After Zhao Yun led the reinforcements out of the camp, Gongsun Xu and Guo Jia climbed onto the arrow tower behind the big gates and looked at the city. At this time, the sky was still densely covered by dark clouds, and other than the faint lights of the lamps, they could barely see anything else. Because they had made all the preparations beforehand, they didn't dare to think that the probability of failure was very low, so the two of them weren't in a hurry. They listened to the noise coming from the direction of the city while chatting.

After a while, Guo Jia suddenly pricked up his ears and listened attentively for a while.

"What is it?" Affected by Guo Jia's words, Gongsun Xu's voice changed as well.

Guo Jia leaned forward and grabbed onto the fence of the tower, his eyes opened wide as he looked ahead, while he muttered: "Zi Long may not have killed his way into the city yet!"

"That's impossible right?" Gongsun Xu said casually, but quickly reacted and asked: "Are you saying that there's a problem with the person inside the city? Bingmei was in the city, so there shouldn't be any problems! Xiao Yi! "

"This little one is here!" Gongsun Yi who was standing below the arrow tower responded and asked loudly: "What orders does Young Noble have?"

"Quickly go to the city gate and investigate, see if General Zi Long has already slaughtered his way into the city!"

"Here!" Gongsun Yi cupped his fists in reply, and just as he walked over to jump on the back of the horse, he suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves approaching fast, he immediately spurred the horse to the door to check what was happening.

Upon seeing the panic filled face of Zhao Yun's janissaries, Gongsun Yi's heart sank, and asked anxiously: "What happened?"

"General Zhao told me to come pass the message that there was a problem with the city. After General Shan Meng entered the city, the city gates closed, and General Zhao requested that General Gongsun send people to quickly bring all the ladders over!"

"What!?" Gongsun Xu clearly heard the words of the man, and immediately became furious, throwing a heavy punch onto a pillar at the side. Zhang He and Shan Meng's group of people were able to enter the city smoothly, but Zhao Yun's army of people were blocked outside the city in time, so it was obvious that Zhang He would be ambushed by the Cao Army! Gongsun Xu was not particularly concerned about Zhang He's safety, since the other party was just a newly reincarnated general, but if he were to entrust his only son to him, then if something were to happen to Shan Meng, how would he be able to see the Single Sutra in the future? Even if he knew that the Solitary Meridian might be in trouble, he still had to go personally to save him. Otherwise, how could he explain himself to the Solitary Meridian?

When Gongsun Xu thought here, he shouted loudly: "Gongsun Yi, hurry to the auxiliary force Camp and tell them to bring all the ladders and run to the city walls. We must arrive after the time it takes to burn an incense stick or else we will be in charge of the military law!"

Gongsun Yi also knew that the military situation was urgent, so he agreed and urged his horse to gallop towards the auxiliary force camp at the back.

"Feng Xiao, I will leave the military camp to you. I have to personally take a look!" Gongsun Xu explained as he walked quickly to the stairs, using his hands and feet to climb down.

Guo Jia quickly recovered from his shock and shouted: "My people, hold on!"

Just as Gongsun Xu reached the corner of the stairs, he heard the shout and stopped. He raised his head and looked at Guo Jia, waiting for an explanation.

Guo Jia also knew that it was extremely urgent, so he asked anxiously: "Cao Mengde knows very well that even if he exterminated an entire vanguard team of ours, they would still be unable to affect the overall situation. Why is he still trying to trick us to send a vanguard team into entering the city?"

"You mean to say?" Gongsun Xu quickly understood what he meant and asked solemnly: "Cao Cao wants to attack from the east and attack the west to break out of the city from another direction?"

"That's right!" Cao Cao's thoughts were crafty and he would not easily believe others. He had definitely seen it from somewhere, and Cao Cao was definitely aware of this matter from the brothers Gao Gang and Sima Yi! When he found out that we were going to take the city from the inside out, he decided to drag us to the west side of the city and lead the army to break out from the other side! "

Gongsun Xu calmed himself down upon hearing this, Cao Cao Cao was definitely not a person who would surrender, he would definitely think of a way to return to Yanzhou, what Guo Jia said was the most likely possibility! However, even if he knew Cao Cao Cao's true intentions, Gongsun Xu still decided to personally go and rescue Shan Meng. In his heart, Shan Meng was not only used to maintain their relationship with the old generals of the Single Classic and the other Youzhou, but was also his life and death brother.

After Gongsun Xu made her decision, she solemnly said, "Feng Xiao, I still need to personally go save Shan Meng!"

Guo Jia coldly snorted, and said with a muffled voice: "If Shan Meng is able to hold on until reinforcements enter the city, what difference does it matter if you go or not? Couldn't Zi Long save Shan Meng? What's the point if Shan Meng can't hold on and you get there? "

"There's no need to persuade me otherwise!" Gongsun Xu waved his hand, and continued to climb, and said: "Feng Xiao, I will have Zi Long bring the cavalry back to chase after Cao Army, I will leave the camp to you!"

Guo Jia said with a heavy tone: "If you let Cao Cao run away, I will see if you will regret it in the future!"

Gongsun Xu was already on the ground. He laughed out loud and heroically waved his hand: "If he's gone, then he's gone. I'll catch him alive sooner or later! Shan Meng trusts me so much, I cannot let down his trust! "

Guo Jia scoffed once again, as though he was disdainful of saying anything more on this matter, but in reality, it was not so. Although he was a little regretful that Gongsun Xu could not "put the overall situation first", for a Shan Meng, he had given Cao Cao Cao Cao a more chance to escape, but he was not angry in his heart, because after all, no one was willing to follow a person who only had benefits in their eyes. Guo Jia watched as Gongsun Xu spurred his horse and galloped out of the main entrance of the camp, disappearing into the distant night sky.

Gongsun Xu galloped his horse madly, and in a short period of time, he was outside the city gates. He raised his head to look at the top of the city wall and discovered that there was not a single person in sight. He could not help but be somewhat astonished and bewildered in his heart.

Zhao Yun had been waiting anxiously for a long time, when he heard the sound of horse hooves, he quickly ran over and cupped his fists in greeting.

"What's the situation?" Gongsun Xu asked anxiously.

Zhao Yun said in a low voice. "When I first arrived, the sounds of fighting in the city were not very obvious. Just now, the sound suddenly increased by several times.

Gongsun Xu once again raised his head to look at the top of the city wall, but he still did not see anyone up there. He knew that it was useless to be anxious at this point in time, so he could only suppress his anxious mood and patiently wait for the auxiliary force to transport the ladder over.

Zhao Yun advised softly, "Master, don't worry too much. The sounds of fighting within the city is still going on, Zhang He and Shan Meng will definitely be safe and sound!"

"I hope so!" Gongsun Xu sighed and muttered: "I wonder how that brat Shan Meng is doing."

While Gongsun Xu was muttering to himself, Shan Meng was taking two steps back with the reins lightly, so that Gao Tie could rush to the front of him.

Gao Tie's horse was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Shan Meng.

Shan Meng was severely injured, his mind was already extremely tired, but after hearing the loud shout, his ears immediately buzzed, and he almost fell off his horse in a flash. He bit his lips hard, and an intense pain immediately woke him up. Just as he managed to stabilize his body with great difficulty, from the corner of his eyes, he saw a cold light piercing his ribs!

Shan Meng didn't have time to clearly see who it was that attacked him, and subconsciously dodged to the side.

"Chi!" A pike quickly pierced through Shan Meng's ribs, the attacker immediately pulled back their pike, only to see Shan Meng bleeding profusely from his ribs, with a groan, he fell off the horse, whether he was dead or alive.

"Single General!" Zhang He busily glanced over, and immediately exclaimed out loud. His movements were a little slow, and he was immediately forced to retreat by Dian Wei.

"Good boy!" He nearly fooled me! "Haha" Xiahou Dun laughed and gave him a big thumbs up, the person he was pointing to was Gao Tie who was riding his horse right in front of him.

Gao Tie's spear was drenched in blood, just now, it was him who had passed by Shan Meng as he roared and thrusted out his vicious spear! When he heard Xiahou Dun's praise, he looked at Dian Wei who was currently fighting with Zhang He and cupped his fists and said, "General Xiahou is too kind, my brother is about to lead the army and attack, I don't have much time left. I hope that General Xiahou and General Dian Wei can join hands to kill that enemy general!"

Xiahou Dun was extremely displeased to hear this. He prided himself as a hero, how could he possibly win by joining hands with others? Furthermore, Dian Wei had the upper hand right now, Zhang He seemed to be unable to hold on for much longer, not to mention that Dian Wei's temperament was similar to his. If they were to help him now, not only would they not be able to obtain gratitude, they would even arouse Dian Wei's dissatisfaction and even enmity.

"I am a great general, how can I have so many people?" Don't bring this up again! Kill! " Xiahou Dun rejected Gao Tie's suggestion, raising his blade, he rushed towards the surrounding White Horse Camp soldiers.

'Not enough for a man! ' Gao Tie cursed in his heart, but he didn't dare argue with Xiahou Dun, and could only shoot at the surrounding enemies.

"Young General!" At this time, Shan Meng's family members and guards finally regained their senses, they all rushed forward and protected Shan Meng and started to bandage his wounds.

The current Shan Meng was covered in blood, his face was pale white, his breathing was erratic, as though he could die at any moment. All the generals and personal guards were terrified. If Shan Meng died, they would die with him, and their families would be implicated as well.

"Take the young general and charge towards the city gate!" One of the family leaders shouted out, and everyone immediately agreed, they quickly tore down the nearest door, and rushed towards the city gate with Shan Meng in their hands.

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