In the afternoon, the eastern gate of Henei County opened and Guo Jia, Zhao Yun, Mo Bingmei, Zhang Chunhua, Gao Lan and more than a dozen people gathered around Gongsun Xu as they walked out of the city gate.

Gongsun Xu was worried about the main battlefield of the Qinghe County, so before the Henei County could calm down, he rushed to lead the army back to the Qinghe County City. After discussing with Guo Jia for a while, Gongsun Xu decided to have Guo Jia and Zhao Yun to temporarily guard the Henei County. Sima Fang and the others were to assist from the side, at the same time leaving thirty thousand troops and horses for Zhao Yun to clean up the forces of Yuan Shao in the other parts of the Henei County.

Everyone cupped their hands and smiled, "I wish the general a pleasant journey!"

Gongsun Xu's gaze stopped on Mo Bingmei's face for a moment before he lightly pulled on the reins and rushed forward.

Gao Lan cupped his fist and quickly followed along.

The twenty thousand strong army raised their flags and followed Gongsun Xu east along the official road.

Zhang Chunhua looked at Gongsun Xu's back and asked softly: "Will Grand Master come back?"

Mo Bingmei said indifferently, "He shouldn't be coming here anymore for a short period of time."

"Oh," Zhang Chunhua replied in a muffled voice. Even though they had only stayed together for half a day, Gongsun Xu had always been very gentle to this little girl.

Seeing that Gongsun Xu had already walked several tens of steps away, Zhang Chunhua suddenly broke free from his grasp and ran a few steps forward as he shouted, "Grand Master, come back early and visit me with my father!"

Gongsun Xu turned his head when he heard the call, and waved towards the little girl with all his might, but he was feeling helpless in his heart. Zhang Wang was already dead, and he had deceived the little girl out of kindness.

"Alright, let's go back!" Mo Bingmei walked forward and pulled Zhang Chunhua into the city.

After Gongsun Xu led his army far away, Guo Jia retracted his gaze, and said to everyone solemnly: "Let's go back, there are still a lot of things!"

Counting up the money and food, pacifying the citizens, clearing out the remnants of Yuan Shao's army, burying the corpses, building the damaged city wall, Guo Jia and the rest were all in a mess. There were a lot of things waiting for them to do.

Although Gongsun Xu had appointed Sima Fang as the Henei County, everyone knew in their hearts that the one in charge was Guo Jia, so after hearing his words, everyone nodded in agreement. Even Sima Fang did not express any dissatisfaction, but they did not know what he was thinking in his heart. The group of people escorted Guo Jia back to the city, and then the city gates were locked. Before the situation stabilized, the city would be under martial law, preventing anyone from entering and leaving.

On top of the city gate, Mo Bingmei pulled Zhang Chunhua's small hand, and watched Gongsun Xu's great army disappear from his line of sight before turning around to leave.

Gongsun Xu was not really familiar with Gao Lan, he had only briefly understood Gao Lan's situation from the history books and movies of the later generations. Since he had decided to use this person, he had planned to take this opportunity to get to know the other four generals of Hebei who were as famous as Yan Liangwenchou and Zhang He. Gao Lan's mood seemed to be a little low, and only when Gongsun Xu asked a few questions did he speak concisely and not take the initiative to say a single word to Gongsun Xu.

"General Gao, is there anything on your mind? "Why don't you tell me about it? If I can help, I'll definitely help!" Gongsun Xu noticed that Gao Lan was in a bad mood and asked while smiling.

"Thank you, General!" Gao Lan cupped his fists in thanks, and said with his head lowered: "This general truly does not wish to exchange blows with Yuan Shijun! "General, please grant us your wish!"

"There are so many loyal people in Hebei, it's a pity that Yuan Shao cannot be used!" Gongsun Xu praised, and said in a deep voice: "Yuan Shao is ungrateful to him, but this general still cares about his past friendship. This general is extremely impressed, and naturally will not force General Mu and Yuan Shao to exchange blows!"

"Thank you for your magnanimity, General!" Gao Lan thanked him again, his eyes filled with gratitude. After thinking for a while, he added, "As long as it is not a fight with Yuan Shao, and if it was any other person, even if they were extremely angry, they would still complete the general's mission! This lowly general has a request, I wonder if I should say it? "

Gongsun Xu waved his hand: "General Gao doesn't need to be so restrained, just say whatever you want to say!"

Gao Lan cupped his fists, and said with a serious expression: "I have just thrown myself under your command, and have not even done anything, and am already appointed by the general as Academy Officer, I am truly ashamed! General, please give this lowly general a job to prove my ability! "

Gao Lan was the general, yet was appointed as the Academy Officer by Gongsun Xu. Furthermore, he was leading the most elite White Horse Camp Cavalry under Gongsun Xu. Although Gao Lan was silent, he was still a proud and arrogant person. He did not pursue the topic of who said those unpleasant words, and decided to use his actions to prove his own strength.

"About this …" Gongsun Xu thought for a moment, then nodded: "This general promises you! Right now, I will give you two choices. One is to lead a group of soldiers to Bo Ling, as for what Xu You will tell you, the other is to bring a group of cavalry to Yanzhou, so as to create as much trouble as possible for Cao Cao Cao! "

A few days ago, Xu You had followed the great army to the Henei County. After that, because he had nothing to do, he took the initiative to request to return to Bo Ling. Xu You was an expert at camping, and when he found out that he didn't have any opportunities to reap the benefits from staying in Henei County, he decided to stay in Bo Mausoleum once again. He was very clear that Zhang Yan and Gongsun Xu had already made complete preparations. Xu You felt that he would be able to accomplish great things with just a few ideas, why would he waste his time on the Henei County?

With regards to Xu You's request, Gongsun Xu agreed without hesitation. He didn't dare let Xu You take up an important position right now because's character and reputation was really not very good. Xu You taking the initiative to return to Bo Ling was of no risk to Gongsun Xu, so there was no reason for him to reject him.

"Boiling …" Gao Lan repeated the name of the place and suddenly asked in surprise, "General, could there be a problem within the Army of Heishan?"

Gongsun Xu was startled, and asked: "Could it be that Yuan Shao said something to the general before?"

"No!" Gao Lan shook his head, and said sullenly: "Ever since this one joined under Yuan Shao, this one has never received the slightest bit of trust from him. For major matters like the Army of Heishan, he would never reveal anything about it! This lowly general only feels that there is no war at Bo Ling's side, and that there is also Great General Zhang Yan's foundation. If there is anything that needs to be done, it can only be the internal problems of Army of Heishan! "

Gongsun Xu praised, "General Gao is sharp indeed! "Well, are you willing to go?"

Gao Lan said solemnly: "This general is more willing to lead the troops to the Yanzhou to stir things up!"

Gongsun Xu's eyes flashed with joy, but he advised: "Although Cao Cao Cao has been defeated, Yanzhou is his lair for a long time. If we go, General Gao will definitely be in great danger! "General, think twice about it. This general will not force you to do anything!"

Gao Lan replied without hesitation: "This general has already thought it through! Even if the Yanzhou is a tiger cave filled with dragons, this lowly general still needs to give it a try.

Gongsun Xu laughed: "Since General is so generous, this general will not stop you! However, we still have to discuss what we should do! "

Gao Lan cupped his fists and said: "General, please enlighten me!"

That is to attack the place where Cao Cao Cao's defense is weak, and after one attack, he will have to flee quickly. Cao Cao has not many cavalry, so it is impossible for him to chase down, as long as General can order the Cao Army to retreat, it would be a great merit to not be able to save Yuan Shao! Other than that, the general still needs to be aware of the movements of Lv Bu and Liu Bei, if he finds any major information, immediately send someone to report it! "

"This lowly general knows what to do, rest assured General, this lowly general will definitely turn Yanzhou upside down!"

"Alright!" Gongsun Xu clapped his hands and laughed: "It's good that General is confident! This general will give you three thousand elite cavalry s, do you have any other requests? "

Gao Lan thought for a while, and said softly: "This is the first time this is the first time I am leading an elite White Horse Camp Cavalry.

"Oh?" Gongsun Xu was surprised by the request, and then laughed: "General is truly a smart person! It is a pity, if Yuan Shao had reused General and General Zhang He earlier, I am afraid the situation on the battlefield would have changed! "

"General, you praise me too much. This lowly general does not dare to accept your punishment!" Gao Lan quickly said humbly, but in his heart, he felt very comfortable.

"This general speaks from the bottom of his heart. The general is indeed a great general!" Gongsun Xu continued: "There is no doubt about it, if we do not use people, I will not send any supervisors! But you're right, I know very well that it is very difficult for a new general to control them! How about this, this general will assign you an assistant, but will absolutely not interfere with the general's battle. His role is to suppress those arrogant and untamed generals! Gongsun Yi! "

"He's here!" Gongsun Yi quickly spurred his horse over, and cupped his fists: "What orders do you have, General?"

"This general wants you to be General Gao Lan's assistant, bringing a team to the Yanzhou to create some trouble for Cao Cao Cao. Are you willing to go? "

Gongsun Yi agreed without hesitation: "This little one is willing to go!"

"Good!" Xiao Yi, personally go pick out three thousand elite cavalry s and after you return to Qinghe County to rest for a day, follow General Gao Lan to Yanzhou! "

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