When Mo Bingmei had attempted to assassinate Cao Ang earlier, Gao Tie had clearly seen it from here. That sword attack was extremely strange and fast, if he was in Cao Ang's place, there would be no difference in the outcome. When he thought that he had deceived such a powerful person and that the other party was obviously coming for him, Gao Tie could not muster up the slightest bit of courage to resist. He quickly turned his horse and fled in the direction of the city gate, in an attempt to meet with Gao Gang before Mo Bingmei could catch up with him.

Only, Gao Tie did not expect Mo Bingmei to arrive so quickly. When he heard the sound of wind coming from behind him, he turned around in a panic, only to find that the longsword that was brimming with killing intent was already not even half a foot away from his back. At such a close distance, there was simply no time to dodge at all. Gao Tie's reaction was also very fast, he suddenly pushed his legs against the horse's abdomen, causing the horse to let out a long hiss of pain.

Just as Gao Tie was secretly rejoicing at the fact that he had dodged the killing sword, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. Without waiting for him to understand what had happened, his vision went dark and he fell off his horse.

Mo Bingmei waved her wrist, and a thin silver thread flew back with the sword blade. It turned out that the hilt of her sword had a small mechanism, when necessary, the sword blade could fly out to kill. The Mo Sect was an expert in the art of mechanisms, installing a small mechanism on the sword hilt was as easy as flipping his hand. Mo Bingmei had many similar things on him, the thread he used to climb the city wall with Gongsun Xu was one of them.

After Mo Bingmei retracted his sword, his eyes suddenly focused, and his body bent to the side in a flash.

"Whiz!" A sharp spear whizzed over, coincidentally flying past where Mo Bingmei was standing just a moment ago. If she did not dodge in time, she would have been pierced by this spear.

"He … Mother. YES! This bastard actually dodged it again! " Dian Wei stomped his feet hard and cursed loudly. So he had used Mo Bingmei's attack to kill Gao Tie to throw out that spear attack.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a miserable cry came from ahead of Mo Bingmei as he fell down from his horse and passed out. A long spear came out from his left side, revealing a two foot long spear shaft. This person was dressed in a black scholarly robe and wore a black turban. His appearance was extremely handsome and he was none other than Sima Yi!

It turned out that when Sima Yi saw Shan Meng dismount from his horse, he had turned his horse around and wanted to retreat. However, the surroundings were in a state of chaos and he was unable to rush out in a short period of time. Just as his heart was burning with anxiety, Mo Bingmei suddenly appeared out of nowhere and killed Cao Ang and Gao Tie. He recognized Mo Bingmei with a single glance, and did not dare to let the other party escape in front of everyone, so he secretly spurred his horse to the roof and prepared to dismount to escape from this place.

Being attacked time and time again, even the cold Mo Bingmei was angered. She ran back and forth in the crowd and quickly rushed towards Dian Wei.

Just as Dian Wei was about to find a weapon to attack Mo Bingmei again, he suddenly heard a loud roar, and a ray of blade light slashed down. He was so shocked that he quickly dodged. When he saw that it was Zhang He attacking him, he couldn't help but let out a loud roar. If he had the twin halberds, Dian Wei was confident that he could kill Zhang He within three moves. But now that he had nothing in hand, facing Zhang He's attack, he could only curse and quickly dodge.

Originally, Mo Bingmei's assassination had attracted Dian Wei's attention, causing him to be able to catch his breath, and now that Dian Wei's weapon was not in his hand, he took the opportunity to launch a sudden attack, killing Dian Wei to the point where he had no way to retaliate.

"Zi Xiu! Zi Xiu! " On the other side of the street, Xiahou Dun was already in front of Cao Ang.

Cao Ang's body became ice-cold, and there was not a trace of life on his nose, obviously he died when he was struck by the sword. Xiahou Dun ignored them, shaking Cao Ang and shouting.

The person beside him trembled with fear as he whispered, "General Xiahou, the eldest young master is dead!"

"Bullshit!" Xiahou Dun suddenly stood up, and ruthlessly kicked the person who spoke out, and roared: "Zi Xiu did not die! Not dead! Whoever dares to speak nonsense again, I will definitely chop off his head! " At the end, his voice got lower and lower, and tears began to fall from the corners of his eyes.

Since a young age, Cao Ang had always liked to play with the rough Xiahou Dun and the gentle Cao Chun. At that time, Xiahou Dun was not yet married and was extremely fond of the clever Cao Ang, and treated him as if he was his own son. Many years later, Xiahou Dun's wife gave birth to his two sons, Xia Hou Rong and Xia Hou Mao. However, Cao Ang still occupied an important position in his heart, and right now Cao Ang had suddenly been assassinated right in front of his very eyes.

"Ah!" Xiahou Dun roared angrily at the sky, upon closer inspection, he noticed Mo Bingmei's figure in the crowd, and immediately rushed forward carrying his ring head knife.

"What should we do now?" One of Cao Ang's personal guards looked at the corpse on the ground with a pale face and muttered to himself.

"We won't be able to live anyway. We might as well kill a few more people to avenge our young master!"

"That's right!" If we die on the battlefield, our lord might not even be angry at our families! "Let's do it!"

"Cao San, bring two men to deliver the young master's corpse to our lord, the rest follow me!"

Cao Ang's personal guards quickly made their decision, and followed Xiahou Dun to kill.

Xiahou Dun had only rushed out seven or eight steps when he suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves in front him. When he lifted his head to look, he discovered that it was Gao Gang and his subordinate county soldier.

"Brother!" Gao Gang walked over, and upon seeing Gao Tie's corpse, he let out a sorrowful cry, and dismounted from his horse, rushed over. When he realized that Gao Tie was already dead, he waved his hand hard, and roared: "Charge over and take revenge for Gao Tie!"

The county soldier behind Gao Gang all roared as they swarmed forward like a swarm of bees.

Zhang He's group was surrounded by Xiahou Dun and his men. Behind them was the vanguard group led by Shan Meng, who wanted to rush over to reunite with them, and the group behind them was where Gao Gang was located.

The vanguard team that was following Shan Meng saw that there was an enemy army behind them, and quickly sent a part of their troops to stop them. Three groups of people and horses were fighting in the narrow streets. Blood was flowing on the ground, and broken limbs and limbs were flying everywhere.

Mo Bingmei moved swiftly through the crowd, and quickly arrived near the battle between Zhang He and his group. Zhang He had long since lost all of his strength, and only relied on his courage to attack. Seeing Mo Bingmei suddenly rush towards him, his mind relaxed, and the blade in his hand immediately slowed down.

Dian Wei seized the opportunity to escape. While doing so, he picked up a spear on the ground, and thrusted it towards Zhang He's chest, aiming for his vitals.

Zhang He blocked with his blade horizontally, and with a clang, the long blade in his hand was sent flying by Dian Wei's spear. With a whooshing sound, it flew towards the rooftop.

Dian Wei's wrist trembled, and he thrusted his spear at Zhang He again! Zhang He was currently unarmed and his legs were exhausted. He could only watch helplessly as a streak of cold light shot towards his chest.

Just at this moment of crisis, Mo Bingmei had rushed over in time. Her sword pierced Dian Wei's back anxiously and she shouted out loud: "Watch my sword!"

Dian Wei instantly thought that the person who came was the assassin who assassinated Cao Ang, so he did not hesitate at all and quickly retrieved his spear to dodge.

Mo Bingmei had gained the upper hand in one move, she was instantly unrelenting and quickly attacked Dian Wei with her sword which was as fast as a sword, her techniques were extremely strange, as though every strike attacked the opponent's vitals from an unexpected direction. The weapon Dian Wei used was extremely unsuitable for him, and was also the first time that he had seen Mo Bingmei use such a sinister and ruthless sword move.

Seeing that, Zhang He could not help but take in a breath of cold air. Just now, when Mo Bingmei tried to kill Cao Ang, he could have been said to have caught him off guard, and now, facing the enemy's bravery, Dian Wei actually had the upper hand! The wife of General Gongsun Xu was so powerful, what kind of person was she exactly? Zhang He did not know that Mo Bingmei was such a big deal in Mo Sect, otherwise he would not be so shocked.

After Mo Bingmei consecutively thrusted seven or eight times, he suddenly swayed, luring Dian Wei to brandish his spear to block, and then thrusted at Dian Wei's right wrist.

Dian Wei screamed, the spear in his hand uncontrollably fell to the ground, and when he saw Mo Bingmei's sword stabbing straight at his chest, he actually raised his arm to block in this moment of desperation.

Puff! The sword in Mo Bingmei's hand was a divine weapon that could cut through metal like mud. The sword easily pierced through Dian Wei's wrist armor, and then, it pierced a bloody hole on his arm.

Mo Bingmei quickly pulled out his sword, stepped on the ground with his right foot and retreated.

Blood suddenly spurted out from Dian Wei's arm, he opened his mouth and roared, and with a kick, he kicked Mo Bingmei! If this kick was effective, Mo Bingmei would 80% of the time. Nine will die on the spot.

Mo Bingmei was extremely fast and nimble, how could he be kicked by Dian Wei? The tip of his foot touched the ground, as he lightly retreated two steps, and easily dodged Dian Wei's flying kick that was determined to win. Suddenly, she took out a piece of software from her waist, and both swords struck out towards Dian Wei at the same time. The technique was extremely strange and quick, in the blink of an eye, Dian Wei had been stabbed four or five times, anxious, angry and helpless.

Suddenly, Xiahou Dun's voice came from behind Dian Wei, "General Dian, do not panic, I have come to help you!"

Dian Wei almost dropped his tears when he heard Xiahou Dun's voice. In these many years of fighting, he had encountered countless enemies everywhere, but he had never seen an enemy like Mo Bingmei. The opponent was sticking close to him like maggots in bones, attacking him at full speed. Dian Wei was very clear in his heart that if Xiahou Dun did not come, he would only be able to hold on for seven or eight more moves at most.

Xiahou Dun pounced forward and slashed his blade towards Mo Bingmei.

Dian Wei took this opportunity to retreat, and at the same time shouted out, "General Xiahou, be careful. This person's sword technique is extremely strange, you can't let him get close!"

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