place one arrow away from the city. Xu You waved his arms and shouted loudly: "Meng De! Meng De! With Xu You here, don't even think about firing your arrows! "

Cao Cao shouted at the archers who were preparing to shoot, and asked loudly: "Xu Ziyuan, why are you here?"

Xu You shouted angrily: "I want to teach Meng De a lesson, he is ruthless and merciless, he actually instigated the Liu family to take away all of my family property, and even wanted to kill and harm my entire family. I am furious, and have already pledged allegiance to Ji Houfuzi!"

"Could it be that Zi Yuan is lying?" Cao Cao Cao obviously did not believe him, and shouted loudly: "Why would Yuan Benchu go against you for some money?"

"Meng De, why don't you believe me?" Xu You roared: "I swear in the name of my ancestors that if I ever hear a lie, I will never die a peaceful death!"

"What?" How could it be like this! " Even though Cao Cao Cao had already guessed it, but after hearing Xu You speak the truth, he still felt that it was unacceptable. At the same time, he secretly complained to himself that Yuan Shao did not know what was important, in times of danger, how could he go against Xu You for some money, and even force to submit to him?

Xu You saw that Cao Cao Cao had remained silent, and shouted: "Meng De, you and I have been friends for many years, today we have come to persuade you to stop! Yuan Shao was ungrateful, disregarding his feelings and feelings, it was not worth it to cut a knife for him! Furthermore, General Gongsun Xu's supplies were sufficient, even if Meng De lost all of his Yanzhou Army s in the Henei County, he would never be able to break out of the tight encirclement to save Yuan Shao! Taking a step back, even if General Gongsun Xu gave way, Qinghe County still had over a hundred thousand soldiers surrounding the city, did Meng De think that he could kill his way into the city? It would be better for Meng De to lead the troops back to Yanzhou, General Gongsun Xu guarantees that he will not stop them! "

Cao Cao Cao naturally did not agree with Xu You's words, he feigned ignorance and said: "Zi Yuan, Yuan Benchu and I are like brothers, for us to lead an army to rescue him, how could we give up halfway? If General Gongsun Xu is truly sincere, then why don't you let this old man be a middleman, and we can discuss and resolve this issue? "

"Meng De, since you have no sincerity, I won't tell you anymore! This is General Zhang He, and he has already sided with General Gongsun Xu, you can think about it! " Xu You angrily rode off, Zhang He coldly glared at Cao Cao Cao, and also rode away.

"Miao Cai, I shall leave the matter of defending the city to you. The moment you discover any danger, quickly report it to me. Cao Cao Cao said to Xiahou Yuan as he brought the Xun's brothers and Cao Ang to quickly walk down the city wall.

Today was the first time the White Horse Camp had launched an attack on a city. , they would not be able to accept it.

Cao Cao led the group of people and was ready to go back. After thinking for a while, he decided to personally go to the other areas to see if the situation was safe. They were escorted by the guards as they galloped towards the northern part of the city.

At this time, outside the city, Shan Meng rode his horse to Gongsun Xu and cupped his fists and said: "General, everything is ready, please give the order!"

"Let's begin!" Gongsun Xu waved his hand indifferently.

"Here!" Shan Meng loudly replied as he waved the flag in his hand.

"Kill!" The White Horse Camp s pushed their carts, ladders and the like as they charged towards the city wall under the cover of the archers.

Gongsun Xu mobilized all of his archers to the east of the city, attempting to suppress the attack of the arrows. Three thousand archers were firing at the same time, a sight that would be unforgettable for anyone for the rest of their lives. The only sound that could be heard was the incessant buzzing of the arrows as they flew through the air toward the top of the city.

Under the protection of several large shields, Xiahou Yuan shouted loudly, "Raise the shield! Get ready to dodge! "

In order to deal with Gongsun Xu's attack, Cao Cao Cao had collected almost all of the shields in the city. He had even destroyed many of the doors of the houses to make simple shields. In a short period of time, only a series of knocking sounds could be heard. It was one thing to use a shield made of refined iron, but a temporary shield made from wood could not completely block the sharp arrows. Miserable cries came one after another from the city walls, and every breath of time, Cao Army soldiers would be injured or even killed.

Guo Jia looked at the dark, cloud-like arrows that were flying towards the city walls continuously, and only felt that his blood was boiling. He clenched his fists and asked: "Master, what should we do if we attack the city in one fell swoop?"

"Impossible!" Gongsun Xu laughed and shook his head, "Cao Cao Cao is an old veteran who has gone through hundreds of battles, it's impossible that he couldn't even withstand the first day's attack! Just now I saw Cao Cao seemed to have left, I don't know who was commanding from the top of the city. Eh? The banner rose. Xia Hou should be Xiahou Yuan. Xiahou Dun was unscrupulous, Cao Cao Cao would not let him be the main general of the city. Xiao Yi, bring me the thousand Li mirror! "

Gongsun Yi replied loudly as he moved closer and handed over a single telescope.

Gongsun Xu took it and looked at the city, and indeed he saw Xiahou Yuan's figure.

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