In the early hours of the morning, Gongsun Xu rested his right elbow on the table, his hand tugging at his chin, his eyes wide open, as though he would fall asleep at any moment. After Mo Bingmei had snuck into the city, he had been waiting until now. At the beginning, he had been bored to the point of waiting for someone to come to speak, but now, he regretted his previous thought — — — Guo Jia was sitting opposite to him, and he looked extremely energetic. His lips were constantly moving back and forth, and he was currently introducing the origins and importance of the Nine Regions Cauldron to Gongsun Xu for the third time.

"After Yu the Great settled the flood, he was embraced by the people as the lord of the world. He divided the world into nine prefectures and built nine cauldrons in the name of the nine prefectures. Later on, the son of Yu the Great, Xia Qi, received all the Nine Prefectures Cauldrons into his hands and also made a legend of the Nine Prefectures Cauldrons, indicating that he was destined for the Martial King. Unfortunately, the Nine Prefectures Cauldrons disappeared without a trace, causing many people to doubt the existence of the Nine Prefectures Cauldrons! But now, one of the nine great cauldrons, the Jizhou Cauldron, had suddenly fallen into the hands of his father-in-law. "As long as we don't lose sight of them, we can do as we please." ""

"This guy finally left," Gongsun Xu said as he moved behind the curtain. Seeing that Guo Jia was wobbling and walking away, he immediately heaved a sigh of relief and walked over to lie down on the narrow wooden bed, ready to have a good night's sleep.

Maybe because Guo Jia had been listening to his devilish voice for too long, Gongsun Xu was obviously already very sleepy, but when he closed his eyes, his ears started buzzing, and he just couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard he tossed and turned. After a while, he simply sat up and poured himself a cup of cold tea. Only then did he feel that his dizzy state had suddenly cleared up a bit, and only then did he remember that Mo Bingmei had still yet to return. He couldn't help but start to worry.

Gongsun Xu felt that he should still do something, so he called out to the outside: "Xiao Yi!"

"What orders do you have for me, Young Master?" Gongsun Yi quietly walked in and bowed while waiting for Gongsun Xu's orders.

"Bring a few men with you to the city wall. Watch closely to see if there are any abnormalities within the city."

When he opened the curtain, he stopped and turned around. "Is young master worried about Mo Niangzi?"

Gongsun Xu nodded his head in shock. Ever since Gongsun Jia died, he had become quiet, and looked at others with a cold gaze. Although he was still loyal, he no longer joked around like he did in the past.

Gongsun Yi said softly, "Maybe Mo Niangzi is not as good in battle as Young Master, but his ability to secretly spy on others far surpasses Young Master, and will definitely be fine!"

"I got it, go and do something." Gongsun Xu laughed gently and waved Gongsun Yi off.

After Gongsun Yi left, Gongsun Xu looked at the sky, and estimated that it was probably the end of the night. Gongsun Jia was already dead, Gongsun Yi had just left, and there was still a Lan Lan who had been waiting on him for a while and should have been called Mi Zhen. She had already been sent back to Ji County by Mo Bingmei, and there was no one by her side who would normally wait on her.

"It's better to stay at home!" Gongsun Xu shook his head and muttered to himself. He suddenly missed his relatives in Marquis of Ji's Mansion, and had been busy marching and fighting all this time. He didn't even have time to write his family a reply. Thinking up to here, he felt somewhat guilty. He quickly walked to the bedside, took out an exquisite wooden box, took out a stack of letters, opened them, and then sat down in front of the desk. While reviewing the contents of the letters with a gentle smile on his face, he absent-mindedly began to grind ink, preparing to seriously write a reply to each letter.

These letters were mostly sent by Er Yu and Liu Ninger, the rest were basically written by Hou Yue and Gongsun Rui.

After grinding the ink, Gongsun Xu prepared to reply to his mother and sister's letters.

Hou Yue's letter was mostly about the same thing. Other than expressing concern and concern, he had also carefully instructed Gongsun Xu to be careful of his own safety. He absolutely could not let himself get involved in danger like he did in the past. In one of the letters, Hou Yue said that the cold spring was still unpredictable, thus, she personally made a silk gown, which Gongsun Xu would wear sooner or later to prevent herself from getting cold. Her tone was very calm, but the deep maternal love within it moved Gongsun Xu, who had no parents to care for him in his previous life.

Gongsun Xu carefully considered for a moment, and wrote a reply using a tone close to but not lacking in respect. He sincerely thanked his mother for what she had done for him, and at the same time, guaranteed that he would not get into any danger easily. He also said that he would take good care of his father, and asked his mother not to worry.

After writing the letter, Gongsun Xu could not help but shake his head with a bitter smile as he looked at the large and messy handwriting as well as the many words of 'wrong' on the paper. In his previous life, he was a mercenary who spent most of his time thinking about battles, so it was impossible for him to be in the mood to practice calligraphy. Furthermore, he used a brush to write words that were ten times uglier than what he was in his previous life. Fortunately, everyone knew that Gongsun Xu did not have any literary talent. Other than Guo Jia who was half joking and half seriously looking down on him, no one else laughed at his unsightly calligraphy.

After that, he replied to Gongsun Rui. When Gongsun Xu saw Gongsun Rui's letter, he wanted to laugh, there was no other way, the handwriting was just as bad as his, and in the letter, there were even some small and complicated matters, such as the elephant called Da Hui who had grown even stronger, Le Cui Er and Liu Ninger who had secretly went out to the streets to avoid her, and Er Yu who had a weird temper after getting pregnant. Although they were all long-winded, Gongsun Xu still read the letter again, suppressing his laughter.

Liu Ninger's handwriting was very beautiful, and almost every letter was filled with their longing for Gongsun Xu. Two of the letters mentioned Er Yu who was already five months old, and her tone seemed to be sour, regretting that she was not pregnant. When Gongsun Xu saw these letters that Liu Ninger had written earlier, as if he saw that the gentle and gentle woman was right beside him, he couldn't help but feel a little hot in his heart. He immediately took a few deep breaths to suppress his lecherous thoughts, and replied Liu Ninger with a letter that he deeply missed, and even hinted that he must make Liu Ninger 'get what he wanted' after going back.

The last letter Gongsun Xu opened was a letter from Er Yu. Er Yu's calligraphy was as beautiful as Liu Ninger's, making him, a genuine young man of the Han family, feel extremely ashamed. In her letter, she described the situation of Xianbei People and Wu Huan. She also wrote down everything that had happened in Youzhou as well as the valuable details of what had happened in Marquis of Ji's Mansion, as well as the results of the letter. Along the way, she also made a precise evaluation of Yan Rou's recent performance in guarding Youzhou.

Liu Ninger was the first woman that Gongsun Xu had met after his rebirth, and held a very high position in his heart. However, if one were to say who the woman he valued the most was, Er Yu would definitely be ranked number one — This woman possessed both martial arts and literature, her strategies were outstanding, and she was a very good internal helper. Furthermore, she was extremely passionate, and every time she was entangled with someone, making Gongsun Xu unable to stop himself. If it wasn't for the fact that Er Yu's background was inappropriate and that he was already engaged, Gongsun Xu would have definitely married Er Yu as his legal wife.

"In the future, I must make Er Yu's son replace He Lian. This way, more than half of the Xianbei People's hidden danger will be eliminated! Marriage was very useful in this era! Thinking about it this way, offering this beauty Wu Huan, whose status was high enough, as his gift seemed to be pretty good.

As Gongsun Xu thought, he wrote a reply to Er Yu. At the beginning of the letter, he expressed his deep yearning for Er Yu, and reminded Er Yu to be careful not to overwork his body, in order to avoid affecting the fetus in his womb. He then explained everything that had happened recently, expressing his confidence that he would definitely win. At the same time, he emphasized on the matter of the Jizhou Cauldron being unearthed. According to Er Yu's cleverness, he would definitely make use of this matter and raise Gongsun Zanfuzi's prestige in the Youzhou to another level.

After writing the letter, Gongsun Xu looked carefully and did not find anything wrong, so he was prepared to blow dry the ink and seal it. At this moment, he suddenly thought of Mi Zhen being sent back to the Ji County, so he hurriedly mentioned Mi Zhen's identity again. He told Er Yu to take good care of her and not let her leave either.

Gongsun Xu felt that the army of Youzhou would descend and fight with Liu Bei sooner or later. That Mi Zhu was Liu Bei's greatest financial backer, and even though he had killed Mi Fang, that was only because he did not know's identity and Mi Fang had tried to kill him first, so he had no choice but to do this. Gongsun Xu vaguely remembered that when he was watching the three nations' demonstration in his previous life, he had seen the plot where Zhang Fei viewed Mi Zhu with extreme contempt. If it was really like this, Mi Zhu would merely be a merchant who had no standing at all under Liu Bei, and could definitely use Zhang Fei's vile attitude towards the Mei Family to try and rope him in.

Moreover, Gongsun Xu had a trump card in his hands called 'Mi Zhen'. The moment he knew Mi Zhen's identity, he had treated this woman as his own, and would never let her leave. Gongsun Xu knew that it was a bit despicable and shameless to do this, but he had no choice but to do this for the great cause of Zhulu's world. He could only console himself in his heart, at least Mi Zhen following him was a good thing, at least it was better than dying a hundred times miserably in Sakhalo. In fact, Gongsun Xu was only deceiving himself, with Yuan Shao's death imminent, Cao Cao Cao would find it difficult to escape back to the Yanzhou. Even if he did escape, his vitality would be greatly damaged, how could he still have the ability to attack Liu Bei?

After sealing the letter to Er Yu, Gongsun Xu thought for a while and then raised his pen to write a letter to Mi Zhen. In the letter, he did not reveal that he already knew her identity, but only expressed a few words of concern and told Mi Zhen to stay in the Marquis of Ji's Mansion and settle down after he returned.

"Mi Zhen that girl is very beautiful, in the future when we take over the Xuzhou, we will definitely be able to use her, I hope that when we return, we can smoothly settle her!" After writing the letter, Gongsun Xu rubbed his forehead and muttered, he stood up and stretched.

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